I found a bag of blow..........


Well-Known Member
The way I see it, if they (the company) were doing it up and they're still kickin its probably not gonna be too bad. But yes its very hard to get really good coke its probably stepped on.


Well-Known Member
So last night my roommate had some female friends over, they got wasted and did a few lines then without even asking drank most of my booze :( It was in he fridge, they were fucked up so I decided the 15$ was not worth an argument, I said nothing and passed out :) This morning I find a bag with a nice amount still in it (blow). Guess they left it behind lol. I'm not one to take such stuff but i'm super tempted in lieu of their recent choices, hmm should I?

Let's discuss ....
I say flush that shit. Coke is fucking WACK. YOu stay high for like 10 minutes but are fucking wired for 6 hours. The whole time wanting more. Fuuuuuuck that shit.


Well-Known Member
So last night my roommate had some female friends over, they got wasted and did a few lines then without even asking drank most of my booze :( It was in he fridge, they were fucked up so I decided the 15$ was not worth an argument, I said nothing and passed out :) This morning I find a bag with a nice amount still in it (blow). Guess they left it behind lol. I'm not one to take such stuff but i'm super tempted in lieu of their recent choices, hmm should I?

Let's discuss ....
Is it $30 or more?:clap::clap::clap:KHARMA!
Sell it back to them (in a different bag of course):twisted:


Well-Known Member
I hate coke. Not even close to enjoyable for me. It was the first three dozen or so times I did it though.


Well-Known Member
Oh man I used to do a lot of coke. I mean I still do but I also used to. Don't leave that shit at my house you'll never see it again.


Pickle Queen
So my night took a turn, bad turn :( My roommates bff showed up hammered, I was pissed because she drove, but when I looked into her eyes I knew somthing bad was about to come out, it did, she might have cancer :( She came to me because her bff is 5 1/12 months preggo. I had no Idea what to say, so I just held her and let her cry, we did some research and i'm hoping for the best, she has ollier's , stuff I found online says the tumors are benign, but she kept saying her doc said something about telling her parents and loved ones soon, then the mention of 8 weeks, fuck sorry getting facts from a drunk emotionaly bitch slapped woman can be hard. Damn what can I do to comfort and support her, poor thing is soo pretty and sweet, dance instructor to, fuck life is messed....


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid there's nothing you can do to help the situation, but you can help her personally, be there for her, comfort her, you seem like a nice person so go with what feels best....hoping it all works out in the end and it is benign....this is life at it's hardest and when someones true colours show through.

I'm sure your colours will be bright and soothing


bud bootlegger
So my night took a turn, bad turn :( My roommates bff showed up hammered, I was pissed because she drove, but when I looked into her eyes I knew somthing bad was about to come out, it did, she might have cancer :( She came to me because her bff is 5 1/12 months preggo. I had no Idea what to say, so I just held her and let her cry, we did some research and i'm hoping for the best, she has ollier's , stuff I found online says the tumors are benign, but she kept saying her doc said something about telling her parents and loved ones soon, then the mention of 8 weeks, fuck sorry getting facts from a drunk emotionaly bitch slapped woman can be hard. Damn what can I do to comfort and support her, poor thing is soo pretty and sweet, dance instructor to, fuck life is messed....
sorry to hear april.. cancer sucks.. my gf's first born son died the day after his second bday to cancer, so i know it all too well.. like someone else said, not much you can really do other than be around and comfort your friend when she needs it the most and be the friend i imagine you've always been to her..


Well-Known Member
Well I hope you didn't dump the entire bag of blow on your vag so you can at least give some back to her. Just be like "Here I bought this just for you."


Well-Known Member
I don't really like coke, but when its around I tend to smell it real fast in a forward motion through a straw.


Well-Known Member
what is with the "you fucked up, so now I must fuck you in the eye mentality.?:finger:

In this matter the goods consumed were compensated for, albeit unintentional.

why do some feel like it is a mission to make the life of someone else more complicated than it already is?