I found a bag of blow..........


Well-Known Member
I need a POF intervention, i'm addicted to dating really handsome but amazingly dumb men, I think I need to date ugly men ;) lol
Then you're looking in the wrong places. I'd volunteer myself, only it appears I'm at least twice your age.:grin:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
are you that shallow april or has this just been the way the cards fell . beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone


Pickle Queen
are you that shallow april or has this just been the way the cards fell . beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone
Not shallow, and my xrays always show such lovely bones ;) If attractive men ask me out I find myself wanting to spend time with them, should I lie about this? If Hot women wanted to spend time with u would u say "no ur no ugly enough?" lol then I realize they lack basic communication skills lol If u had to pick between kush and brick weed which would u pick, i'm just honest, i'm not an ugly women, i'm 30, got a car ,pretty good job, and no kids so ya that's just life. Should I date men i'm not attracted to so people I don't know think I'm a good person? LOL

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Not shallow, and my xrays always show such lovely bones ;) If attractive men ask me out I find myself wanting to spend time with them, should I lie about this? If Hot women wanted to spend time with u would u say "no ur no ugly enough?" lol then I realize they lack basic communication skills lol If u had to pick between kush and brick weed which would u pick, i'm just honest, i'm not an ugly women, i'm 30, got a car ,pretty good job, and no kids so ya that's just life. Should I date men i'm not attracted to so people I don't know think I'm a good person? LOL
How long have you had a self-destructive personality?


Well-Known Member
Not shallow, and my xrays always show such lovely bones ;) If attractive men ask me out I find myself wanting to spend time with them, should I lie about this?
No.. If they're hot then that's a fun bonus. But you shouldn't get with them just because they're hot.. Unless you're just looking for a shallow lay.

If Hot women wanted to spend time with u would u say "no ur no ugly enough?" lol then I realize they lack basic communication skills lol If u had to pick between kush and brick weed which would u pick, i'm just honest, i'm not an ugly women, i'm 30, got a car ,pretty good job, and no kids so ya that's just life.
I'd give her a chance. Not because she's hot (which is a bonus) but because she's a human and might just be a cool person. If a "ugly" girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to hang out, I'd give her a chance to.. She might just be a cool person also.

Kush and brick is a irrelevant metaphor. Using that assumes good looking people are good people, which isn't always true.. And that also assumes not so good looking people suck, which isn't always true.

Should I date men i'm not attracted to so people I don't know think I'm a good person? LOL
You should either date people because you like them for who they are (regardless of looks) or just admit you're in the dating scene just for looks, which is shallow.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This thread drips with hypocrisy. It boggles my mind. Sex is a physical activity. An enjoyable one, thank all that's holy. We are animals. One with a sex drive that is on all the time. Unlike other animals that have to "come into season" if they want a little nookie. The only other creatures that have recreational sex are Bonobos and they do that to help cement relationships in their group and relieve stress. Sex is natural and harmless (normally).

I've read thread after thread on this site, with contributions from most of the guys, about banging "bitches and sluts". By the way you all talk, you're nothing but a bunch of whoremongers and shameless sluts yourself. Then you turn around and start attacking and ridiculing a female on this site because she happens to have a healthy libido and enjoys sex. So fucking what? It's her life. She's an adult. She's not a whore or a slut or whatever your vestigial tribal taboos dictate she is. She's a healthy human being without the inhibitions of an archaic prudish culture that should have died with Queen Victoria.

I think what most of you men are afraid of is a woman with experience. That she might know a little bit more around the bedroom than you do AND she's enjoyed a much larger cock than yours.


Pickle Queen
This thread drips with hypocrisy. It boggles my mind. Sex is a physical activity. An enjoyable one, thank all that's holy. We are animals. One with a sex drive that is on all the time. Unlike other animals that have to "come into season" if they want a little nookie. The only other creatures that have recreational sex are Bonobos and they do that to help cement relationships in their group and relieve stress. Sex is natural and harmless (normally).

I've read thread after thread on this site, with contributions from most of the guys, about banging "bitches and sluts". By the way you all talk, you're nothing but a bunch of whoremongers and shameless sluts yourself. Then you turn around and start attacking and ridiculing a female on this site because she happens to have a healthy libido and enjoys sex. So fucking what? It's her life. She's an adult. She's not a whore or a slut or whatever your vestigial tribal taboos dictate she is. She's a healthy human being without the inhibitions of an archaic prudish culture that should have died with Queen Victoria.

I think what most of you men are afraid of is a woman with experience. That she might know a little bit more around the bedroom than you do AND she's enjoyed a much larger cock than yours.
God luv ya !!!

Meh it's clear the 2 people complaining about my choice to date people i'm attracted 2 have been rejected a few times by pretty women, c'est la vie my handsome friend, we can't all be nummy I guess.

What I find "hot" is what i'm attracted 2, but my fan club thinks i'm shallow for not being a fake ass bitch that dates men for their money or what they offer, damn me and my want to find real lust and passion... lol really it's ok i'm not bothered only amused by the assumptions and opinions people make, they must be right cause they say so, eh my smokin chili pepper ;)

Oh happy canuck Thanksgiving :)


Pickle Queen
I'm having fun, I personally don't have anything against you.
Wow I bet ur as handsome as u are nice. Having fun? ur just rude.
People like u annoy me, ur miserable and think it's ok to spread ur negativity.
Annoy someone else please, I wont respond to u anymore.


Pickle Queen
No.. If they're hot then that's a fun bonus. But you shouldn't get with them just because they're hot.. Unless you're just looking for a shallow lay.

I'd give her a chance. Not because she's hot (which is a bonus) but because she's a human and might just be a cool person. If a "ugly" girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to hang out, I'd give her a chance to.. She might just be a cool person also.

Kush and brick is a irrelevant metaphor. Using that assumes good looking people are good people, which isn't always true.. And that also assumes not so good looking people suck, which isn't always true.

You should either date people because you like them for who they are (regardless of looks) or just admit you're in the dating scene just for looks, which is shallow.
Online dating is a combo of physical and verbal attraction, people lie, some describe who they want to be, not who they are, I chat with guys i'm attracted to, how else and I gonna find a life partner???
So u date girls ur not attracted to, do u close ur eyes every time u meet a women and get to know the real her? LOL damn ur making me laugh, was that milf ugly? lol i'll just let that one go, way to easy lol

U are right about the kush brick weed metaphor, bad exemple lol

People don't date each other regardless of looks, when u like someone it's because they are appealing in ur eyes, u find them sexy.
It's funny how serious some of u think about the random things I write.

Lesson of the day, luv is not blind, it's based on the laws of attraction, hmm guess u don't know "The Secret" yet ;)


Pickle Queen
From, "I found a bag of blow".......to all this?
Ya this is what happens when I post, I think a few people need to start dating and spend less time scrutinizing my every word.

I can't even say "rainbow" without being accused of hate speach, god luv being a mod, people hate me for fun. LAME.


Well-Known Member
This thread drips with hypocrisy. It boggles my mind. Sex is a physical activity. An enjoyable one, thank all that's holy. We are animals. One with a sex drive that is on all the time. Unlike other animals that have to "come into season" if they want a little nookie. The only other creatures that have recreational sex are Bonobos and they do that to help cement relationships in their group and relieve stress. Sex is natural and harmless (normally).

I've read thread after thread on this site, with contributions from most of the guys, about banging "bitches and sluts". By the way you all talk, you're nothing but a bunch of whoremongers and shameless sluts yourself. Then you turn around and start attacking and ridiculing a female on this site because she happens to have a healthy libido and enjoys sex. So fucking what? It's her life. She's an adult. She's not a whore or a slut or whatever your vestigial tribal taboos dictate she is. She's a healthy human being without the inhibitions of an archaic prudish culture that should have died with Queen Victoria.

I think what most of you men are afraid of is a woman with experience. That she might know a little bit more around the bedroom than you do AND she's enjoyed a much larger cock than yours.
I'm sorry if what I said came off in a bad way. Sex is a good thing.. It's a fun thing.. Especially with a hot women. All I'm saying is she shouldn't just count "ugly" guys out of the dating scene.


Well-Known Member
Now for something totally different


Pickle Queen
I'm sorry if what I said came off in a bad way. Sex is a good thing.. It's a fun thing.. Especially with a hot women. All I'm saying is she shouldn't just count "ugly" guys out of the dating scene.
I give any man i'm attracted to the same chance, fuck crypt flew out here didn't he ;) enough said. I went to Cali and tried things with someone else I only ever spoke with, seriously U know nothing about the true person I am luv. Ur judging me saying not to judge men until I know them, yet u know nothing about me, irony???
I'm gonna start pm'ing the pics of the men I intend to date for approval .


Well-Known Member
Online dating is a combo of physical and verbal attraction, people lie, some describe who they want to be, not who they are, I chat with guys i'm attracted to, how else and I gonna find a life partner???
Haha.. true that.. Everybody lies to look better. I don't think it should work that way in the long run. Relationships are built on trust. Which is why many don't last.

So u date girls ur not attracted to, do u close ur eyes every time u meet a women and get to know the real her? LOL damn ur making me laugh, was that milf ugly? lol i'll just let that one go, way to easy lol
I don't date girls I'm not attracted to, why would I do that? However, I have dated girls that don't exactly meet other guys' standards. But that was fine with me.

People don't date each other regardless of looks, when u like someone it's because they are appealing in ur eyes, u find them sexy.
I have standards, yes.. But I give everybody a chance. Don't get me wrong though, I have standards too. The difference between me and you is that I give everybody a chance. Fairness.

Now if the person has stinky ass breath or has BO, I won't be attracted since they obviously don't care to take care of themselves. That stems int their personality. Me and you are different though, your version of ugly is like a guy being short or something.

Lesson of the day, luv is not blind, it's based on the laws of attraction, hmm guess u don't know "The Secret" yet ;)
It's not really a secret.. People are well known to be shallow. We all are shallow, just on different levels. But I still think everybody should at least get a chance.. Just a small chance to show the other person there's more than meets the eye. JMO


Ursus marijanus
This thread drips with hypocrisy. It boggles my mind. Sex is a physical activity. An enjoyable one, thank all that's holy. We are animals. One with a sex drive that is on all the time. Unlike other animals that have to "come into season" if they want a little nookie. The only other creatures that have recreational sex are Bonobos and they do that to help cement relationships in their group and relieve stress. Sex is natural and harmless (normally).

I've read thread after thread on this site, with contributions from most of the guys, about banging "bitches and sluts". By the way you all talk, you're nothing but a bunch of whoremongers and shameless sluts yourself. Then you turn around and start attacking and ridiculing a female on this site because she happens to have a healthy libido and enjoys sex. So fucking what? It's her life. She's an adult. She's not a whore or a slut or whatever your vestigial tribal taboos dictate she is. She's a healthy human being without the inhibitions of an archaic prudish culture that should have died with Queen Victoria.

I think what most of you men are afraid of is a woman with experience. That she might know a little bit more around the bedroom than you do AND she's enjoyed a much larger cock than yours.
I am less afraid of a woman with experience than I am of never finding another. :( cn


Well-Known Member
I give any man i'm attracted to the same chance, fuck crypt flew out here didn't he ;) enough said. I went to Cali and tried things with someone else I only ever spoke with, seriously U know nothing about the true person I am luv. Ur judging me saying not to judge men until I know them, yet u know nothing about me, irony???
I'm gonna start pm'ing the pics of the men I intend to date for approval .
Don't send me pics, that would defeat everything I'm saying right now. IDC if they're models or hunchbacks, as long as you actually like him for him then that's cool enough for me.


Pickle Queen
Haha.. true that.. Everybody lies to look better. I don't think it should work that way in the long run. Relationships are built on trust. Which is why many don't last.

I don't date girls I'm not attracted to, why would I do that? However, I have dated girls that don't exactly meet other guys' standards. But that was fine with me.

I have standards, yes.. But I give everybody a chance. Don't get me wrong though, I have standards too. The difference between me and you is that I give everybody a chance. Fairness.

Now if the person has stinky ass breath or has BO, I won't be attracted since they obviously don't care to take care of themselves. That stems int their personality. Me and you are different though, your version of ugly is like a guy being short or something.

It's not really a secret.. People are well known to be shallow. We all are shallow, just on different levels. But I still think everybody should at least get a chance.. Just a small chance to show the other person there's more than meets the eye. JMO
How would u know who i've given chances 2? Other women may find the men i've dated ugly, I find them hot, what if they are ugly and I enjoy that look, If someone I meet is a skinny, short, bald or stinky man I still get to know them. Trust me my roommates , the guys are not attractive men, they both have women who adore them, to these girls they are hot. U can't judge my opinion of people without knowing who I'm talking with, yes last guy I dated looked like this : Not some Jersey shore idiot, I like dark haired handsome men, that's not shallow, just me