At what rate do you add SLF100 to your DWC's?
SFL 100 application for DWC -
I would almost always guarentee and I say 'almost' cause most net pots are 6 inches and not 12 inches deep but some have deep depth in there nettys , so with that said I can guarentee that if your useing a 6 inch net pot with a 5 gallon bucket for your DWC set up where the water level is 1/2inch -1inch under the net pot your going to use 3.3 gallons of water / 12.4 liters of water .
I dont use this same rate for Weeks 1 and 2 VEG
During that time you want to use Half the Strength that I apply so with that said ill explain that first.
Weeks 1 and 2 if useing every feeding weekly I use 4ML per bucket of SLF100 and if I was in higher temps in my DWC enviorment I would use the combo of the SLF 100 at 5ml per bucket , 3ML of Clear Rez and 8ml of Regen A Root every 7 days in my bucket change for prevention or If combating the root issues already in the early weeks .
Weeks 3 + (fully established plant)
The bottle says to use 2.5ml per gallon for hydro .
I use the mix as needed for cold enviorments with a little less and less often , then for higher temps enviorments where root rot is creeping at any time and again like I said before , I use it full time .
I dose the SLF 100 when mixing my nutrients and typicaly at the end of everything is when I add the additives like SLF 100 to my 3.3 Gal or 12.4 Liters . I Dose the SLF 100 at 8ml ML per bucket EVERY FEEDING...FOR MY AS NEEDED ONCE EVERY 3 WEEKS AS A FLUSH or ROOT HELP ILL ADD a combo of three things , the CLEAR REZ AT 10ML PER BUCKET , 8 ML PER BUCKET for SLF100 AND 12ML OF REGEN A ROOT.
IF IM COMBATING ROOT ROT Hard Ia WOULD PROBLEY USE THE SAME 3 WEEK COMBO EVERY FEEDING UNTILL the root system and plant GOT BETTER THEN DROP BACK TO THE SAME 8ML RATE I EXPLAINED FOR EVERY FEEDING. Some people use it in flush mode as well , at a 8ml rate and only use it as the salt stripping benifit and help dead root matter decay and pass , helping the left over exudates occulate to useable material so really your not just cutting off your plant cold turkey at flush mode , but I do not.
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