I Found a Secret Room In My House!

shiiit..thot i might actually get to see something in pic-form.

seriously tho, its rediculous to not just peak in and make sure theres nothing that needs immediate attention in the room. if he said it was 10x10 or whatever, then he MUST have seen something..idk, but i wouldnt be able to wait, mold spores or whateverthefuck, im too curious to not look. and more then likely, depending on the age of the home, it might just be a storm shelter or old storage room that was just drafty and cold and got plastic'd up, then forgot or uncared about and got walled off..*shrugs shoulders* alot of drama for probably nothing. but it DOES send my mind down all sorts of avenues of what-might-be.

ide just have the testicular fortitude to investigate. lol
Fuckin-A guys, it's been A day. One day. He's obviously got a life outside of discovering what's in the secret room if he owns a house and has a wife. A job, kids to take care of, maybe lots of yard yard work to do. Normal people stuff. Shit guys, maybe he's just waiting until his wife isn't on the rag anymore so he can just go down there and tear it up, no questions asked. Maybe he did get sucked into an inter-dimensional portal, we have no idea. I'm tending to agree with fdd or gumball. A)It leads outside or into a pile of backfill. B) There's salt and pepper shakers.
Orrrr.. maybe whatever was in the room, ate him? He let it free to eat all of us. Now it has a craving for marijuana flavored humans. :shock:

(I wonder if eating a stoner will give it the munchies)
what kind of american does not have at least 3 spare gas masks after 9-11. buck up and go in there with a bandana over your face, ol' west style
The money pit is on Oak Island in Nova scotia some say its a sink hole some say its much much more.
He sent me a pic of the opened door, he got all the supplys and his wife wanted to see what was in there, and this is what they got.....
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Listen , you would have ran upstairs , told wife you found a door, before she could have said anything , i woulda been back down and through it ? mold spores ?? get the ferking bread knife and get your butt through there!!!!
