I cant smoke weed...


New Member
IDK whats wrong with me. I think its just really bad anxiety and Im too stressed out all the time. Its pretty bad when Im sober also. U would think that weed helps that but it doesnt anymore.

The last time I smoked I only took like 4 hits and got a little spooked, and I tried to tell myself it was just anxiety. I tried to just have fun, I was listening to music and I got up and started dancing around, then my heart started beating fast and funny and I got really lightheaded and felt like I was gonna pass out. I got really jittery and couldnt sit still, I felt like freaking out and screaming. I went into the kitchen which felt like a journey and got orange juice and drank like 14 oz. and was walking around, then my chest started to hurt and tighten every time my heart would beat. IDK man, but I can barely smoke anymore. I went to the doctors before a few times and they said I was healthy and went to a heart doctor, and he said at most I had a mild arrythmia, if even that. Do u think it was just a panic attack? or bad anxiety? Even if I tell myself that I still get freaked out and feel like Im gonna die, a lot of times when Im sober too. Whatever this shit is has ruined my life.

I remember the days when I could go through a whole fat ass blunt of haze by myself and would get a real nice and intense high with no anxiety, and want more, now this shit?...Im hopeless.


Well-Known Member
I'm going through the exact same thing. Its been this way for several years now. I took a break and that didn't do any good. So now just try to take 2 medium sized hits. If I do that, I'm fine... but any more than 2 hits and I feel exactly like you described.


New Member
Your body is tellin you somethin ... It's time to stop smoking for a while. Your problem is a common one...Not everyone, actually most people, can't smoke every day [assuming that you do] without it taking a toll on them at some point.

Quitting smoking will make you feel better.... You'll be ok. :D


Well-Known Member
i smoke every day not alot tho few bowls sometimes a 20 sack the worst thing that happens is i can almost completley feel and imagine brutal ways of dying but thats only sometimes and then i can just watch something funny and im fine. course that video of that dog thing getting skinned alive dident fucking help at all


Well-Known Member
i smoke every day not alot tho few bowls sometimes a 20 sack the worst thing that happens is i can almost completley feel and imagine brutal ways of dying but thats only sometimes and then i can just watch something funny and im fine. course that video of that dog thing getting skinned alive dident fucking help at all
Opps, sorry about that. :-o


New Member
i smoke every day not alot tho few bowls sometimes a 20 sack the worst thing that happens is i can almost completley feel and imagine brutal ways of dying but thats only sometimes and then i can just watch something funny and im fine. course that video of that dog thing getting skinned alive dident fucking help at all

Can't say he didn't warn you ... heh


Well-Known Member
you hit the nail on the head.. it's anxiety.. I had a friend who had to quit doing coke and almost had to quit smoking pot because of it... its just anxiety.. panic attack, whatever you wanna call it.. I suffer from anxiety, so it's something I've come to live with.. some deep breathing
exercises should help.. I wouldnt enduce the panic attack to find out.. but next time, just find a nice place to sit (I know thats ard) and relax (even harder) and just take some slow deep breathes, and release slowly.. do this until you feel yourself start to relax.. it'll take some time.. but it helps.. and always remember to breathe in from your gut, using your diaphram.. like you're warming up your vocals (for those whos ing).. it does wonder's.. that and a joint always does me good.. but since yours come on when you smoke a joint, you may not want to.. i dunno.. good luck


New Member
So u think its just anxiety then? I must have it real bad tho, I get really sick feeling at times.

I quit for a while (not on purpose) over a year ago for 3 months, coincidentally (or not) after I had stopped smoking for almost three months, I had my first severe panic attack (at the time I thought I was really dying) ever and continued to have them every day for nearly a month. I started smoking a little again and they became a lot less severe, then the bad panic attacks stopped and now Im down to just bad anxiety with minor panic attacks once in a while. Keep in mind, the worst of it happens when Im completely sober and havent smoked for 5+ days, or when Im high. Also, recently Ive just been smoking 2-3 times a week, with no more than 5 hits each time, it helps my anxiety for a few days.

I know that its not some actual bad interaction. Ive smoked weed when I was pretty calm (comparatively) and didnt have many problems. The problem is, my life is so stressful right now and with the weed I have to worry about getting caught every time I smoke it. Just the process of smoking it, and hiding it, is a mini panic attack in itself. I really have no relaxation in my life right now, and I refuse to take medication at this point. For now, every time I take more than 5 hits I feel like Im gonna go crazy and have a heart attack and nobody will find my body. This has been going on for over a year now, Im just hoping it will pass in time. Hopefully.


Well-Known Member
last night i was smoking and for the first time was rewarded with these sharp pains in my chest...was slightly worried but they went away. smoked this morning with no problems.

i would just take a break


New Member
At the very least I know I have bad anxiety. As for if its more than that, IDK. What I do know is I went to the doctors a lot of times in the past 14 months and got blood tests for a lot of different things, and went to a heart doctor and got checked out and they all said I was fine.

Im gonna leave it at that for now. Im just gonna do what Ive been doing, continue taking just 2-4 hits every couple days to keep my anxiety down, until this passes and I get better. That could be anywhere from a few weeks to years, who knows. I gotta learn to just enjoy life and stop worrying about all this. Thats what I gotta work on, cuz life is heaven when ur carefree like a child, its so much easier.


Well-Known Member
So u think its just anxiety then? I must have it real bad tho, I get really sick feeling at times.

I quit for a while (not on purpose) over a year ago for 3 months, coincidentally (or not) after I had stopped smoking for almost three months, I had my first severe panic attack (at the time I thought I was really dying) ever and continued to have them every day for nearly a month. I started smoking a little again and they became a lot less severe, then the bad panic attacks stopped and now Im down to just bad anxiety with minor panic attacks once in a while. Keep in mind, the worst of it happens when Im completely sober and havent smoked for 5+ days, or when Im high. Also, recently Ive just been smoking 2-3 times a week, with no more than 5 hits each time, it helps my anxiety for a few days.

I know that its not some actual bad interaction. Ive smoked weed when I was pretty calm (comparatively) and didnt have many problems. The problem is, my life is so stressful right now and with the weed I have to worry about getting caught every time I smoke it. Just the process of smoking it, and hiding it, is a mini panic attack in itself. I really have no relaxation in my life right now, and I refuse to take medication at this point. For now, every time I take more than 5 hits I feel like Im gonna go crazy and have a heart attack and nobody will find my body. This has been going on for over a year now, Im just hoping it will pass in time. Hopefully.

that's all it is.. anxiety/panic attacks.. they're sorta the same.. the fact that you have to hide it and are afraid of getting caught, along with the normal stress of life is heightened when you're high.. weed is like.. an intensifier.. when you're already drunk and smoke, you're wrecked, when you're fuckin and stoned it's better.. so normally when you're stressed, it makes it alot worse than what it is.. like I said.. try some deep breathing exercises and see if that helps.. count to ten backwards if you must and repeat until you feel better.. thats what I would do..

When you wanna smoke, just try to put your mind at ease and rid yourself of all the stress as much as possible, and find something (video game, music, movie) to keep your mind from conjuring up these stresses..

I used to get this way back when I was young and nieve .. when I thought it was possible to OD on pot or that demons would come swallow me up in my sleep.. just keep the negative out and the positive in..

I still have problems with my emotions when i'm high.. my hearts been broken alot and, here recently someone has pulled a child (not mine) that meant everything to me out of my life.. and so I worry about her, alot.. and what she thinks of me and if I just ditched her.. so I get bummed and sometimes suicidal when I smoke.. so I use these tip's and a few other's to kinda cope and hope she is ok.. remember.. negative out, positive in.. thats all I can tell you and good luck.. contact me if you wanna know anything else, I hope some of this helps


I know its been awhile since original post. But, do you smoke cigarettes? Cigarettes cause bad anxiety. I know most ppl think it "takes care of anxiety" but its actually opposite.


Well-Known Member
One time I went over to a friends and he smoked a bowl with me and I swear it was laced or something. I've never had panic attacks, but the room seemed bigger with my friend standing out. And my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, I was freaking out cuz it wouldn't stop. I went in and looked in the mirror and I looked different, it was really wierd. Another friend who was there felt the same way. But I felt better after a couple hours and smoked another bowl and was fine.


Active Member
i used to smoke when i was 14- 22 ALOT, before school"beer then weed" and after to go to my part time job. then all day anyday ,all week , but then in my twenties i started to get these panic attacks during my high.. i started thinking my heart was pounding but when i counting my heart beats in was normal. It kept on and then started to get jittery. paranoid and all .. the only thing take it off is my PS3 CALL OF DUTY because all i concetrated on was kiiling and winning. ive stopped smoking and learned that when you stop for a while and smoke once in a while anxiety doesnt hit you bad it would just be a cool high especially when you got out.. my recommendations to you form what ive experienced and still do is quit for 2-3 months and then pack one when you about to do something, it'll feel good. ive been through going to doctor for heart checks, x rays, blood checks and other stuff like pain around body never explained and was all ANXIETY. deep breaths and learn to know when you have one to KNOW THAT THATS A ANXIETY ATTACK AHEAD OF TIME, let me know if this explains or helps any..good luck for you and me and whoever deals with this fucked up problem


Active Member
How old are you dude? You age might be a reason. But when I was doing a shit load of other drugs and I would smoke I would get like panic attacks as the way you described. Paranoid, racing heart, non sociable. However, that did pass and now its ok. I do notice that when I get really blazed and im around a lot of people I feel likeim about to have one. Learn to control it tho, good luck. Peace


Well-Known Member
This is like the depressed / anxious stoners support thread ...

I'm right there with everyone else ... I've been stoned straight for almost a year now ... First it was playful fun happiness. Then my personal life went to shit for an external reason that I held very little blame in, and since then the 'depressed' stone is more a muting of pain through over amplification. I can't find a positive 'in' that works.

I've become a total recluse as a means of preventing myself from reeling from the relationship I just lost. It isn't fun to not have fun when stoned. Right now I don't want to stop being high because I'm afraid I'll actually have to make some sort of 'decision' on how to proceed with my life.

Stoned I do a very good job of not making decisions and just letting shit happen, which I can't do sober. I have this pesky need to manipulate and direct everything around be sober. 15 years of sobriety has not so gently informed me that no matter how fucking hard you try in life you're going to get stuck in the fact that life is circular and no matter how much you fight it, the same shit keeps happening over and over again.

So 15 years later and I'm perpetually stoned again, depressed (because of a relationship again) and completely doubting every decision I make.

Loads of fun isn't it?



Active Member
I can almost guarantee that what you are going through are panic attacks. I've had them for about 2 years now and I can relate to your pain man. It's the worst feeling ever - mine usually come on as a severe lightheadedness with really weird feelings shooting around. The worst was when I ended up in the emergency room because I thought I was gonna pass out and die. Then I went to the doctor and got a bunch of tests done. I've had a brain MRI, EEG, EKG, and numerous other tests and all came back normal. I only later found out when I did research over the internet that there were other people who were experiencing the same weird things as me. These episodes are basically anxiety attacks. I would recommend going to the doctor to rule out anything serious but I'm pretty sure you have anxiety disorder.

I then got prescribed valium but I threw away the prescription cause I don't wanna risk going into some downward cycle of depression/anxiety/drugs. I'll just stick to natural ways of coping with this. Anyhow, I know it really sucks when you get an episode but just remember that these are physically harmless and it's really all in your head. As long as you know that this is not something really serious (cause believe me it feels like it's something very serious!) that will eliminate a lot of the fear which makes the whole thing less scary. I'm at the pt now where I'm positive that I'll be ok soon when I have an attack but the bad news is that it still doesn't make those physical symptoms any less shitty feeling. You just have to relax and get through it and the good news is that you WILL be ok.

When I first started having these attacks I would just chill out on the weed for a day or two because I didn't know how to handle it while stoned but now I'm pretty much back to smoking 24/7. I get these attacks whether I'm sober or not. I do notice though that when I smoke a huge amount in a short period I have more chance of having an attack. I just try not to overdo it but I love to smoke so when I do and happen to have an attack I just try to relax..breathe deep..and sometimes i'll try to go to sleep. In about an hour or so I'll be cool.

Good luck man I know how shitty this is but don't let it take over it can be managed no doubt.