Hydro vs. Soil/Soiless Mix.... ?


I have been researching with all my spare time as I am starting my own grow in a few days. I have watched Jorge Cervantes' DVD's and read through a good bit of Ask Ed, MJ New School Indoor Cultivation, both CC and HT Magazines, and of course this and Cannabis Culture's great forums. It's been said that you should not start out with a Hydro systems as a beginner as there are too many variables to proper conditions or because it's a bit more complicated. Whatever the case it is clear that it is a better medium for a high yielding crop. I am a full time technical professional and though I don't consider myself a genius, but I am responsible for quite a few production servers that run large organizations. Has anyone here started out Hydro, and has anyone here done both to realize the benefits of either medim. I have a start up budget of about $700 at a minimum but may be able to invest another $200 to $300. I would like an idea of how much I can do with that in mind right off the bat. I realize Hydro can be a bit more money to start off but I suppose it all depends on where you decide to invest most of my budget. I know some will say lights, others will say fertilizer or ventilation. Space isn't an issue, and I have a choice or addic or basement though I am not sure how big the addic. Bottom line is I can build a ebb and flow hydro system just as cheap as I could start with soil/soiless, but what is the best choice given my scenerio. I obviously one to make the most of my investment.
Most people think soil is easier and it is in a way but I despise soil it's too messy and bugs love it plus labor intensive.You can build a cheap ebb and flow system with less than $100.The only thing you need that cost real money is lighting,ventilation.Definitely go with the basement,it's a lot easier to control temps down there.
Well here is a list of items to make a cheap ebb and flow

Multi purpose tray (black) $14 at Home Depot
20 gallon tote $10-$15 at Home Depot
Ebb and flow Kit $10 online
396 gph pump $25 online
Black vinyl Tubing 50 cents a foot Home Depot

I veg under fluorescent lighting,I buy the fixtures at Wal-Mart they are like $10 and I use 1 cool white 6500k and 1 warm white 3000k or 2700k on each fixture.Lights are like $8 for 2.
Great info guys and as for the number of plants I plan to grow it really just depends on rotation. I would like to have a constant harvest maybe with about two weeks between. I don't know if more plants help achieve that or not, but I have a good bit of space. As for space I have a small room for a mother/s, and enough basement space for 4 4x4 trays with 16 plants each. So I am talking theoretically 64. If I don't need that many to get the yield I want then obviously I won't grow so many. I am just thinking space and numbers here guys, again, this is my first grow.
I want to thank you guys for your quick responses and great advice.
if you want a two week harvest you will need multiple trays, 4 total min. Each tray needs its on little set up but its not hard. I use 3 4'4' trays 3k watts and am on a 4 week harvest. Since i have some nice crosslighting in the bloom room i've started flowering two mothers in soil between trays. You will get amazing harvests provided you have ample light\water\air... also i started hydro. Actually a very similar background as well. Being kinda an info junkie I decided it'd be worth the time, and my first round did amazing. It is however easy to mess up. Your plants give feedback quickly so if you like nute the water and ph adjust and go away for two days your plants will be stressed to shit from ph flux. Just be attentive and read a lot and its very doable. I wouldn't recommend it to someone who is lazy.

also, wtf are bagseed? Like seeds you randomly get in bags?
also if you run air lines up and down your trays and have them turn on during your flood it will help keep your tray clean and its the leet dankness. O2 driven nute delivery in an eb table! Keeping res and table clean very important. Nuke clean them every chance you get. Its annoying but necessary. Flower trays get it once every 8 weeks and veg about every 3-4weeks. I use microorganisms in the veg tray and they can gunk your shit up. U need about 40 gallon res for 4'4'. The people at the grow shop said less is ok, but i'd get a 500 gph pump to circulate in your res aside from the flood pump. You want it to be a wavepool in there, will also help keep your op clean. Avoid using any bleach. To clean use dish soap and h2o2 35%.