Hydrogen Peroxide vs. Beneficial Bacteria in a WaterFarm Autoflower Grow

I haven't tried it but from what I understand Charlotte's Web is like 19% CBD and 0.5% THC and I think that's a little too extreme for me so I'll stick with the 1:1 ratios for now.
After reading you and Fragile's last few posts, I think I have also developed drain envy but I don't think that CBD will rid me of that ..lol

What's actually helped me more than any drug is meditation and, truth be told, a large part of me wants to partake in order to aid in my meditation as I've kind of plateaued spiritually. I actually look at my 'disability' as an actual ability because I'm able to perceive what others may never have the ability to see. But, this ability is both a blessing and a curse. The best way to describe it is I feel very much like the guy that's been set free in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Kind of stuck between worlds.
The actual gardening aspect of growing is my meditation. I have an alexa mounted on the ceiling in the middle of the room and listen to music while I trim and train. As of yesterday, I have clones, seedlings, a mother box with 2 mothers, 6 plants in the veg system and 6 plants in the flower system. It takes up more time than i thought it would, but I'm totally ok with that as I really enjoy my time down there. I just feel good when I'm working in my grow room.
The actual gardening aspect of growing is my meditation. I have an alexa mounted on the ceiling in the middle of the room and listen to music while I trim and train. As of yesterday, I have clones, seedlings, a mother box with 2 mothers, 6 plants in the veg system and 6 plants in the flower system. It takes up more time than i thought it would, but I'm totally ok with that as I really enjoy my time down there. I just feel good when I'm working in my grow room.
That's awesome! Whatever brings you peace. :peace:
After reading you and Fragile's last few posts, I think I have also developed drain envy but I don't think that CBD will rid me of that ..lol

What's actually helped me more than any drug is meditation and, truth be told, a large part of me wants to partake in order to aid in my meditation as I've kind of plateaued spiritually. I actually look at my 'disability' as an actual ability because I'm able to perceive what others may never have the ability to see. But, this ability is both a blessing and a curse. The best way to describe it is I feel very much like the guy that's been set free in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Kind of stuck between worlds.
as an outsider looking in, i'd suggest going camping all by yourself on a full moon with some 'shrooms. you will unlock potential in your brain that you never knew existed. it's an existential experience to say the least.
as an outsider looking in, i'd suggest going camping all by yourself on a full moon with some 'shrooms. you will unlock potential in your brain that you never knew existed. it's an existential experience to say the least.
Having tripped on shrooms and acid over 300 times prior to the age of 18 (well over 30 years ago) ..I know that there's potential that exists. I just think I'm getting to be a bit old for that not to mention that I'm already dealing with a full time existential crisis (for lack of a better term) ..I haven't smoked weed much in the past ten years and I had the good fortune of partaking in a friend's dispensary-distributed White Widow about 6 months ago. Maybe I'd just become a lightweight or I'd smoked too much Mexican brick weed in my past but it was unlike any weed that I'd smoked before. In the past, the day after tripping was always a day of reflection and contemplation and that's exactly how it was the day after smoking three WW spliffs. The thing is, it was just a bit too intense for me to feel safe behind the wheel. Having said that, I'm not sure if the 1:1 ratio can be considered the perfect prescription for me but I have no problem with conducting my own experiments. :-)
Maybe I'd just become a lightweight or I'd smoked too much Mexican brick weed in my past but it was unlike any weed that I'd smoked before. In the past

It's always like that after a layoff. Your tolerance is zip...but once you have a regular supply...you'll get your tolerance level back. lol

And I'm like you...tripped lots early on. I'm keen to try shroom micro-dosing. Look it up...
It's always like that after a layoff. Your tolerance is zip...but once you have a regular supply...you'll get your tolerance level back. lol

And I'm like you...tripped lots early on. I'm keen to try shroom micro-dosing. Look it up...
In that case, I should start looking into a nice non-CBD WW auto.

I was micro dosing on shrooms over the course of a few months back in 2006 and it landed me in a psychiatric ward. As Clint Eastwood said in 'Magnum Force'.. "A man's got to know his limitations".
In that case, I should start looking into a nice non-CBD WW auto.

I was micro dosing on shrooms over the course of a few months back in 2006 and it landed me in a psychiatric ward. As Clint Eastwood said in 'Magnum Force'.. "A man's got to know his limitations".
Cancel my advice then. lol. Don't need you going One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest on us again.
Fortunately, I was able to gain about 8 additional inches by doing away with the ratchet hanger and cables that came with the light.

I'll be starting Fast Buds' CBD Crack in a week or so. If all goes well, that should tide me over until fall when the temps go back to being cool enough to run this system again without heat issues. At that point, I'll give the CBD White Widow Haze a shot. I think that the breeder (Healing Path) is out of business. Oregon Elite Seeds used to carry a bunch of their gear and now everything that they have of theirs is marked down to half price.

Autoflowers are really making another new wave in genetics and I grow photos most of all , but I love me a few autos on the side . I found my keeper autos to breed with , male and female , then I realized if I was to really hunt this stock of autos out , I could really get to that f4 stage after selection. To Make an AutoFlower fit my needs , that would do a eye opening/huge job everytime . Now I did not want to have these 7ft autos that put off stringy buds , I wanted a soild 5ft balanced sativa/indica to put off solid buds and have THC % up near the 18-20s with CBD at least 5 % and Id be happy with the stock . I live in Maine where its easy to get university testing for labs on cannabis . Who doesnt want to yeild buds cure and dried , while waiting on there next crop to be done , your still on your production and get to have some fun on the side with cannabis . Plus some have to grow autos due to enviorment and restrictions . Im not going to bash anyone trying to grow , no matter there situation or enviorment , if they can grow , let them heal themselves there own way.

I just breed some killer Autoflowers myself I know are proven this past Christmas , around Dec 20th I pollinated an Auto x an Auto and today I have one plant finished and its only Jan . 23rd so some can even produce stock as fast as 4 weeks !!

I call it Thors Hammer v1 Autoflower Reg (male/female)
Female used was :
F4 Auto Northen Cheese Haze from Mephiesto Artizen Line
(exodus cheese hazeseekers cut x (nothernlights #5 x haze) x Triangle OG Auto
(Zkittlez Auto from fast buds x (04 DJ Shorts Blueberry circa cut x master ryder auto ) x 3 bear og from Mephisto )

I also did a Autoflower cross to make a all purple bud 95% of the time .

Female used was f3 Purple Roc Berry v1
Roc bud auto x glueberry auto x crystal meth all purple pheno fast buds auto
The male used was once again like the other hybrid
Zkittlez FB auto x dj shorts 04 circa cut blue
Blueberry x master ryder auto x karma genetics bear og x triangle OG auto

I just did the auto x auto project and harvested the seeds last week Jan. 2020 , there being cured and tested now .

I love me some dwc autos man , no hate to autos . Just grow the right one . Im really happy you brought up autoflowers cause honestly not every autoflower that Ive grown , likes the Hyperchlorous Acid treatments . Ive noticed that you dont have to add the same amount of NPK to autos as you would photos . I believe that is also a factor in the additives as well . If I was to DWC an Auto , I would use the NPK at 50 % and the additives such as Enzymes and Hyperchlorous at 40% .

Never add microbes , no orca , no bennys , no freaking nada of the bacteria . Dont add it to rockwool.
Those things kick ass for soil man thats it.

Btw if your useing powders for nutes please dont use jacks 321 , your bud will looked jacked 321 lmao not good brother , not good .
You best be useing that Flora Flex Powder with the Power Si Bloom cause if not , your in for doom . And thats coming from a real soul and passion grower ! What you put into it , is ehat your getting out of it . So go cheap and get cheap returns . I promiss you.
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Autoflowers are really making another new wave in genetics and I grow photos most of all , but I love me a few autos on the side . I found my keeper autos to breed with , male and female , then I realized if I was to really hunt this stock of autos out , I could really get to that f4 stage after selection. To Make an AutoFlower fit my needs , that would do a eye opening/huge job everytime . Now I did not want to have these 7ft autos that put off stringy buds , I wanted a soild 5ft balanced sativa/indica to put off solid buds and have THC % up near the 18-20s with CBD at least 5 % and Id be happy with the stock . I live in Maine where its easy to get university testing for labs on cannabis . Who doesnt want to yeild buds cure and dried , while waiting on there next crop to be done , your still on your production and get to have some fun on the side with cannabis . Plus some have to grow autos due to enviorment and restrictions . Im not going to bash anyone trying to grow , no matter there situation or enviorment , if they can grow , let them heal themselves there own way.

I just breed some killer Autoflowers myself I know are proven this past Christmas , around Dec 20th I pollinated an Auto x an Auto and today I have one plant finished and its only Jan . 23rd so some can even produce stock as fast as 4 weeks !!

I call it Thors Hammer v1 Autoflower Reg (male/female)
Female used was :
F4 Auto Northen Cheese Haze from Mephiesto Artizen Line
(exodus cheese hazeseekers cut x (nothernlights #5 x haze) x Triangle OG Auto
(Zkittlez Auto from fast buds x (04 DJ Shorts Blueberry circa cut x master ryder auto ) x 3 bear og from Mephisto )

I also did a Autoflower cross to make a all purple bud 95% of the time .

Female used was f3 Purple Roc Berry v1
Roc bud auto x glueberry auto x crystal meth all purple pheno fast buds auto
The male used was once again like the other hybrid
Zkittlez FB auto x dj shorts 04 circa cut blue
Blueberry x master ryder auto x karma genetics bear og x triangle OG auto

I just did the auto x auto project and harvested the seeds last week Jan. 2020 , there being cured and tested now .

I love me some dwc autos man , no hate to autos . Just grow the right one . Im really happy you brought up autoflowers cause honestly not every autoflower that Ive grown , likes the Hyperchlorous Acid treatments . Ive noticed that you dont have to add the same amount of NPK to autos as you would photos . I believe that is also a factor in the additives as well . If I was to DWC an Auto , I would use the NPK at 50 % and the additives such as Enzymes and Hyperchlorous at 40% .

Never add microbes , no orca , no bennys , no freaking nada of the bacteria . Dont add it to rockwool.
Those things kick ass for soil man thats it.

Btw if your useing powders for nutes please dont use jacks 321 , your bud will looked jacked 321 lmao not good brother , not good .
You best be useing that Flora Flex Powder with the Power Si Bloom cause if not , your in for doom . And thats coming from a real soul and passion grower ! What you put into it , is ehat your getting out of it . So go cheap and get cheap returns . I promiss you.
From what I can tell, autos have come a long way and they're getting better as time passes. Time and space make autos the perfect option for me. That Thor's Hammer sounds great. I wouldn't mind giving it a whirl. I actually dropped a seed in a rapid rooter last night and started a journal linked here. I was going to hold off until the first of the month but I got impatient.
From what I can tell, autos have come a long way and they're getting better as time passes. Time and space make autos the perfect option for me. That Thor's Hammer sounds great. I wouldn't mind giving it a whirl. I actually dropped a seed in a rapid rooter last night and started a journal linked here. I was going to hold off until the first of the month but I got impatient.

Does this fourm allow us to mesaage each other ? I would love to donate you 50 of them no problem at all , just remeber there male and female so they have to be hunted , but mabey one day you find that male or that female that looks ultimate and promissing and you breed with it , then you breed again and again and again making it to the f4 . F4 means its breed to the point of the P.Square and each time you pop that seed , it makes only three or four versions of your medical needs that you hunted and selected for yourself and its yours to grow over and over till the day we all go ....

But untill then ill be happy to donate you autoseeds man , my pleasure really , if you wanted 100 of them , not an issue brother . Each breed makes 900 -1200 seeds ...God is giving
Very cool, thank you! If you hover your cursor over my profile image there should be a 'start conversation' link where you can PM me. At least that's how it's done on a PC. Not sure how it's done via phone or tablet.
From what I understand, both hydrogen peroxide and beneficial bacteria enable a plant to uptake more nutrient solution. I also understand that hydrogen peroxide will provide valuable oxygen to the roots but will also kill off both good and bad bacteria. That being the case, I'm not sure if it'd be better to use hydrogen peroxide or beneficial bacteria during a 70 day autoflower grow in a single WaterFarm. This will be my first attempt at hydroponics of any kind so pardon the 'newbieishness' of my question. Any thoughts or suggestions are much appreciated.

Inoculate your clones/seedlings with beneficial bacteria. You can run it the first couple weeks in the water farm if you like, but once you've developed a colony of beneficial bacteria in the root zone there's no need to add it the whole grow cycle.

That's just my two cents. Inoculated clones, inoculated plants. Microbes are everywhere. Get the right ones going and you don't have to add anything. I clone with Azos and run Recharge the first couple weeks of veg. Haven't had any issues since I started that practice.
Inoculate your clones/seedlings with beneficial bacteria. You can run it the first couple weeks in the water farm if you like, but once you've developed a colony of beneficial bacteria in the root zone there's no need to add it the whole grow cycle.

That's just my two cents. Inoculated clones, inoculated plants. Microbes are everywhere. Get the right ones going and you don't have to add anything. I clone with Azos and run Recharge the first couple weeks of veg. Haven't had any issues since I started that practice.
Thanks, @Rahz. That's exactly what I have planned. Using Tarantula and Carboload during the seedling stage and three weeks into veg. Once flowering begins (growing autos) I'll use them both again after 30 days.
Welcome. The product I use first couple weeks of veg is called Recharge, multi strain powder product, and has some molasses. That being said, it's a minuscule amount of carbs, just enough to kickstart microbial growth. There's a lot of controversy about whether roots can absorb carbs. I have seen some information suggesting they can (Saglio and Xia, 1988) but nothing canna specific. Reason I mention it is that carbs + bennies = lots of bennies and some of the beneficial strains can produce residue so you could end up with a mess and possibly root issues. I would want to experiment small scale before relying on it. Since it's your first hydro run I suggest leaving the carbs out. Keep it simple.

For cloning I use a product called Azos. It's a single strain product but it keeps the bad microbes at bay and fixes nitrogen. I did a clone test with a handful of bactieral products a few years back and the Azos cuttings rooted the fastest, plus it make cleaning the cloner easy.
Welcome. The product I use first couple weeks of veg is called Recharge, multi strain powder product, and has some molasses. That being said, it's a minuscule amount of carbs, just enough to kickstart microbial growth. There's a lot of controversy about whether roots can absorb carbs. I have seen some information suggesting they can (Saglio and Xia, 1988) but nothing canna specific. Reason I mention it is that carbs + bennies = lots of bennies and some of the beneficial strains can produce residue so you could end up with a mess and possibly root issues. I would want to experiment small scale before relying on it. Since it's your first hydro run I suggest leaving the carbs out. Keep it simple.

For cloning I use a product called Azos. It's a single strain product but it keeps the bad microbes at bay and fixes nitrogen. I did a clone test with a handful of bactieral products a few years back and the Azos cuttings rooted the fastest, plus it make cleaning the cloner easy.
I'm familiar with Recharge but I've never actually used it. If the local hydro store carried it, I probably would. Once the roots reach the rez in this waterfarm (two or three weeks) I'll be running it drain to waste. That being the case, I don't think it'd make too much of a mess of things. I'll definitely keep my eye on things and I'll take what you said into consideration. Thanks for the heads up!
Welcome. The product I use first couple weeks of veg is called Recharge, multi strain powder product, and has some molasses. That being said, it's a minuscule amount of carbs, just enough to kickstart microbial growth. There's a lot of controversy about whether roots can absorb carbs. I have seen some information suggesting they can (Saglio and Xia, 1988) but nothing canna specific. Reason I mention it is that carbs + bennies = lots of bennies and some of the beneficial strains can produce residue so you could end up with a mess and possibly root issues. I would want to experiment small scale before relying on it. Since it's your first hydro run I suggest leaving the carbs out. Keep it simple.

For cloning I use a product called Azos. It's a single strain product but it keeps the bad microbes at bay and fixes nitrogen. I did a clone test with a handful of bactieral products a few years back and the Azos cuttings rooted the fastest, plus it make cleaning the cloner easy.
Are you using the Azos on Rock wool, Root Riots etc or in a clone machine?
I agree with alot that was said here and just wanted to add a few things to the topic at hand .

BTW my spelling is not the best , bear with me.

Im an experienced DWC Bubble Bucket grower with 5 Gallon Buckets fit with 6 inch Net Pots and air stones . I dont use a chiller due to cold enviorments in New England (avg. 40-50* F) most of the year . I have used many diffrent Microbes/BenificalBacteria , Enzymes , Additives and Hydro Acids. I was doing what most new aged growers do early imto growing with trying products due to golden age of cannabis were all in now . We all are Growers and have the options now a days , so its hard not to be. I have used samples and obtained many diffrent bottles along the grows and Im going to make a statement for all DWC growers useing Bubble Buckets with Air Stones , No chiller growing method . The statement is , Benifical Bacteria and the teams of Microbes and strains of bacteria is not needed . Its something that ends up hurting you , more then helping. In DWC ive seen the addtion of the stuff add unwanted PPM/EC levels , make leaves seem to have a money/paper type feel texture . The leaves will generate discolored and fade pattern spolching , almost round spots that blend toeghter in a sploch pattern per say. The Leaves tend to crinkle a bit and twist sometimes. This was all maintained with a Spot on PH of 5.8 with no swing and water temps consisitently between 65 and 69 degrees F. The rooms air temps at 75 degrees Lights On and 67 degrees F. at night time/lightsoff . The PPM are always the spot on and never over FEED nor water level too high to be overwatered . I totally saw issues with Max Microbes , Tarantula , Mammoth P , Orca , Great White Chum , MicrobialLife , etc.. they dont need to be added because your keeping your DWC Clean and Steril and you do Bucket Change out and Clean out every week so your replacing your water and all every week to provide your plant with clean and full nutrient set up availability. Your not fighting bad Bacteria unless your not useing the key to DWC known as (Enzymes) and (Hyperchlorous Acid) 0.005% IMO.

The key to DWC is to combine these two products after you mixed your nutrients and at the end before you reset your bucket back up and drop your roots back into the water , you must have these addtives to your grow.

These are the key products to keeping your DWC the cleanest and in order to never need extra ppms or addtives such as Benifical Bacteria or Microbe Teams of Bacteria .

Key # 1 -(Enzymes) Helps clean dead root matter , breaks down the salts , restructures compounds and nutrients to be utilized by the plant and also helps fight off root rot phythium . Products like SLF 100 is the best or Cyco Zyme or CannaZyme. I havent used hydrozyme so idk but herd its the same as cannazyme.

Key # 2 - (Hyperchlorous Acid) 0.005% this product will kill any bacteria and root rot and stages of anything starting to spread as far as the bad bacteria. It also treats the plant where its ryzosphere is at full production , utilzing the clean and clear zone by keeping the nutrients clear of bad chemicals like some other Hyperchlorus Acids do. Its important to use these companys that base there makeup for plants . Companys such as UC roots , Watermaxx , ClearRez and not pool shock , you want these plant growing companys so you dont fuck up your garden with DIY.

I do agree with alot of what was posted here and I dont want the demenor of disagreement.
I just wanted to post what I think are two really good key componets to the DWC no chiller steril grow method .
Thanks guys @RealThor89 VikingGardens_Thor on IG
At what rate do you add SLF100 to your DWC's?
Are you using the Azos on Rock wool, Root Riots etc or in a clone machine?

Clone buckets I made, just a small bubble bucket. Easy to clean, stone and air line get replaced... but it would work the same in rock wool/root riots. That's what I did my testing with.
I always was a fan of trying out the good stuff with microbal baterica from diffrent brands such as Max Microbes , Orca , Myco Chum , Great White etc. But everything that works for the hydro growing does work for DWC hydro growing . The Good Bennys and all that stuff is really a bad bad place to be with DWC . It makes for a bad complex with recharge as well and truly makes it all unstable for the DWC. Im actully starting to not use the SLF 100 every feeding and only useing it as a preventive with the Clear Rez now. Its used by many now and helps as a combat for the root rot or any bad smelling roots on there way to the rot , precoursers as they would say . You break out the combo of the to prevent any of that . I stayed with the RegenARoot full time now and its really a help in flowering as well . Its always kept the Roots healthy and I have not seen Potasium Def. Since I started useing it full time . I have used full lines for a long time 5 years now and useing over a dozen diffrent kinds of nutrients as well with DWC. I RUN 20 BUCKETS MIN. A ROUND IN FLOWERING SINGLE DWC BUBBLE BUCKETS WITH AIR STONES AND AIR PUMPS . So I was able to test out many kinds over the years . I was able to test oht the extras and the side stuff that was okay for hydro , but again I say Hydro is not DWC Hydro or RDWC Hydro ....thats the biggest issue with nutrients and the companys will discuss that with you and help you cause they have there growers in DWC or the owners will know weather its good for DWC or not and will be honest not to sell you but to help you understand that Fox Farm is used in Hydro but really should not be used in Hydro . Thats an example right there and another would be that you Cant use Emerald Harvest nutes in DWC with airstones . Because Every 7 days , beisdes the growth showing issues in all kinds of random deficiences You swear you can fix with more PPMs but you cant , cause there nutrients will tear apart fro, the bubbles from the air stones and build up biprouduct that is gelly slimy and nasty cause there orgainc based and made from organic material first off . They will clog your stones and cause less oxygen to innoculate as they make a flim over the entire bucket and air supply cord and your roots causeing dead roots and matter to build up over the bucket in places you cant clean unless you fully scrub your buckets hard and clean cause they dont rinse off easy every week during bucket nutrient change . Third it will start to stain the roots a nasty brown color cause there typicaly that color when organic made. There countless reasons to stay clear of alot of the stuff people say to use for hydro cause its not DWC hydro and cause you to go back to the first box in this post thread of having root rot issues all over again . You can use hydro in hydro , but not in DWC hydro with airstones .


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