I am soliciting your best advice for being a dad....

I feel for you uncle. At 30 weeks pregnant my wife got her first ever flu vaccine much to her chagrin. The obi-gyn pretty much guilted her into it. 10 days later she had full blown Bell's Palsy on the right side of her face. I drove her to the ER, fearing she was stroking out. Myself and the ER doctor both called the obi-gyn for 4 hours to see if they wanted her to take any medicine. No answer. Ever. The obi-gyn on staff at the hospital came down and said if it was her she would take the Herpes medicine but not the steroids. So that's what we did. The next day I drove over and I let the whole office have it. Her doctor said she called. Bullshit. Looking back, I probably had one hell of a malpractice suit on my hands. If you feel they seriously endangered mom and baby, which to me, it sounds like they did, I'd get that baby some college money. Good luck man, I'm rooting for you guys.
Well, they are concerned that the child was exposed to Strep Group B germs on account of the fact that they fucked up the antibiotics. So there is a small chance that he will contract a spectacularly fatal disease. His tests show that he is fighting something off and seems to be getting the upper hand.

ohhhhhh fuck yeah i forgot about that yeah i would sue them fucks if something happened to my son
Try not to worry. It's not uncommon for newborns to be put on antibiotics. One of mine had jaundice and that was scary too. But everything will turn out ok. :-) Peace
Be sure to take a Sharpie and make a special mark in between your baby's toes BEFORE they take it out of the room. Baby switching is more wide-spread than you may think. J/K, dude! If they start an oxytocin drip on your wife, that baby should just shoot out. Please keep us updated, so exciting!
Who fucked up the antibiotics? Also did the kid get mom's titty yet, lots of potent meds in the first couple sucks

My wife has been colonized by a harmless (to adults) Strep Group B. usually not a problem as long as the mother has IV antibiotics. This is why we went into the hospital when we thought her water broke, for the antibiotics.

What we didn't know was that they need to be administered four hours before birth. So all day Sunday, we were being told not to come in by the midwives. At one point, they said we could come in for the epidural but the wife was thinking she wasn't going to do the epidural. They said that their big concern was that they didn't want her to come in on a false alarm and send her home. What they should have said was "get in here, those antibiotics need to be in you". We figured that as long as she had the IV during birth, that things would be cool. So we get there at 3ish, they pop in the IV, she's already 9.5cm dilated. But later we find out that no antibiotics were given through the IV. Reason: we waited too long to come in (!!!!!!!!!! This is when I start to get pissed off). My guess is that the midwife wanted to make sure SHE wasn't going to be at the hospital all day, or at least until the first playoff game was over.

So by being exposed during birth, he could pick up several different horrible things. And his blood tests show that he did start to fight some type of infection. So they have had to poke him, prick him, catheter him, spinal fucking tap him (unsuccessfully), etc. rather than taking another crack at a spinal tap, we opted to leave him for a week. So I am not so much concerned about his long term health as I am the things he has had to go through. I am concerned about my wife. She is sweet and kind but prone to depression (or we would live down the street from @Hookabelly ). Leaving our little guy will be tough on her. So I will be by her side until he gets home. We had her folks stay back East until he gets home. I know that my wife needs the rest I order to not fall apart. Parents would complicate things too much.

He's really cute. I keep thinking about Holly Hunter in Raising Arizona. "Oh Hy, I love him so much!"
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Oh, yeah. He's getting boobie. I would like it if he ate more rather than napping on the breast. Everybody has been telling us that's he's eating enough except for the administrator who pointed out that the only symptom of illness he is showing is poor feeding. That was news to us. The wife and I just looked at each other like, "what the fuck are you on about?" But upon questioning her, it was clear that what they say to us is not entirely factual or forthcoming. They seem to be in CYA mode. We're not litigious - but they had best not send a bill for this next week. It would be a poor strategic move. I fully expect one therefore.
Try not to worry. It's not uncommon for newborns to be put on antibiotics. One of mine had jaundice and that was scary too. But everything will turn out ok. :-) Peace

Yeah, I know. We were prepared for jaundice. The antibiotics don't scare me. The meningitis would scare me a lot. That is bad, bad shit in baby.
The facilities at this joint are pretty poor for mothers nursing in the nursery. Nowhere to sit quietly, uncomfortable chairs (the nurses have tricked out ones but the nursing mothers use stained lawn furniture - I shit you not. Better grade lawn furniture, but still, no adjustments whatsoever.) and when she is not in the nursery the only place to be is in the hall. I'm planning on putting her in any unoccupied room on the floor (there are many) between feedings. I dare them to complain.
We had her folks stay back East until he gets home. I know that my wife needs the rest I order to not fall apart. Parents would complicate things too much.

This is SOOOO smart. Even the best intentioned grandparents can be stressful. Especially now. Try not to worry, you'll remember more of this than he ever will and even then that will fade into a distant "remember when our son was born?" story.

Be there for your wife right now like you're doing. What a good man you are. Keep her reassured and happy b/c right about now the hormones are flooding in and she may be feeling (even though completely erroneous) that she has failed. Tell her Hooka is pulling for her and please give her a big hug from me.. I had some NASTY post partum depression (here in the dark woods of the Pacific NW with no t.v. and knowing not a soul at the time.)

I remember what that was like. Hugs to you both
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So he's a bit jaundicey and they are going to treat him for that. I mentioned to one of the nurses that I had heard that he was going under grow lights. She looked at me funny and said "that's the first time anybody has ever called them that". Then I (dumbass Esq.) asked if she had a spectrum graph. I gotta move out of this state.
About a year ago one of you posted a "My Boobs Are OK" video. Funny how much we are both saying that line these days. Was that you @neosapien ? Regardless, thank you. I might have missed that cultural nugget.
So he's a bit jaundicey and they are going to treat him for that. I mentioned to one of the nurses that I had heard that he was going under grow lights. She looked at me funny and said "that's the first time anybody has ever called them that". Then I (dumbass Esq.) asked if she had a spectrum graph. I gotta move out of this state.

Jaundice is pretty damn common. My sister's kid needed the lights. After a couple days they gave them a biliblanket to take home and wrap the little one up with.

Cute baby. He's got that whole "The fuck are you looking at?? face going on lol.
Oh wooooow, man


TLDR, congratulations my friend! You are going to be a great dad. Just be you.
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