I GIVE UP - aerocloner

I am having the same problems with my PT Cloner. I was beginning to think that I was the only one who couldn't get clones to root in it. I have tried pretty much every configuration and still have had zero success with it. Seriously, in 5 months I haven't had so much as a nubbin. I got it last year, in October I think. I have put about 6 or 7 batches through it and have gotten nothing but brown mushy stems and yellow curled up leaves. So far the only thing I think it is good for is disappointing me. I have been using rockwool since I started growing and have had pretty good results with it. I only wanted the clone machine so that I wouldn't have to water 30+ clones twice a day. Needless to say I still have to water clones twice a day.

I have tried every configuration i can think of. (and what others on RIU and at the Hydro shop have suggested)
R/O water (DI filtered and non-DI filtered).
Tap water.
With H2O2 and without.
With additives and without additives (Roots Excellurator, Super B+, Super Thrive, Clonex).
Rooting gels and powders.
Water temps from 68F, 74F, 78F, 82F.
I have run the pH at 5.5, 5.8 and 6.0.
Sprayers on constantly and on a cycle timer.
Left the last batch in for 5 weeks before they croaked.
Running White Widow and a bagseed sativa dom strain.
water changes every day for the first week and leaving the water for three days before changing.

I clean everything i use in my op religiously with a mild bleach solution. I clean the cloner after every water change.
The thing just will not make roots. So far the worst $150 I have spent in my op. But since I spent the money on it I am going to keep throwing clones to the slaughter. I got plenty so why not. I really want the ease and simplicity of a clone machine.
i'm no quitter...........but i'm giving up on the aerocloner as well!! i've spent a lot of time building the cloner and have taken lots of clones, but i have only been able to get brown mushy roots that wouldn't take after the clones were removed from the cloner. the first pic is when i first built the cloner. i finally shut everything down after about 5 weeks with very poor results. what's even worse is that i removed a couple of clones from the cloner and stuck one in some dirt and the other in a rockwool cube, and their sprouting roots like a muthaphucka but the soil is doing much better! looks like i'm back to my old faithful method of cloning in rockwool cubes.


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i'm no quitter...........but i'm giving up on the aerocloner as well!! i've spent a lot of time building the cloner and have taken lots of clones, but i have only been able to get brown mushy roots that wouldn't take after the clones were removed from the cloner. the first pic is when i first built the cloner. i finally shut everything down after about 5 weeks with very poor results. what's even worse is that i removed a couple of clones from the cloner and stuck one in some dirt and the other in a rockwool cube, and their sprouting roots like a muthaphucka but the soil is doing much better! looks like i'm back to my old faithful method of cloning in rockwool cubes.
To anyone throwing out your ez-cloner hit me up on MP I will send you my address and shipping money:mrgreen:
Aerocloners WORK

Stinkbud has one with 100% success rate.

I think your brown rotton root problem is because you probably are not running the water on a timer of 1 minute ona dn 5 minutes off like you should be with the aero cloner.

You are over watering your plants dude.. later.. old post..
add a root stimulant to the girls and sum b vitamin to the water how old was the moms? maybe check and see how much N they are gettin!! get a dome on them if you can and mist it with a foliage spray to try and get the humidity up to 90-100% the gels seem to be a lil water resistant as apposed to the powders like if you oiled sumthin and see water drip off of it !!
NO!!!!! You do not want to add moisture to the leaves, no dome no misting of leaves. You have to force the plant to seek water and develop roots, if you are sdding moisture via folier the roots have no motivation to develop and seek water. Cut and dip in Gel, Run tap water @ 7.0 (mine runs closer to 8) with something like clonex 7 days all the roots you can handle.

I put my cuttings in my homemade aerocloner with regular tap water and check back 3 weeks later. Never failed to produce roots:leaf:
What temperature do you guys keep your cloning water at? what range?

Bonzi, are you using an aerocloner too?
check list...
1. make sure no light is getting into the reservoir. (tape it/cover it)
2. make sure the light is higher/ not as intense. (try to use cfl)
3. make sure they are not drying up. (keeping the area with high humidity helps)
4. make sure there is at least one air stone in the reservoir.
5. make sure to add some gel/powder/ and light nutrient mix ( yes it washes off but then its added to the water that bathes the stem again and again. )
6. check everything again and again if u are failing...