I am woman

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"no. the cake maker may not refuse service to a gay person. i have said this many times."
then, by definition he is not free.

so it's only freedom if you get to deny people basic civil rights. got it.

but you are totally not a racist POS.

stop sweating Flagstaff. you'll be there, or you won't. but, I will tell you this. I am going to lump you up, for disparaging my child. I want this to be clear. you want to meet in public; fine. I'll eat the M2. or maybe I'll yell, "HELP! HELP!, while its on, and charge you. you insulted a wonderful young woman, that I broke my ass, raising well. you have neither the physical, nor moral, power , to create what I have. go shoot your crooked, broken spermatozoa into one of your Buff Orpingtons :)

never insulted your daughter, although i bet with a POS immature pappa like you, she is plenty fucked up.
so it's only freedom if you get to deny people basic civil rights. got it.

but you are totally not a racist POS.

never insulted your daughter, although i bet with a POS immature pappa like you, she is plenty fucked up.
no......published author. how about yours? the product of your loins? broken, damaged spermatazoa that huddle together and draw penis pics.

just wondering based on donnyvagina's statements.

this is an open forum, nigger-boy.

American black women are the worst stewards of children. sorry...........its not about their melanin, or the angle of their occular orbits.

that's a self-identified group........not a race. and the WORST.............stewards of children.

queens creating convicts..............

he's about as racist as they come, so i figure he must have imbued his daughter with some of that same racial resentment.
just wondering based on donnyvagina's statements.

he's about as racist as they come, so i figure he must have imbued his daughter with some of that same racial resentment.
Oh yeah - I was trying to find a picture about a proud pappa bear - because I think sayin sheet about his daughter set off the rage - OBVI.

But I had to help my wee mother. Gave her a cookie for her 'thritis, and she was HIGH AS FUCK! hahahah - cute little thing!
Oh yeah - I was trying to find a picture about a proud pappa bear - because I think sayin sheet about his daughter set off the rage - OBVI.

But I had to help my wee mother. Gave her a cookie for her 'thritis, and she was HIGH AS FUCK! hahahah - cute little thing!

horrible people almost invariably make horrible parents. luckily kids are resilient and sometimes succeed in spite of this.
horrible people almost invariably make horrible parents. luckily kids are resilient and sometimes succeed in spite of this.
Hey now...I don't think anyone's parenting skills are in question here. Hypothetically guessing about his parenting, is just that - guessing.

You guys say stuff to piss each other off - ON PURPOSE.

He says N word, you say bad parent...you may as well start a BAT FIGHT for all the good it's doing....hahahaha

Oh yeah - I was trying to find a picture about a proud pappa bear - because I think sayin sheet about his daughter set off the rage - OBVI.

But I had to help my wee mother. Gave her a cookie for her 'thritis, and she was HIGH AS FUCK! hahahah - cute little thing!

lol.....his nose should be a horse tail, so much shit pours out of his mouth. he's not real, Yess. just a ghost in the machine :)
is she the one writing stormfront's newsletters now?

congrats to her.

she really must make you proud.

she doesn't race-identify. she asked me why black people are called black, when they are not, and similar, with whites. I told her all about the bullshit theory of "race." she was 3. we never looked back. I'm brownish-orange; she's peach-tan. I soiled her with Ashkenaz genes. she writes fiction; perhaps perfect for that website. poetry and short stories. wants to screen-write.

I broke my ass......raising that kid. I am proud. you should not speak about people's family, unless it is to wish them well. some people ;) are funny about that shit, and will fuck you up. perhaps if you were a parent, you would understand, but you are not. I didn't need to be told that. it shows.
just wondering based on donnyvagina's statements.

he's about as racist as they come, so i figure he must have imbued his daughter with some of that same racial resentment.
I "nigger" you in response to your racial insults. you pick dance-around-the-edge insults. I don't.
my "worst stewards of children" statement is a quote of Tommy Sotomayor, a black man. I do agree. black America has the highest rate of corporal punishment (my actual crusade) in this nation, and the least fathers in the home. corporal punishment leads to criminality. children learn empathy from their fathers. a nation of criminal sociopaths are being warehoused in Bob Barker prisons.

and you're "down." I'm not.
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