I am woman

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yet you think it should be legal to kick black people out of stores because of their skin color and nothing else.

I think it should be legal for people to control their own property, but not the property of others.

I think it is wrong to force another human to interact with me.

You disagree with my two statements above and further falsely extrapolate that into an idea that I am a racist.

While I may disagree with how some people control their own property, I still have zero right to dictate how they use it as it isn't mine.
The same goes for a persons body. I would never dream of forcing a person to use their body to serve me in a nonconsensual interaction, rapists tactics are wrong. You should stop defending them.

Also, you never crayon anymore. Why?
I think it should be legal for people to control their own property

so people are not allowed to decide for themselves whether to open a store or not, and whether to make it a public or a private one?

wooooooops, they already do have that right. it already is legal to control your property.

you want something more than that though, you want segregation.

I think it is wrong to force another human to interact with me.

then don't. problem solved.

I am a racist.

and a pedo, too.
so people are not allowed to decide for themselves whether to open a store or not, and whether to make it a public or a private one?

wooooooops, they already do have that right. it already is legal to control your property.

you want something more than that though, you want segregation.

then don't. problem solved.

and a pedo, too.

If people are free to open a store why do permits exist ?

Hint ...Permit...permission.
Yet you advocate for the right to discriminate based on race. You oppose civil rights.

Inb4 pedophilia is described as consensual civil liberty.

No, I don't advocate that rights come from government or should be restricted by government like you do, "anarchist".

The only right I have to associate with someone is by them consenting to it, not by my or your giving their "consent" for them, which is of course impossible.

I respect private property rights and believe that people have the right to control their own, but not others. Ditto for people and their bodies.

If you want to have this conversation, it all starts with a definition of what property is and who can own it....but you can't answer that.
No, I don't advocate that rights come from government or should be restricted by government like you do

Property rights do come from government. I know you think they come from gawd or John Locke or some retarded neckbeard shit, because you think you're a slave who is being raped.

Inb4 my Veteran's disability is compared to rape.
Only problem with this is that he really does describe pedophilia as consensual, and defends this description by arguing that heinous acts are consensual.

No, see your wrong. I don't describe acts as consensual or nonconsensual, because an act by itself is neither. The people involved are what makes an act consensual or not. Self evident.

If you can prove to me that SOME heinous acts are NOT consensual do it, or does your reservoir of thought run dry when presented with questions?
Property rights do come from government. I know you think they come from gawd or John Locke or some retarded neckbeard shit, because you think you're a slave who is being raped.

Inb4 my Veteran's disability is compared to rape.

Do you own anything?

Can anyone own anything? How is ownership of something established?

I bet you run and hide under the bed with all the stale cheetohs now.
Except pedophilia, which you have repeatedly described as consensual.

Your ability to arouse yourself is your business, but anyhow back to the matter of discussion.

No, pedophelia like any act is neither consensual or nonconsensual by itself. Some acts that are heinous CAN be consensually entered into, that does not ascribe consent to the act itself, it ascribes consent to that particular interaction, with those particular people in that particular instance.. An action by itself is neither consensual or nonconsensual, it needs further information to be determined as such.

For instance you receive money from a redistribution source that involves a nonconsensual redistribution. Receiving money from people isn't automatically a nonconsensual act though is it? If you worked in a consensual exchange the act of you receiving money would be the completion of a mutually entered into agreement. See? There is a difference.
Some things yes, but not people. People are not property.

So nobody can own other people. Good we agree. I like to say that people "own" themselves though, but I think the relevant point is people cannot own OTHER people, so let's not digress there okay?

How does a person acquire ownership of something?
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