I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..

4 cops are standing on a street corner in New York and some lunatic comes up and hits one in the head with an axe and then hits another in the arm. Hindsight is perfect.

The lunatic was in the service of Allah, though, so all is forgiven and he is now in paradise with 31 virgins.

I wonder if they stay virgins after the martyr ascends and joins them, or if he gets to violently deflower each one in turn while screaming "Allah Akbar"?

Being surrounded by virgins for eternity sounds a lot like hell to me: "water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink".
Be better if it was X amount of horny sluts that knew what they were doing.

I can think of better things for the after life than being a sex ed instructor.
past arrest(s) mean nothing.

you are innocent until proven guilty.

this is STILL america!
Valid point, but this is America, so why expect more? What you see is what you get, and the bullshit has been around FOREVER, which is Racism (pick a race, any race), Violence ( Wars) Crime (Wall St) and a fucked up Political/Legal system. One lesson I learned early though was that you DO NOT fuck with a cop. Never. I have walked away from cops holding shit more than once because I kissed their asses. I guess this guy and Brown never figured that out.
Cop(s) tell you you're under arrest, you turn around, place your hands behind your back and say "yes sir". You ain't talking or fighting your way out of an arrest, some stupid motherfuckers don't understand this simple truth.

You don't have to like or even respect the police, but smart money is on at least feigning respect.

As an intelligent, self-identified black man, I've had several "brushes" with the law that never progressed past me speaking politely to them and going on my way. I've never even been given a speeding ticket, several warnings, but never ticketed.
They didn't put the choke hold on him for selling loose cigs, they did it becakuse he was resisting arrest and trying to assault the officers. Just watch the video, itsy obvious.
spin ot how you want... fuck da bitch ass police... they kill thousands of peoples dogs each year. yet you kill there k9 you will get charged like ypu killed an actual cop.. police beat people down all day yet if you even spit on one yr going to prison for a long time. they rutinely lie to citizens but lieing to them is a crime. fuck da law.....
Valid point, but this is America, so why expect more? What you see is what you get, and the bullshit has been around FOREVER, which is Racism (pick a race, any race), Violence ( Wars) Crime (Wall St) and a fucked up Political/Legal system. One lesson I learned early though was that you DO NOT fuck with a cop. Never. I have walked away from cops holding shit more than once because I kissed their asses. I guess this guy and Brown never figured that out.

every time an officer makes a traffic stop, they are scared out of their minds whether this is gonna be "the one".

every time an officer walks out the door, his wife wonders if he'll come back.

my husband made it through his first department without ever having to shoot his gun except to re-certify at the range.

his second department, he was not so lucky.

out by the beach, he made a traffic stop, the guy took off, chase ensued into a family neighborhood, guy crashed his car into tree and ran. my husband drew down and shot the fucker a few times. sent him to the hospital, he survived and is doing time in raiford. this made the news and tv:lol:

anyway for the shoot, he was relieved of road patrol, on desk duty and was investigated. he wasn't allowed to talk to anyone about the details even myself. i think it was close to 2 months before he was back on road patrol due to intensive investigation.

you know, my daughter 22, was on her way back to school in orlando when she was pulled over by a statie. not sure why, probably her lead foot had something to do with.

she won't have an FOP badge on her plate because she's afraid her car is gonna get wrecked. so she turned on her typical charming self of "attitude" and got ticketed even though the cop knew she was a cop daughter. that's pretty egregious offense in cop world. you don't do that to family. so my husband calls the cop to find out why because my daughter "swears" we was being respectful. well let me tell you, that cop gave him an earful on how disrespectful his daughter was to him and how he felt she really needed the lesson.

he wouldn't void the ticket.

it's about respect. yes sir, no sir. i do it. got myself out of a speeding ticket the other day when i was pulled over.

it's not quantum physics.

unfortunately, no amount of yes sir and no sir was going to help garner. looking at the vid, he was pulled backwards, an obese man lost his sense of balance and you can see he was struggling.

#99 caused the death of that man, straight up!
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spin ot how you want... fuck da bitch ass police... they kill thousands of peoples dogs each year. yet you kill there k9 you will get charged like ypu killed an actual cop.. police beat people down all day yet if you even spit on one yr going to prison for a long time. they rutinely lie to citizens but lieing to them is a crime. fuck da law.....

are you sure your white? or just rolling?:wink:

besides your biz is big time and chi-town? your territory.

wouldn't want to be you for anything though.

no offense intended; you do need love too:hug:
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past arrest(s) mean nothing.

you are innocent until proven guilty.

this is STILL america!
and when a cop tells you youre pinched and he is gonna run you in, you either stop drop and let yourself get rolled up, or the cops subdue you and run you in.

being subdued isnt a safe thing, and sometimes people die from resisting arrest.

sometimes cops die when somebody resists arrest too.

Career Felons, with convictions for aggravated assault larceny, and previous adventures in resisting arrest get the hard take down.

the perp should have drawn on his years of experience getting busted and accepted that he was pinched.

instead he chose to go in a different direction, and as such , he made the informed choice to tussle with the cops.

i gotta call this one "Assisted Suicide"
kynes didn't you read the complete thread?
sure i did, and you clearly stated that choke holds are "illegal", and then insisted that "illegal is just the grownups way of saying violation of policy"

netiher statement is true, both make your position clear: you think chokeholds are illegal.

they are NOT illegal.

then you reversed your position and now wish to pretend that shit never happened

if your contention is that i am mischracterizing your statements, and you never claimed choke holds were illegal, insisting that i read the thread is probably not a winning stratagem.

you might do better with a Chompsky Gambit, through which you can argue that your previous statements could be tortured into a meaning which has a small potential to be correct.
and when a cop tells you youre pinched and he is gonna run you in, you either stop drop and let yourself get rolled up, or the cops subdue you and run you in.

being subdued isnt a safe thing, and sometimes people die from resisting arrest.

sometimes cops die when somebody resists arrest too.

Career Felons, with convictions for aggravated assault larceny, and previous adventures in resisting arrest get the hard take down.

the perp should have drawn on his years of experience getting busted and accepted that he was pinched.

instead he chose to go in a different direction, and as such , he made the informed choice to tussle with the cops.

i gotta call this one "Assisted Suicide"
He didn't tussle with the cops. He never even took an aggressive posture. He simply moved his arm when they grabbed for it.
He didn't tussle with the cops. He never even took an aggressive posture. He simply moved his arm when they grabbed for it.
did he go limp? did he tap out?

nope. he TUSSLED and tried to avoid getting his bracelets.

he has worn that jewelry often before, but this time, i guess he didnt think it would go with his outfit?

who gives a shit.

numbnuts tried to prevent his lawful arrest, numbnuts got the Hard Takedown.