I came for all the good Biden posts


practice what you post

Well, see, we've found something to agree on. Why do you support Biden when he so blatantly insulted Obama (and black people in general) ?

If you don't vote for me (Biden) "you ain't black" (or whatever the fuck he said lol)
Well, see, we've found something to agree on. Why do you support Biden when he so blatantly insulted Obama (and black people in general) ?

If you don't vote for me (Biden) "you ain't black" (or whatever the fuck he said lol)
Act like you have never insulted black people (or Obama) You do it here everyday. Your hypocritical tendencies are showing again.
I have insulted people who are black, because of the content of their character, not because of the color of their skin.
That’s what all racist say

The very same reason we all insult you daily. Based on the content of your character.
I assume he donates his SS/DI every month. That way he’s not taking govt money

The Federal Reserve is a private company. Last time the "government" was going to make it's own money, JFK got bumped off for daring to consider that.

I donated some eggs yesterday to a poor guy that lives in a camper. Charity!
I like watching him trip himself up. He can’t remember what he posts from one day to the next.
He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about anything except for getting his rocks off by playing around here.

I’d give him a Bobbitt if I ever met him. You know he’s a pedophile right? Seriously, he thinks 12 year old girls are open season. He makes me want to vomit.