I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..

like death?

+rep again, nice! :clap:

i gotta call bullshit on some of this, farm boy.

garner had a medical condition because of which he succumb to by a man who used known deadly techniques, that can EASILY cause a healthy persons death, was illegal.."known" that's key here..the choke illegal..what happened "to protect and serve"? murder 2 qualifies.

verbally resisting?:lol: married to a cop i've never heard of that term EVER and i think if i called him to ask, he would laugh me off the phone.

you can and they do find cops guilty, i can remember several getting the boot for shit they did.

it comes down to the PD and who runs it.
LOL Shuylarr you are so fun sometimes. I like how you say they find cops guilty all the time and give them the boot. Is that what guilty cops get today, a boot from the job? They don't get sent to prison or pay a fine or anything? No, because they actually weren't found guilty of shit, the department let them go before that happened.

That choke hold doesn't EASILY kill people either, you watch far too much television and WWF. If some dumb ass applies it way too hard and crushes the larynx of the victim , well then its deadly, but that did not happen in this case.

Verbally resisting arrest isn't against the law, but piss the cop off enough with your mouth and it will be changed to physically resisting, your word against his and his buddies. who you think will get the shaft?

Also stop saying the choke hold is illegal it isn't. Illegal means there is a law specifically barring something , and there is no law in the US that says cops can't use a choke hold to subdue a combatant.
Perhaps nest time they will just subdue him by emptying the magazine of their pistols, then you will cry about how they should have used a less deadly technique to take down a combatant.
the only exception is when an officer's life is in danger, you retard.

you will go to any length to defend the murder of a black man.
Citation needed, and by citation i want you to link me to the actual law that says police cannot use chokeholds, except when the officers life is in danger. Good luck princess Tiny Penis.
so you never saw the video, yet you are sure he was resisting arrest.

how is that?
You didn't see the part where garner pulls his hand away from the cop that is going to throw the cuffs on? You didn't see him slap that cops hand away? LOL I suppose you didn't know that even touching an officer is considered assault did you?

You are so dumb, yeah Garner didn't deserve to die, but when are you going to learn that the cops are always going to get away with this until we as a nation stand together and say "No More". Until then cops are free to kill whenever they want, and they will continue to get away with it, no matter how much you think they shouldn't.

That BART Officer Johannes Mehserle got manslaughter, served a year, and the civil case against him lost. yet it was pretty obvious he killed oscar grant in cold blood. Although his excuse is he needed to Taze Oscar, (Presumably for running his mouth)but grabbed his gun instead. wooops.
When will you learn?
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If it was illegal I'm pretty sure the VIDEO of the act would have been sufficient to bring charges against the officer.
If it was illegal I'm pretty sure the VIDEO of the act would have been sufficient to bring charges against the officer.

yeah, that's always how it works.


"not excessive force"
That isn't a law there Princess Tiny. Sorry you suck so bad at citation. Is that why they kicked your ass out of college?

cite the law that says it is OK to choke someone to death then.

i'll wait here.

feel free to smoke some more meth in the meantime, tweaker.
LOL Shuylarr you are so fun sometimes. I like how you say they find cops guilty all the time and give them the boot. Is that what guilty cops get today, a boot from the job? They don't get sent to prison or pay a fine or anything? No, because they actually weren't found guilty of shit, the department let them go before that happened.

That choke hold doesn't EASILY kill people either, you watch far too much television and WWF. If some dumb ass applies it way too hard and crushes the larynx of the victim , well then its deadly, but that did not happen in this case.

Verbally resisting arrest isn't against the law, but piss the cop off enough with your mouth and it will be changed to physically resisting, your word against his and his buddies. who you think will get the shaft?

Also stop saying the choke hold is illegal it isn't. Illegal means there is a law specifically barring something , and there is no law in the US that says cops can't use a choke hold to subdue a combatant.
Perhaps nest time they will just subdue him by emptying the magazine of their pistols, then you will cry about how they should have used a less deadly technique to take down a combatant.

Nope, Illegal means there is a specific law that prohibits a certain thing or action. Whatever your point was went away like a fart in the wind.

listen, if you worked for someone you'd have to follow the rules and regs of that company.

when you fail to do so, you get the hoof.

police are no different.

choke-hold is not against the law. it is not illegal.

choke-hold is not the part of the rules and regs of NYCPD.

being a cop is a very hard job.
cite the law that says it is OK to choke someone to death then.

i'll wait here.

feel free to smoke some more meth in the meantime, tweaker.
So then he died at the scene and not in the ambulance from Cardiac arrest?

So what you are saying is that the cops, the EMT's, the NYPD, the Hospital and the medical officer are all lying because they (Presumably) are all racists? Is that about hit the bullseye of your ultimate point you were going to make? Why doesn't the video show him dead if the choke hold killed him?
I dont think Trayvon Martin deserved it.

I dont think Michael Brown deserved it.

I dont think this guy deserved it.

What I keep saying is that if you resist arrest, or if you run around assaulting people you could end up dead regardless of your skin color.

try reading the thread once in awhile before commenting.
So then he died at the scene and not in the ambulance from Cardiac arrest?

So what you are saying is that the cops, the EMT's, the NYPD, the Hospital and the medical officer are all lying because they (Presumably) are all racists? Is that about hit the bullseye of your ultimate point you were going to make? Why doesn't the video show him dead if the choke hold killed him?

medical examiner says he was killed by a chokehold. compression of the neck.


see? i even got you a fox news link, because i know you love that shit.

still waiting for you to show me where the law says choking a man to death is legal.
medical examiner says he was killed by a chokehold. compression of the neck.


see? i even got you a fox news link, because i know you love that shit.

still waiting for you to show me where the law says choking a man to death is legal.

hmm nothing in there about a chokehold, are you sure you know how to read?

Bolcer says his death was caused by "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police." She says asthma and heart disease were contributing factors.

and even though the medical examiner basically said "the cops did it", the officer still wasn't indicted.

Hmm, me thinks no matter how much you cry and cry about this, he still isn't going to be indicted. Wanna make a wager on it?
policy are the rules and regulations the police work under.

the law is what they enforce.

the rules and regulations of THAT department on THAT choke-hold was that they are not to use.

therefore, the officer was in direct violation of the rules and regulations of that department and subject to termination and prosecution to the full extent of the law.

your turn.

however there is no law prohibiting the use of the Bar Arm Choke.

policies of the department are NOT laws, and the PD has no power to create law for themselves.

this isnt a debate over some opinion.
there are FACTS at play, and the FACTS are clear, the Bar Arm Choke was not permitted by the PD for use in subduing subjects (for good reason) but it is not now, nor has it ever been "illegal"

violating Police Policy is not a crime.
the worst that can happen is termination from the force.
his use of the Bar Arm Choke will not result in criminal prosecution, as it is not illegal, no matter how many times you claim it is.

ill put this into perspective for you.

all restaurants in california require every employee to wash his hands after using the crapper.
this policy is actually required by law.
those who fail to wash their grubbers after taking a piss can be sacked for violating policy, but their violation of policy, even one mandated under law, is NOT A CRIME so they cant be charged for it under the law.

if the effect of their violation of policy causes a customer to contract herpegonosyphilaids from their unwashed hands dripping with urine and smegma, that might be cause for an indictment, but the crime is infecting others with herpegonosyphilaids, not failing to wash their mitts after handling their dick.