I am woman

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And here is Rob Roy insisting that children can consent to sex for payment.

Nice sidestep from the property argument you always run from.

Are you saying children cannot consent to heinous acts or just to certain ones? Can you list them and state why it is impossible for children to consent to them?

What makes the nature of an act, even a heinous one impossible for a person to consent to?
No. I said people are not property. Property rights come from government. Human rights come from being human. The problem with your lolbertarian pseudophilosophy is that you think that all rights spring from property.

No, I don't. A person without property still has rights, one of them is the right to acquire property.

You sure are working hard at insulting and avoiding a real conversation about what property is or isn't. While I could argue with you about consent, I'd really like to hear your thoughts on property and who can own it?

Well? You got anything instead of redirects and insults?
Property rights come from government, human rights come from being human. If you don't know what property means, why are you so obsessed with it?

I have a pretty good idea of what property means. In order for us to have a discussion, it is important to get your statement of what property means. You avoid that and redirect.
Children can't consent to sex for payment you perverted propertarian.

You have mixed things again Uncle Buck wannabe. My asking questions is not an endorsement of an act. You seem intent on winning an argument by being devious and immature. Have a good night.
You have mixed things again Uncle Buck wannabe. My asking questions is not an endorsement of an act. You seem intent on winning an argument by being devious and immature. Have a good night.

No matter how vigorously you try to argue that pedophilia is consensual, I'm not going to agree with you.
Women aren't equal to men and shouldn't be. Feminism is because there's women out there that feel entitled to everything. 1 has a penis 1 has a vagina. Two totally opposite things that fit/ work together!!!!! Hahahaha we work together but we are different. Some women are manly of course. Those are the feminists. It's all about women just trying to be heard blah blah blah. I am a women. Do I think Hilary Clinton should run for president? Fuck no!! You know why?? Because she's a women!! Women have to many emotions/hormones/all that other crap!!! Lol she would be better then the dummy we have now but hey it just shouldn't happen. It's a MANS JOB!
I'm not trying to fight or argue with anyone either lately it seems like people want to debate stupid stuff,I just like giving my opinion and reading everyone else's posts I don't want to make anyone mad so pls no one get mad at that^❤️
The people involved are what makes an act consensual or not.

and when the people involved are an adult with a bag of cash and an erection and a small child, then it is never consensual, even though you think it is, and have described said pedophilia as "a voluntary act".

rot in hell, pedo.
Women aren't equal to men and shouldn't be. Feminism is because there's women out there that feel entitled to everything. 1 has a penis 1 has a vagina. Two totally opposite things that fit/ work together!!!!! Hahahaha we work together but we are different. Some women are manly of course. Those are the feminists. It's all about women just trying to be heard blah blah blah. I am a women. Do I think Hilary Clinton should run for president? Fuck no!! You know why?? Because she's a women!! Women have to many emotions/hormones/all that other crap!!! Lol she would be better then the dummy we have now but hey it just shouldn't happen. It's a MANS JOB!
I'm not trying to fight or argue with anyone either lately it seems like people want to debate stupid stuff,I just like giving my opinion and reading everyone else's posts I don't want to make anyone mad so pls no one get mad at that^❤️

nice try, FDD.
and when the people involved are an adult with a bag of cash and an erection and a small child, then it is never consensual, even though you think it is, and have described said pedophilia as "a voluntary act".

rot in hell, pedo.

I'm not interested in discussing what you did on your vacation, but thanks anyway.
No. I said people are not property. Property rights come from government. Human rights come from being human. The problem with your lolbertarian pseudophilosophy is that you think that all rights spring from property.

Actually, no, you are wrong.

Property rights do not require a central government to exist. A central theme and agreement of what a property right IS, would be helpful though. It could then be expressed on an individual person basis, if it can't, it's not really a right is it?

The very existence of a central coercive authority negates the ability of an individual to exercise HIS property rights. Go ahead and refute that...if you can.

Just because government can and does protect THEIR interests by depriving other INDIVIDUAL peoples interests, doesn't mean that protection of property COMES from government as we know it. They (central coercive authorities) employ offensive tactics. Employing offensive tactics is not a real exercise of a property right.

What we need is a multiplicity of SELF GOVERNING individuals for property rights to be fully expressed, not the other way around, as you state, via a central authority.

I also realize in your mothers basement your library of books you like to quote from doesn't cover what I just said and that you are miserably lost in a real discussion.

Might I suggest a real conversation some day?
Where the fuck am I? Oh yeah....


Sheeeeeeet. You Mericans be all ornery up in here.

I thought this thread was about vaginas.

Carry on...
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