Hydrogen Peroxide vs. Beneficial Bacteria in a WaterFarm Autoflower Grow

At what rate do you add SLF100 to your DWC's?

SFL 100 application for DWC -

I would almost always guarentee and I say 'almost' cause most net pots are 6 inches and not 12 inches deep but some have deep depth in there nettys , so with that said I can guarentee that if your useing a 6 inch net pot with a 5 gallon bucket for your DWC set up where the water level is 1/2inch -1inch under the net pot your going to use 3.3 gallons of water / 12.4 liters of water .

I dont use this same rate for Weeks 1 and 2 VEG
During that time you want to use Half the Strength that I apply so with that said ill explain that first.
Weeks 1 and 2 if useing every feeding weekly I use 4ML per bucket of SLF100 and if I was in higher temps in my DWC enviorment I would use the combo of the SLF 100 at 5ml per bucket , 3ML of Clear Rez and 8ml of Regen A Root every 7 days in my bucket change for prevention or If combating the root issues already in the early weeks .

Weeks 3 + (fully established plant)
The bottle says to use 2.5ml per gallon for hydro .
I use the mix as needed for cold enviorments with a little less and less often , then for higher temps enviorments where root rot is creeping at any time and again like I said before , I use it full time .
I dose the SLF 100 when mixing my nutrients and typicaly at the end of everything is when I add the additives like SLF 100 to my 3.3 Gal or 12.4 Liters . I Dose the SLF 100 at 8ml ML per bucket EVERY FEEDING...FOR MY AS NEEDED ONCE EVERY 3 WEEKS AS A FLUSH or ROOT HELP ILL ADD a combo of three things , the CLEAR REZ AT 10ML PER BUCKET , 8 ML PER BUCKET for SLF100 AND 12ML OF REGEN A ROOT.
IF IM COMBATING ROOT ROT Hard Ia WOULD PROBLEY USE THE SAME 3 WEEK COMBO EVERY FEEDING UNTILL the root system and plant GOT BETTER THEN DROP BACK TO THE SAME 8ML RATE I EXPLAINED FOR EVERY FEEDING. Some people use it in flush mode as well , at a 8ml rate and only use it as the salt stripping benifit and help dead root matter decay and pass , helping the left over exudates occulate to useable material so really your not just cutting off your plant cold turkey at flush mode , but I do not.
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I know this question has a ton of replies already.. But my experience is this.. I used to use peroxide... then i bought some southern AG ($16 a bottle) and my roots look better than they ever have on any grow i have done. It's basically the same as tribus for 1/5 the price.. I actually did try tribus first and it didn't do a single thing at all.. i think i got a dead bottle.. so fuck tribus and their $70 BS...
I've been trying to talk the local grow center into getting some southern ag. No dice yet so I grabbed a bottle of Nutrilife 29% H2O2. I figure that if I don't like it I can always use it to combat the dreaded rona.
I've been trying to talk the local grow center into getting some southern ag. No dice yet so I grabbed a bottle of Nutrilife 29% H2O2. I figure that if I don't like it I can always use it to combat the dreaded rona.
you are in the US right? Ebay has it, $18 a pint. free delivery
don't blame you on that. we let our stuff sit in the sun for hours after UPS delivers.
My reason for not wanting to deal with the shipping doesn't have anything to do with the corona virus but now that you mention it it's probably a good thing that I've backed off the shipping a bit. I got some seeds from Spain a week before the whole thing went viral (for lack of a punnier term) ..and I got a little wigged out. I've handled the package (and germinated a seed) and I feel fine ..for now. ..cough! cough!
My reason for not wanting to deal with the shipping doesn't have anything to do with the corona virus but now that you mention it it's probably a good thing that I've backed off the shipping a bit. I got some seeds from Spain a week before the whole thing went viral (for lack of a punnier term) ..and I got a little wigged out. I've handled the package (and germinated a seed) and I feel fine ..for now. ..cough! cough!
what was the breeder? Cannabia by chance. they had a Mataro Blue ( i think that was the name). anyway, i did probably 6 months of work in Mataro 20 yrs ago. small world, huh?
As Steven Wright would say.. "It's a small world but I wouldn't want to paint it." ..Dinafem sent me some freebies (no purchase required) ..White Widow XXL Auto and Amnesia Haze CBD photo. The WW is on day 11 in a one gallon ebb and flow set up. It should be interesting to see what a gallon container can produce.
I've been trying to talk the local grow center into getting some southern ag. No dice yet so I grabbed a bottle of Nutrilife 29% H2O2. I figure that if I don't like it I can always use it to combat the dreaded rona.

Amazon.. 500ml for $16 and i multiply in a bucket.. my plants get like 15ml of it nightly that way.. and it lasts much longer :)