Dude, your missing the bigger picture; it's not what they did, it's the method they used.
We don't live in a quantized world; it's analog; there's shades of grey in the real world. You just have to be smart enough to recognize the situation for what it is and respond accordingly.
It's tough when your a cop; conditions change fast. But a guy trying to make a buck selling cigs on the street corner vs a guy committing a robbery ....
it's revenue based.
not quota..r-e-v-e-n-u-e
"cuff-em and stuff-em"

this is BIG business.
they are looking to fine and set-up payment plan when the guy can't pay up front.
extortion: the other white meat
there is also another dynamic at play you smart men and tweaker farm boy have missed..they're paramilitary:

and certainly nothing new: