I Beseech Your Help! Rollitup Community! 1st indoor grow!

Got it
u can still overwater. it helps drain but u still dont want to water alot as a seedling , i wait till my cup feels real light (like dry soil) then water it till its got some weight to it again usually about 3 days and i dont make big holes i use a pencil and pole one hole in the middle and a few holes in a circle around that.
edit: overwatering will make ur seeding fall over or leaves droopy
OK so ive done alot of research and im obviously dont have enough light. Which would explain the slow growth. Gonna get a few more cfls around it tomorrow, im now doing the 18/6 method will be switching to 12/12 tomorrow also.
Hey guys just a lil update.

Erykah is growing quite lovely.
Although her leaves are starting to droop, i dnt know if this is because shes in need of more soil.
Can someone help me out?WIN_20150916_122810.jpgWIN_20150916_122808.jpg WIN_20150916_122823.jpg

Aaliyah has recovered from her stunted growth and is now trying to catch up?
Anybody got an idea as to how to make them veg faster and stronger?
A little water was all she needed.
Erykah is back up and happy.
Kinda feel like im by myself here lol. Im still gonna keep updating for people who may need help in the future! :eyesmoke:
subbed & caught up with your thread. you'll notice they're going to need more water and a little more often as they start to get out of the seedling stage. good luck with your grow.
The other two aaliyah and left eye have both been scraped they turned vastly yellow over night Erykah is till going strong "I think" can u guys tell me if its time to transplant. and also give me some insight on why that one leaf is bending down and turning yellow at the tip? One of the leaves hadd gotten burned from the light so i trimmed the burnt part off. 11909862_968661549842341_1620539255_n.jpg12026423_968661586509004_1232595222_n.jpg 12053240_968661443175685_1724256488_n.jpg
how much and how often are you watering? have you looked into T5s yet? they don't require the constant attention that CFLs do and you won't burn your plant as often.
not too much water just an accumulation from to often.... let them dry out before u water.... stop sticking ur finger in ur cup to see how dry it is , go by the weight of the cup when it is super light and feels like theres no water then water
not too much water just an accumulation from to often.... let them dry out before u water.... stop sticking ur finger in ur cup to see how dry it is , go by the weight of the cup when it is super light and feels like theres no water then water
thanks alot i thought i might have been. Is it to early to trannsplant?
u should have ur lighting coming down from the top. its not really doing much on the side... that is for when ur plants to bushy and light isnt penetrating the canopy
if u have drain holes in ur cup if there is roots visible in them then id say yea i dont like transplanting untill my plants are healthy but sumtimes u just gotta go for it ...