I am so American (your country)


Well-Known Member
Lets get some national pride up in this bitch :lol:
I think this could be fun :mrgreen:

I am so American... my blood type is USA



Well-Known Member
ive seen the gran ole opry and ive met johnny cash..........if that aint country... i'll kiss YOUR ass!!!
coal burnin stove........no natural gas.........if that aint country.......i'll kiss YOUR ass!!!!


Well-Known Member
You only need to open your eyes to see God, I don't mind the redicule it has been forwarned for over a thousand years.

Sr. Verde

I'm so american that I hate cops more than anything else


Well-Known Member
I'm so american that I hate cops more than anything else
Damn I was about to say just about the same shit you did. I'm so American that I'm a lazy,overeating,food leftover throw awayen while I know there are starving people in the world,To much watchen T.V asshole!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I am so american, my weather is delivered by a strippper! I am so american I eat hot pockets for breakfast. I am so american I have a macdonalds tattoo or something else capitalist I dont want to say on air! . I am so american I dated a hooters girl!


Well-Known Member
Lol I loved the A-team, litres of tomatosauce was spilled on the carpet while I was transfixed on the screen.
I see there is actualy a South African playing Murdock in the new A-team movie, the guy from District 9.


England england! English and proud and i smoke soo much weed its untrue:) also our primeminister (gordan brown) is a fucking wanker!!!


Well-Known Member
England england! English and proud and i smoke soo much weed its untrue:) also our primeminister (gordan brown) is a fucking wanker!!!
Does your primeminister fuck yalls queen, and is he related to optimus prime?