I found someone elses plants. What to do?


Well-Known Member
I don't know why nobody has suggested leaving cigarette butts or garbage around the plants / on the trail... I personally think that sends a pretty clear message right there, "this site is compromised".


Active Member
I don't know why nobody has suggested leaving cigarette butts or garbage around the plants / on the trail... I personally think that sends a pretty clear message right there, "this site is compromised".

This could be the best solution. Leave some shit around so he knows he shouldn't come back. I like the note idea, but you never know. You don't want to run into someone from some mexican cartel.


Active Member
You should take a huge shit right next to one of his pots. That way when he returns he'll think twice about planting on your turf!


Well-Known Member
I guarentee guy found his crop n just waiting for them to get buds to take. Most growers dont want friends, expecially when growing in obvious place.

i find it impossible to think you can do an entire season of visits an not run into each other though. This is strong possiblity.


Active Member
Im having the same problem... Someone's plants are close. I have big ass nice plants while his are small and grown by an amateur. I'm leaving a note saying looking good. we should of partner up. I need help with mine.

Do you live in Ontario by chance lol?


Active Member
Karma's a bitch. What if he knows about your grow and all of a sudden his plants get chopped? If he comes and gets his revenge which is quite possible, then great, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Find a new spot to grow and you increase the chance of a sucessful harvest more than if you kill somebody else's dreams.


Well-Known Member
If he know's your grow is there and it still remains however he WILL know you did this. But if you are well hidden and he is too close for comfort. Police tape helps. most "smart" outdoor growers will not enter police tape for fear of being spotted by police who could be in the woods waiting for the grower to return to the "scene"


hmm good thoughts. I thought about a note. but how alarming would that be for him? that would sure wake me up if I came back and teir was a note on one of my plants. its never happened to me but I can just imagine how awkward it would be to run ito the guy to. I think ill just ignore him (for now). Ill hope hes a grower with integrity and leaves me alone, (if he ever finds mine). Cause lets face it hes go just as much right to be there as me.
I always leave a note in a ziplock bag, tied to the top of one of the plants. The note would go something like this..


Obviously I found your plants. I have no intention of taking them, but... I wasnt looking for them, and just happened to stumble upon them. If it was that easy for me, its going to be just as easy for someone else, who may not be so nice.

Sleep well my friend

If its too late to move your shit, I'd leave it, and just be extra careful not to leave any trails, or obvious signs leading to yours. hide a trail cam or 2 around yours, and check them as often as is possible, without leaving trails. If he knows, and has any intention of taking them, he will be back to check on the progress, and you will see his/her pic on cam. In that case... You need to cut your losses, and move on. Otherwise...try to finish your grow, and find a new spot for next year.

Seen some really good advice in this thread, and some really stupid shit. NEVER trash someone elses crops!! the karma just aint worth it, not to mention, I'd be out for blood if someone did that to me. Make friends?? LOL, good luck with that....

RULE # 1 of guerilla growing... TELL NO ONE!


Well-Known Member
city by city they built the sin city. This dude should have planned bette if he is so worried about his crop. net year he will grow from experience.
Karma's a bitch. What if he knows about your grow and all of a sudden his plants get chopped? If he comes and gets his revenge which is quite possible, then great, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Find a new spot to grow and you increase the chance of a sucessful harvest more than if you kill somebody else's dreams.


Active Member
I don't think the other guy knows your grow is out there. You could give his plants time to mature, then cut them. This is a really jackass thing to do, though. I don't think it would stop me.


Active Member
You havnt been growing outddoor very long have you? What a dumb idea leaving a note, oh how sweet. Bro this isnt a lovers tiff with a girlfriend you dont write guerilla growers 'notes' . All you can do is follow sunbiz advice, rip them and leave a police card, dump the plants (leaf and tip) in the bush a couple miles away and hope he fucks off from the area. I dont like stealing its just a business decision.

Haha your post had me laughing my ass off.


Well-Known Member
I'd avoid hacking someone plants if they are grown. small and just starting out will not hurt someone as much as if the've been out there a few months and had a lot of time thrown in. Cloning someone strain without permission is straight wrong. no matter how you look at it. I don't care if your neighbor planted in your back yard, it's just something you DON'T DO. I have heard of and seen some people who have used the caution tape to ward of "Neighbor growers" most people see plants gone and area wrapped in police tape and turn around without blinking an eye