I am woman

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Oh one more time - incase you can't read the little writing:

"modern day COCK-GOBBLERS have some degree of UNICORNISM at their core.

POOPIES are not COCK-GOBBLERS, they are far worse.

doer is a COCK-GOBBLER. you are a UNICORN POOP. i have no idea what your skin color is, but you are clear,y a UNICORN POS.

if you do not want me to use COCK-GOBBLER, POOP, and UNICORN interchangeably, then amend your platform.

you can't argue against civil rights and claim you are not UNICORN. it is simply untenable today, more so than it was 50 years ago."

I just found out what I am doing for the next several hours....

Hello UK growers thread...hahahahahaha
"if you don't pussy out this christmas, i will gladly call you a cowardly homophobe asshole to your face."

I certainly won't be playing this game.......until that time. I've said all that needs saying on that matter :)
I don't care who, or what, people fuck, as long as it is consensual, and not injurious to the parties involved. faggy, flaming, effeminate men I can do without. whether they are actually homosexuals, or not. its weird. I would not like a group of people acting like ring-tail lemurs either.

why do you feel uncomfortable around such people asyou describe?

i have rarely come across anyone i would describe as a 'faggy flaming effeminate" person besides you, and all of your role playing homophobic posts.
"if you don't pussy out this christmas, i will gladly call you a cowardly homophobe asshole to your face."

I certainly won't be playing this game.......until that time. I've said all that needs saying on that matter :)

i'll be passing through holbrook or flagstaff this december and would love to tell you to your face about what a racist homophobic piece of shit you are.

if you want to hit me due to my well reasoned arguments, it is you who will be sorry.

are we still on for grilled cheese and hefeweizen this december?

let me know, princess.
I am tolerant of speech and not of attempting to shout people down or shut them out for a different opinion.

That is what we do here on this message board is use speech to communicate ideas.

You sit here and use it to bully people and cause chaos because you hate yourself inside and you cant figure out how to avoid the pain without passing out. I have tried to explain that you need to start by getting rid of the alcohol but predictably you dont listen.

Why dont you try to attack the message and not the messanger? Not as much fun? Doesnt make you feel as big as a man on the internet?

They have free therapy for people like you. I am sure it is covered under Obamacare... You should seek help.
But then he'd no longer be able to own a gun.:eek:
"no. the cake maker may not refuse service to a gay person. i have said this many times."
then, by definition he is not free. its a paradox. a conundrum. at least to me, a person who wishes neither the coercion of the property owner OR the refusal of service based on anything other than inappropriate behavior.

stop sweating Flagstaff. you'll be there, or you won't. but, I will tell you this. I am going to lump you up, for disparaging my child. I want this to be clear. you want to meet in public; fine. I'll eat the M2. or maybe I'll yell, "HELP! HELP!, while its on, and charge you. you insulted a wonderful young woman, that I broke my ass, raising well. you have neither the physical, nor moral, power , to create what I have. go shoot your crooked, broken spermatozoa into one of your Buff Orpingtons :)
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"why do you feel uncomfortable around such people asyou describe?"

lol.....I don't. I feel very comfortable, and safe. don't get me wrong; better the Gay Tranny Review, than the Crips :)
"no. the cake maker may not refuse service to a gay person. i have said this many times."
then, by definition he is not free. its a paradox. a conundrum. at least to me, a person who wishes neither the coercion of the property owner OR the refusal of service based on anything other than inappropriate behavior.

stop sweating Flagstaff. you'll be there, or you won't. but, I will tell you this. I am going to lump you up, for disparaging my child. I want this to be clear. you want to meet in public; fine. I'll eat the M2. or maybe I'll yell, "HELP! HELP!, while its on, and charge you. you insulted a wonderful young woman, that I broke my ass, raising well. you have neither the physical, nor moral, power , to create what I have. go shoot your crooked, broken spermatozoa into one of your Buff Orpingtons :)
Awwwwww - you're a cute pappa!

I don't have spawn yet - but when I do...and anyone says anything bad about them...


Yodan't like me when I'm angry...
i'll be passing through holbrook or flagstaff this december and would love to tell you to your face about what a racist homophobic piece of shit you are.

if you want to hit me due to my well reasoned arguments, it is you who will be sorry.

are we still on for grilled cheese and hefeweizen this december?

let me know, princess.

i'll be passing through holbrook or flagstaff this december and would love to tell you to your face about what a racist homophobic piece of shit you are.

if you want to hit me due to my well reasoned arguments, it is you who will be sorry.

are we still on for grilled cheese and hefeweizen this december?

let me know, princess.

Maybe you'll get a tv show too drunkle...

Maybe you'll get a tv show too drunkle...

I found out about spousal abuse, whenever the movie "Sleeping With the Enemy" came out. I was young...

I also thought - I CAN'T WAIT for someone to try that with me (back then I thought that everything that happened to people in movies happened to EVERYONE in real life).

Because I know...I wouldn't be able to sit tight for the hours it would take them to fall asleep before I cut their peni off...

Someone I think that loves me HITS me?

Something something hath no fury as a woman scorned...

No one ever tried though. Wonder why?


Yes, I am cray.
I found out about spousal abuse, whenever the movie "Sleeping With the Enemy" came out. I was young...

I also thought - I CAN'T WAIT for someone to try that with me (back then I thought that everything that happened to people in movies happened to EVERYONE in real life).

Because I know...I wouldn't be able to sit tight for the hours it would take them to fall asleep before I cut their peni off...

Someone I think that loves me HITS me?

Something something hath no fury as a woman scorned...

No one ever tried though. Wonder why?


Yes, I am cray.

the wife did it........................
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