Hydro question please help


Well-Known Member
alright so i just bought an emily's garden hydroponics kit and I was just wondering if anybody has ever used this kind b 4. How does it work I thought if the roots sat in water they would die but with this hydro kit you just fill it up to the line and plug in the pump with bubble stones but if the roots sit in the water wont they die or what will it work?


Well-Known Member
As long as you have bubbles in the water, then there will be enough O2 in the water to keep the plant alive and healthy.

I highly suggest you start reading up on the GrowFAQ regarding hydroponics. There you will find an abundance of information pertaining to how to Hydro.


Well-Known Member
How does it work I thought if the roots sat in water they would die but with this hydro kit you just fill it up to the line and plug in the pump with bubble stones but if the roots sit in the water wont they die or what will it work?
it's deep water culture, oxygen in the water maintains the roots while the splashing effect of the bubbles is similar to aero. dwc is a high performance hydroponic style. best results when vegging for 8+ weeks and in 5g buckets. topping is usually beneficial in dwc.