Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Union - Unions Demand Exemption From LA's $15 Minimum Wage

i cant decide if im offended without knowing the contex of his comments

in what context is "raghead" a positive term to use on your wife?

in what context would it not offend you if i said your wife should be dead?

read up for yourself and stop trying to play dumb.

That actually happened. TXDOT threatened to pull his license saying he couldn't discriminate. He took down the ad, but not until it was too late LOL. :)

Queers, ragheads and fear, that's what this country has come to. The dumbing down has gone far enough!

i only have about a dozen more of these if you want to continue to enable racists by excusing them.
I know that you can do better than just hang back and demand to be spoon fed information on the ACA. That's all. If the website is propaganda then prove it. As far as relying on experience from a previous job, that's nothing to disregard.

Is a person that receives food stamps any lesser of a person for it? Small of you if you think so.

Edit: And just one last thing, recall that this is Rollitup and anybody can make up whatever they like about themselves. After all, I'm a dog that can type.
She made a claim so the onus of proof is on her.

Her previous source was questionable due to bias, so I requested another one.

If she's not willing to back up her statements she shouldn't make them.

Or does that only apply to non-liberals?
that makes no sense..and is..wait for it..against the LAW..would never happen..not even with a union..paying less than minimum is a federal offense..unless of course, it has to do with bible thumping and then you can get the supremes involved so mr. fire and brimstone c-corp can save a few pennies on birth control co-pay..the unborn or 'rise in your pants' have more rights than living human beings, in that case.

additionally union dues are proportional to wage and exemption would only mean less dues for the arbitrators.

Unions are far worse than bible thumpers.

Unions are why a $35,000 truck costs $55,000.
myth. fail. congress is not exempt from ACA and they all have it or must have from their spouses company.


you need to stop watching fox, man..it's rotting your brain..case in point, why you are out of touch..you believe their lies.

I never said I got that news from FOX. I got it from an email and should know better.

I stand corrected:
"On the assertion that Members of Congress are exempt from the provisions of the Affordable Care Act: also false," he wrote. "Members of Congress are subject under the health care reform law to the same mandate that others are to purchase insurance, and their plans must have the same minimum standards of benefits that other insurance plans will have to meet. Members of Congress currently have not a gold-plated free plan but the same insurance options that most other federal employees have, and they do not have it provided for free. They have a generous subsidy for their premiums, but no more generous (and compared to many businesses or professions less generous) than standard employer-provided subsidies throughout the country."

The issue was about certain unions wanting an exemption from the minimum wage, the hypocrisy of it all, as presented and debated on The Five, that is fact.
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The exemption will never happen but i dont think you've painted a fair picture as to why the unions want exemption from the law .

Maybe, maybe not....that is not the issue. The issue to me is the hypocrisy of the left. It's OK for folks like unions, Hillary Clinton, Obamas and the rest of the cronies to say one thing and do another, but let one conservative change their mind or be caught in some hypocritical action and lefties come unglued.

"Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council, are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforces."

Lieing and cheating and pointing fingers is the way of the left.
i think many here take politics way too serious , our common ground is growing dope not politics .

The Politics forum is a shit stain on RIU....and potroast knows it. I assume it stays because it drives up activity counts.

Maybe it stays because admin enjoys viewing the angry drama plays, and the filth. Hoo nose what drives one's choices and personality?

Speaking of hypocrisy and political correctness, why is it OK for blacks to toss out "nigger" on TV, Facebook, Twitter and other media but it's not OK to drop the word in this forum?

Pretty lame if you ask me, and shallow.
he has stated that the only good muslim is a dead muslim.

so i would think that would apply to people like your wife, who you have stated is muslim.

he has used all sorts of racial slurs towards muslims like your wife as well.

My name isn't Sarah or Bristol Palin, or Bush, or Romney. You can post your childish slander all you want. I mean, who really gives a shit what a turd like you feels?

Grow up...... :roll:
I know that you can do better than just hang back and demand to be spoon fed information on the ACA. That's all. If the website is propaganda then prove it. As far as relying on experience from a previous job, that's nothing to disregard.

Is a person that receives food stamps any lesser of a person for it? Small of you if you think so.

Edit: And just one last thing, recall that this is Rollitup and anybody can make up whatever they like about themselves. After all, I'm a dog that can type.

so representative of the human condition..the irish version of bigot..so very small of you..amirite forum?
The Politics forum is a shit stain on RIU....and potroast knows it. I assume it stays because it drives up activity counts.

Maybe it stays because admin enjoys viewing the angry drama plays, and the filth. Hoo nose what drives one's choices and personality?

Speaking of hypocrisy and political correctness, why is it OK for blacks to toss out "nigger" on TV, Facebook, Twitter and other media but it's not OK to drop the word in this forum?

Pretty lame if you ask me, and shallow.

which makes the advertisers pee-pee's stiffen with visions of sugarplums and $$$$ dancing in their heads (helmut:wink:)..don't you know the way of the world uncle?
He can say that surely, but Union workers are never paid anything close to min wage. You have to have hundreds and hundreds of hours in before you can become union and by that time you arnt making that minimal monies
In LA there are freaking unions everywhere. To be a secretary working for the county, you'll join a union. Nurses, taxi drivers, etc etc. There are many minimum wage entry level union jobs in LA. Just saying.
I'm into trucks, not toilets.

And my comment was about unions. Nice tactic changing the subject. But by doing that you might get tagged as a GOPer. :)

you're not into the military budget?..sheesh! thought that's what every rightie circle jizzes over..

it's called 'spin'..it's nothing more than spirited debate proving that those of the right are hypocrites (good debaters are two steps ahead of you, it's part of the game)..i just happen to be smart enough to leverage this valuable insight..and @Uncle Ben will be watching 'the five' again on monday spewing the same lie about the ACA that I just corrected him on..go figure!:wall:
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She made a claim so the onus of proof is on her.

Her previous source was questionable due to bias, so I requested another one.

If she's not willing to back up her statements she shouldn't make them.

Or does that only apply to non-liberals?
Harrekin, its a waste of time to pull together information and post it on RIU to try to convince somebody else. It just gets passed over by people that already believe otherwise or a gets a stupid one or two lines of denial. Its unreasonable to expect people to a write a reply with data and citations because time spent writing to convince somebody else, especially righties, is wasted, . Do your own homework. I do mine. This is something that I came to realize after a few wasted sessions with you and others.

I will continue to pull together some information and post it here, I do it for my own satisfaction and to give it a test to see if there are holes in the logic. Sometimes I see something posted by your conservative butt buddies that I know is wrong but don't have a good response for. It spurs me into some reading that I otherwise might not do. In this regard, I enjoy the back and forth on RIU and I post up what I find to pay back the forum. You and others will gladly tear apart something that I post that doesn't hold up. If what I write gets no replies or just some stupid responses then I feel that it got a good test. I do this for ME, not you.

That was posted at least twice by me in the last 3 Years.

You are wasting your time. The right wing on this forum is straight up fucking retarded and anti American

Yes its a waste of time to try to convince right wingers using information and logic. :wall: I have my own reasons. I'm under no pretense that I'm saving the world :lol:. I write what I write for my own satisfaction and those of others that might appreciate it.
Harrekin, its a waste of time to pull together information and post it on RIU to try to convince somebody else. It just gets passed over by people that already believe otherwise or a gets a stupid one or two lines of denial. Its unreasonable to expect people to a write a reply with data and citations because time spent writing to convince somebody else, especially righties, is wasted, . Do your own homework. I do mine. This is something that I came to realize after a few wasted sessions with you and others.

I will continue to pull together some information and post it here, I do it for my own satisfaction and to give it a test to see if there are holes in the logic. Sometimes I see something posted by your conservative butt buddies that I know is wrong but don't have a good response for. It spurs me into some reading that I otherwise might not do. In this regard, I enjoy the back and forth on RIU and I post up what I find to pay back the forum. You and others will gladly tear apart something that I post that doesn't hold up. If what I write gets no replies or just some stupid responses then I feel that it got a good test. I do this for ME, not you.

Yes its a waste of time to try to convince right wingers using information and logic. :wall: I have my own reasons. I'm under no pretense that I'm saving the world :lol:. I write what I write for my own satisfaction and those of others that might appreciate it.


there were no less than a dozen links to the fact that government employees are covered under the ACA and that there are no 'exemptions' from same other than coverage via spousal employment.

i don't need to post them all..i know H&B law like the back of my hand and although the laws change all the time (which is why i confirm through link) there are major laws that don't and yet i still check. i give other debaters the benefit of the doubt.

@Harrekin wants to debate me for debates sake..idk why..maybe it's my IQ..certainly lesser now, that i receive SNAP.
Unions are also why 3 workers didn't die making that $35,000 truck.

or be maimed for the rest of their life and not be able to work..it's mind boggeling to know that the righties cannot understand that because of employee abuse the government had to step in make rules/regs in order to protect workers.

then of course, you have 'right to work' states like florida where 'means' thinks it's 'right to not pay unemployment'..false..it is true that you can kick someone loose for anything..employer had a hair up his ass that day?..don't like the way your employee kissed your ass this morning?..no problem..you still must pay unemployment..don't try to make up shit against employee because you look like a fucking fool when UE asks for the documentation to back up your claim.

i can't tell you how many employers don't understand this little concept.

EDIT: oh! and UE? they already are aware before anything begins..that employers are fucking liars..they've admitted same to me:wink:
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