I came for all the good Biden posts

Just to try and help derail this conversation.....

I’ve been on a chai tea kick lately. A couple pieces of toast/bagel/english muffin, some chai, and a few sticky bowls. #BreakfastOfChampions
I do fine at breakfast. I have ate the same thing for years. Half an ounce each of soybeans, soynuts, pumpkin seeds, granola, some sort of Kashi and dried fruit. (with 50 grams of almond milk) It's the Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips with peanut butter on a spoon after breakfast that is hurting my waistline.
Not another year's supply of Rice-a-roni, the San Francisco treat I hope.
I had an old washed up Ford Courier that I named the rice-a-roni. I thought it was ironic that Henry Ford said he would never sell a Japanese car. But then he did. I paid 450 bucks for the original rice, but the motor died pretty soon afterward, so I bought the wrecked rice. It was a DOT truck that was doing an impersonation of an accordion, but the motor was in great shape. Speaking of irony, the wrecked rice cost more than the original. (it's good not being dirt poor anymore)
I have a quick and simple recipe for ribs in the Instant Pot -

I like pork baby back ribs

1) Put a rack of ribs inside of your instant pot and add 1 cup of water
*Sometimes I use 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

2) Press the “Pressure Cook” or “Manual” button and set the time for 25 minutes on High Pressure. When it’s done cooking, do the 10 minutes natural release (NR), followed by the quick release (QR).

3) Put the cooked ribs on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper and brush with BBQ sauce

4) While the ribs are cooking in the Instant Pot, preheat the oven to 450F. Bake the BBQ ribs in pre-heated 450F oven for 10 minutes.

Ribs done with this recipe turn out great every time

I parboil ribs, then throw them in the smoker with hickory chips for 1 hour and finish them off in the oven with bbq sauce