I am thankful Sharia Law is not in America

UNCLEBUCK I would seriously have no problem choking the life out of you. Compared to EVERYONE I have come across in my life, and that includes all the coke-heads in my neighborhood, YOU ARE THE ONE PERSON I WOULD TAKE PLEASURE IN WATCHING DIE VERY SLOWLY. EDIT: I want to put emphasis on the word "pleasure" I fucking hate you with a passion dude. UNCLE BUCK, I DON'T THINK YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH I HATE YOU AS A HUMAN BEING. I would GLADLY put a bullet in you if you were part of some twisted government "Running Man" competition.




I like you Rancid.

Even if you are just putting on an act for people. You make me laugh.
LOL, I'm not really seeing any convincing debates on your side right now. Could one of you pussies at least come up with something good?
Sharia law is about as important as Scientology in America. Your 72 virgins mean about as much to me as your gold plates. Good luck with that.

France has put Sharia law in it's place lately, it'd experience no progress in America. Those Americans that are afraid of it are idiots who know nothing of American law. Dummies who believe everything they're told. Fuck em. Real America isn't like that.
Yes, I think the evidence is, US Judges refuse to knowledge Sharia, at all. Not even as evidence of mitigation or aggravation, in Hearings. It is the fight the Sharistas want very dearly. But, it is meaningless in this country. It requires a ban of blaspheme, among other more hideous aspects like honor killing.
You come off as inferior
You come off as an an Egotist. And the Elite smuggery puts you at the bottom of your own barrel, but not ours. We feel compassion for you. Condescension is a main clue to your own personal inadequacy. So, you are not actually inferior, but your wold view is Inadequate. BTW, especially, no warrior is an inferior to you. What dues have you paid? Any kind of face to face discussion will show you clearly, your Realism position. Do you really think anyone cares that you would portray a horses ass? Do you really believe personal insult have any weight, except against you? Fascinating.

You keep asking for a debate and then posting your little spasms about how badly you want UB's cock up your ass or something.

What would you like to debate then? Your choice of topic.

Sharia Law? Well, it has about as much chance of catching on as Kwanza has of trumping Christmas. So what's your point? Do you really think that muslims, who comprise a slim minority of our population and most of whom are not in favor of this type of harsh rule, would be able to swing that? There's over 68 million catholics alone in this country bud, do the math. There is no way that Sharia could ever be imposed here because the number of people who practice Christianity. So you're using buzzwords to stir the shit. That's all. And doing a very poor job at it too.

If anything, we as Americans' have more to fear from the Christian Right within our own country. They seek to attack our freedoms (abortion, marriage rights, stem cell research) far more than some mullah muttering curses into his beard. They are a clear and present danger, who favor increased government control of what goes on in your living and bed rooms'.

Now, provide a counter point. That's how debates work, Bubba.

And skip the little 14 year old girl screeching about cancer and dying. You don't offend anyone. You make it easier for people to clown on you because you clearly think you're the Baddest Dude On The Internet. :roll:
Haha, what happened Rancid?

Did mommy forget to pack an extra juicebox with your Lunchables today?

1/10 Stars for Shockvalue.

0/10 Stars for Funniness

0/10 Stars for Trollbait.

You fail. Again.

Whoa whoa whoa. Is the quoted what Mcrandle actually wrote? If so ... I must reconsider his compliment of last night to be ... incomplete in its sincerity ... :( cn