Hydrogen Peroxide in Organic Growing?


Ursus marijanus
That's not a link to any scientific literature. If you're talking about a microbiologist, how do I access her peer-reviewed work? cn


Well-Known Member
Teaming With Microbes isn't scientific literature? Anyway, I'm pretty sure you're aware that if you use google, you can probably find information on her work :-P. She's one of the most well-known microbiologists.


Ursus marijanus
Teaming With Microbes isn't scientific literature? Anyway, I'm pretty sure you're aware that if you use google, you can probably find information on her work :-P. She's one of the most well-known microbiologists.
I would have liked some help in sorting past the summaries, blogs and whatnot. Monographs generally are exempt from peer review. cn


Well-Known Member
Try google :). No offense but I'm high and lazy, you could probably find that info easily enough.


Well-Known Member
im 70% sure this thread is just a spam thread anyway so if there are no objections im going to close it


Well-Known Member
Not spam. just wanted to start a discussion for other uses for h2o2 in the organic garden. :-/


Well-Known Member
I likeed it, a lot, as I just had one plant that I "over watered" (pythium)

got droopy in a day after I gave it water, and after two it looked really bad, all top grow was hanging down, and pot was damp (no water used) and it was a big healthy 6 weeks old plant


a few hrs after I gave it water, so still looking ok (sorry no real "droopy" pics, had my hands full, but all top grow was hanging down, almost touching its own steam next day)

so I got the 3% at my local drug store (after a few hrs of research on the net, to find this great product for over watering ;)

I used about 30 ml in a gallon of water (was hard to find any good info, every post said sumthing different )

I watered until I got a good amount of run off (10%) to "flush" any old/staled water out

day after it look so much better, like 90% recovery, two days after and it looked even more healthy then ever, with most top grow pointing upwards and leaves in a slight upward curling Position :)

best 10$ I ever used on a "sick" plant, wont over do it as its in soil with some organic materiel, actually a lot, but it saved my plant and got in back on track, and I still have most left in the bottle if I ever should be dump enough to do sumthing similar, tho I also got myself a moist meter for soil (another 10$)


and it can even read PH as well :)

guess I also need some more perlite and/or maybe some coco in my mix for next time or maybe go back to biobizz soil as my base ?


atleast I now have a healthy looking plant


to day (few days later) it still seem good, attest I don't have a dead one, lets see how it goes I wonder if it would have killd all my micro`s ? but the article give me hope :)

but even then, I atleast have a bottle of flora duo micro and bloom from a past coco grow ;)


Well-Known Member
Since peroxide is used to kill bacteria and what not in cuts. Id say no to using it in organics, unless you don't care about killing beneficial microbes and keeping your soil alive


Well-Known Member
I would MAYBE consider this as a foliage spray to rid of mildew outdoors. Im always looking for a more natural way to rid of PM. Unsuccessful so far at completely controlling. This season, fungal dominate compost tea and Hydro peroxide will be test on two different plants


Well-Known Member
On a second note.. if your trying to treat pm ect. Again peroxide not the way to go esp if your plants are flowering, close to harvest, unless you really don't mind ingesting it.. if you have a healthy soil system it can make your plants healthier, preventing pm and other issues. There are better ways to treat as well if you have too. As far as aphids other harmful bugs go, get ladybugs , mantis, or other beneficial bugs that eat pests. Again healthy soil food web keeps those bad pests down because beneficial microbes and bugs prey on them.

If you really wanna learn more you should read teaming with microbes. And yes it is a scholarly source.
I used a mild solution of it to wipe out the fungus gnats that were colonizing in my babies. Immediate improvement. I did it twice more that week, and then re-established the food web exactly one week after the beginning of treatment with a wonking strong tea that I had been brewing the whole week in anticipation. No problems since.

Well, not from fungus gnats, at least.


Well-Known Member
I used a mild solution of it to wipe out the fungus gnats that were colonizing in my babies. Immediate improvement. I did it twice more that week, and then re-established the food web exactly one week after the beginning of treatment with a wonking strong tea that I had been brewing the whole week in anticipation. No problems since.

Well, not from fungus gnats, at least.
Exactly! just because it somewhat sterilizes your soil, doesn't mean you cannot reintroduce the microbes back into it!

And for the PM, I hear a weak Lemon water or milk water solution works great.