Hydrogen peroxide

Im running mine right now with nutes and having the best results ever.Just changed from 11ml a gal.,,,,at startup and 1/4 daily add backs.Now using canna stats method of 5.5ml a gallon daily to increase oxygen content.
Has anyone in here ever used that hydro-fungicide? Looks like a damn amazing product!

From what I have read about it, It takes 10 days - 2 weeks to begin working. So you would have to keep an extra res primed and ready at all times for change outs. BTW it's now called hydrosparkle.

Watermax from bob's brew is reported to work well at keeping sludge/slime away, unfortunately it also seems to work well at stunting roots on cuttings.
i had 2 cool plants in my hydroponic system

they catched to phytium (root rot) when i see their roots they was brown :/
i cutted lots of the rotted roots about %70
i flush roots with tap water(has lot Clorine) but they are same about 1 week, the leaves turns yellow and lots of poblems.
i pruned all damaged leafs :(

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i bought a hydrogene peroxide solution yesterday and it reachet to me now,

my HP is ver dangerous, i drop it my finger 1 drop DSC-0000130.jpg

Added this solution about 4 ml to my 10liter res

Waiting for changes now...

Specs My Solution:

Assay 50%
Free Acid (as sulpduric acid) <= 0,04%
Heavy Metals <= 0,002%
Chloride <= 0,008%
Non Volatile Matter <= 0,2%
ph 3.5
boiling poind 110 Celcius
It sounds like that dosage should work for a 35% H202 solution ethabhae, how did you get on? Really great thread Gixxerboy, very informative read and has really opened my eyes to the possibilities of hydrogen peroxide use.
Just to give a different view, From the DM website

On the other hand, I've used 3%, bottles at a time, and even sprayed it directly on the roots many times when fighting disease, without obvious ill effects. I find it is nice to use with a sterilizing agent to keep things nice and clean. However, some DWC people find keeping a sterile res is impossible, in which case you have to use bennies, which makes h202 a bad idea.

really? sprayed 3% right on the roots? I am fighting a little problem and tried that and it made a pretty significant sizzling sound, like I was frying bacon. It was bubbling like crazy. I thought of that dandruff shampoo commercial where the guy is like "it's tingling", and I got scared and plopped them right back into the res.