I am cooking chicken tonight


Well-Known Member
Question for u LGC . That chicken was marinating in your fridge for 6 or 7 weeks ? I would have been afraid of getting a bad case of Sal Mineo .......6 or 7 weeks is a little past my" best if used by date" that's all I'm saying !
ok thanks! tomorrow I am cooking pork sausages, stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Question for u LGC . That chicken was marinating in your fridge for 6 or 7 weeks ? I would have been afraid of getting a bad case of Sal Mineo .......6 or 7 weeks is a little past my" best if used by date" that's all I'm saying !
hey mate the chicken was fresh bought today. I thought you were a retard calling it Sal Mineo until I googled Sal Mineo. funny stuff :) he looks like Ralph Machio
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Well-Known Member
Question for u LGC . That chicken was marinating in your fridge for 6 or 7 weeks ? I would have been afraid of getting a bad case of Sal Mineo .......6 or 7 weeks is a little past my" best if used by date" that's all I'm saying !
Meh..I've had meats last a long time in my fridge..i just cooked some chicken that was in there..albeit vacuum packed..for like 5 weeks..still fine.. Use by dates and "safety guidelines" are just that and are always on the low side because of safety reasons. The beginning freshness of the products has alot to do with how long they last. Do the feel and smell test..not slimy..doesn't smell like rotting meat..still good. I was taught alot by my grandmother who was raised during some hard times when you didn't throw food out. Keep a large Tupperware container full of a mix of fine and coarse salt around, salt is a sterilizing agent..if you have meat that may be getting old..wash it, put it in the salt, cover it with salt and let it sit for 24-48 hours then rinse, season and cook. Salt baths are also great for getting steak ready..fresh or not. We've lost alot of knowledge about food preservation and rely to much on the use by/sell by dates, which are federally mandated, even on products that have an indefinite shelf life. I see people throw out good food all the time only because of the use by/sell by date..

Oh..and I've never had even the slightest issues with food poisoning/sickness..
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Well-Known Member
We made chicken last night. But the best part was the farfel. We had been out of farfel for a few months and I had really missed it. The boy and I stopped by the kosher grocery yesterday.

It's like Jewish/Hungarian Rice-a-Roni, just a little egg noodle shaped like a little piece of barley. You sauté it with butter for five minutes and then cook it with water (we use 50% broth). We used Ferencz brand "mama farfel". It is my ultimate comfort food. Yum. Dont forget to salt it.


Well-Known Member
My womans cooking me dinner kind of nice pussy and food :bigjoint:but that shit ain't free hookers would be cheaper just don't want to fuck one raw so kinda defeats the purpose might as well have a pocket pussy your still just fucking plastic. lol


Well-Known Member
Meh..I've had meats laI'vea long time in my fridge..i just cooked some chicken that was in there..albeit vacuum packed..for like 5 weeks..still fine.. Use by dates and "safety guidelines" are just that and are always on the low side because of safety reasons. The beginning freshness of the products has alot to do with how long they last. Do the feel and smell test..not slimy..doesn't smell like rotting meat..still good. I was taught alot by my grandmother who was raised during some hard times when you didn't throw food out. Keep a large Tupperware container full of a mix of fine and coarse salt around, salt is a sterilizing agent..if you have meat that may be getting old..wash it, put it in the salt, cover it with salt and let it sit for 24-48 hours then rinse, season and cook. Salt baths are also great for getting steak ready..fresh or not. We've lost alot of knowledge about food preservation and rely to much on the use by/sell by dates, which are federally mandated, even on products that have an indefinite shelf life. I see people throw out good food all the time only because of the use by/sell by date..

Oh..and I've never had even the slightest issues with food poisoning/sickness..
Yeah.......I was raised on a farm the only meat we salt cured was pork. I dont recall ever seeing any beef hanging in the smokehouse .Everything else was fresh besides the occasional beef cow and that was usually divided between my dads brothers and our family and frozen. I might be missing some fantastic food.......but I ain't eating any meat that's been in my fridge 6 or 7 weeks that's just my choice !
Bon appetit !