I am soliciting your best advice for being a dad....

No. Less than an hour before he was out of her belly. She'll be here for 48 hours.
Sounds like one of mine. Makes labor really interesting when they decide to arrive so fast. Wait 'til La Leche Leage show up in the hops. room. (oh I mean the breast feeding "helper") THAT was a trip. I ended up ordering that woman OUT of my hosp. room. She had this "thing" about badgering my husband.
Sounds like one of mine. Makes labor really interesting when they decide to arrive so fast. Wait 'til La Leche Leage show up in the hops. room. (oh I mean the breast feeding "helper") THAT was a trip. I ended up ordering that woman OUT of my hosp. room. She had this "thing" about badgering my husband.
Ahh, she was just showing sisterly solidarity since it was hubby that got you into this predicament.....
Ok, we are at the hospital. Waiting. My darling is in bed with a baby heart monitor on. Everything seems good. She's not really having contractions but her water broke. I'm guessing we are not leaving here without a baby even if they have to induce. So we agreed on the first name, not quite the middle name.

So please give me your best advice for the next 30 years. You don't have to be a parent and you don't need to be serious.

My advice is to pullout but it might be too late for that. Next time, pullout.
Ok, we are at the hospital. Waiting. My darling is in bed with a baby heart monitor on. Everything seems good. She's not really having contractions but her water broke. I'm guessing we are not leaving here without a baby even if they have to induce. So we agreed on the first name, not quite the middle name.

So please give me your best advice for the next 30 years. You don't have to be a parent and you don't need to be serious.
Congrats to you, children are a blessing. your gonna need a couple things...
Starter kit
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Get lots of sleep now, because the terrible two's are coming before you know it.images-2.jpeg
Good luck to you and remember to take deep breaths. Also, I think we burned through four vacuum cleaners, you may wanna grab a couple.
Damn I didn't get a picture! I am disappointed. I still wish you the very best. With her going so fast did they even have time for an epidural?

Does she want to sleep or eat and how are YOU holding up? A tad weak in the knees possibly? LOL
congratulations to both you
After I go home I will edit it and repost.