I am thankful Sharia Law is not in America

All rights end when thry harm others. My right to swing my fist ends at your face. Welcome to america.

Not always the case. There are many situations in which my right to swing is fully protected even after it hits your face.

It's all a matter of perspective and conveying that perspective to one of twelve jurors, possibly twice.

Just sayin'.
The rest of what you said is nearly undecipherable but I think you are telling me how dangerous Mexico is. LOL Swine Flu too, don't forget Swine Flu. Anyway I'll reply to this. Actually, the US does in fact receive the lion's share of coke in the world. The US has far more addicts than any other nation per capita and yet the drug war has only one result, it exports violence south. Still somehow, I feel safer. If an insult to my intelligence is your only reply to this opinion I have, you probably don't even realize how many times I have insulted yours. Quite a few times that have gone over your head actually.
I only respond to those I respect like Uncle Buck, so please, back slowly away from this argumen....back....away....
Not always the case. There are many situations in which my right to swing is fully protected even after it hits your face.

It's all a matter of perspective and conveying that perspective to one of twelve jurors, possibly twice.

Just sayin'.

The saying "I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six." rings true for a certain percentage of the population in my experience.
Not always the case. There are many situations in which my right to swing is fully protected even after it hits your face.

It's all a matter of perspective and conveying that perspective to one of twelve jurors, possibly twice.

Just sayin'.

Laughable. You will never convince anyone that your assault was protected under your fist swinging rights.
I only respond to those I respect like Uncle Buck, so please, back slowly away from this argumen....back....away....

I'm glad you don't respect me. Your respect would be an indication of tendency to breathe from the mouth. However, no, you won't get rid of me so easily.

Look at post 9 for an example of me insulting you and it clearly did go over your head because you liked it.

Now, also notice I haven't used any foul language toward you, not even harsh words. Please quit using them toward me, or I will use more direct means to show everyone how stupid you really are.
I take it back, he is not worth my time actually. Also, since he clearly does not respect UB, my claim in post 66 is not an indirect accusation that UB is a mouth breather. That was unintended anyway Buck, I like you, you make me laugh.
i'm glad you don't respect me. Your respect would be an indication of tendency to breathe from the mouth. However, no, you won't get rid of me so easily. Look at post 9 for an example of me insulting you and it clearly did go over your head because you liked it. Now, also notice i haven't used any foul language toward you, not even harsh words. Please quit using them toward me, or i will use more direct means to show everyone how stupid you really are.
move along little girl
My wife is not vegan and my dog would eat your face before you got to the hallway.

But nice homicidal rage. Signature mcrandle.
move along little girl


"you're gay therefore I win"

Look, nobody is impressed with your talk of AR15 and civil war impaling with rusty swords and raping UB's wife with a tree branch. Everyone here does clearly see, in fact, that you're a scared little boy lacking the vocabulary and mental acumen to keep up with political banter.

Shut the fuck up Donny, You're out of your element.
Don't get me wrong, in a case of war, I would hunt down Uncle Buck and cut his throat. Not only would I cut his throat, I would rape his Vegan wife with the branch of a tree. I would take Uncle Bucks hairy wife and stick a screwdriver in the back of her head and laugh while she bleeds to death...............but Uncle Buck's wife wouldn't just bleed to death, her whole body would convulse and shake due to the CELLS DYING IN HER BODY. I WOULD LAUGH AT UNCLE BUCK'S GIRL DYING IN AGONY, BECAUSE I WOULDN'T LET HER DIE. I woulld stick a knife in her her left eyeball OH SO SLOWLY, JUST TO MAKE HER SUFFER. And then I would imaplale Uncle Buck on a motherfucking rusty sword so that later in life he would suffer horrible pains. THE END. FUCK YOU UNCLE BUCK, FUCK YOU CANNABEER OR WHATEVER YOUR PUSSY ASS NAMEIS EDIT: i HOPE CANNABEERPUSSY AND UNCLEBUCK DIE HORRIBLE, PAINFUL, LONG LASTING DEATHS. THE END, LOL

Haha, what happened Rancid?

Did mommy forget to pack an extra juicebox with your Lunchables today?

1/10 Stars for Shockvalue.

0/10 Stars for Funniness

0/10 Stars for Trollbait.

You fail. Again.
I would seriously have no problem choking the life out of you. Compared to EVERYONE I have come across in my life, and that includes all the coke-heads in my neighborhood, YOU ARE THE ONE PERSON I WOULD TAKE PLEASURE IN WATCHING DIE VERY SLOWLY.

Are you canna's sock puppet on a bad manic episode?
I would seriously have no problem choking the life out of you. Compared to EVERYONE I have come across in my life, and that includes all the coke-heads in my neighborhood, YOU ARE THE ONE PERSON I WOULD TAKE PLEASURE IN WATCHING DIE VERY SLOWLY.

I got $20 on you being a fatty.
Watch out, we got us a bad ass over here.
I would seriously have no problem choking the life out of you. Compared to EVERYONE I have come across in my life, and that includes all the coke-heads in my neighborhood, YOU ARE THE ONE PERSON I WOULD TAKE PLEASURE IN WATCHING DIE VERY SLOWLY. EDIT: I want to put emphasis on the word "pleasure" I fucking hate you with a passion dude. UNCLE BUCK, I DON'T THINK YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH I HATE YOU AS A HUMAN BEING. I would GLADLY put a bullet in you if you were part of some twisted government "Running Man" competition.

Uncle Buck, I envy you right now.