I got busted today.


Well-Known Member
It was said earlier but for the benefit of others, I'll say it again.....DON'T EVER LET LAW ENFORCEMENT IN YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT A WARRANT. Politely decline but firmly answer no. No matter what they say, NO is the only answer. You are making their job easy for them. Any lawyer would tell you the same thing. Sorry for your trouble but stupid people shouldn't be growing anyway.


Well-Known Member
It was said earlier but for the benefit of others, I'll say it again.....DON'T EVER LET LAW ENFORCEMENT IN YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT A WARRANT. Politely decline but firmly answer no. No matter what they say, NO is the only answer. You are making their job easy for them. Any lawyer would tell you the same thing. Sorry for your trouble but stupid people shouldn't be growing anyway.
Calling me stupid? lol. Whatever man. You don't know me, you weren't here.

Live and learn


Well-Known Member
It was said earlier but for the benefit of others, I'll say it again.....DON'T EVER LET LAW ENFORCEMENT IN YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT A WARRANT. Politely decline but firmly answer no. No matter what they say, NO is the only answer. You are making their job easy for them. Any lawyer would tell you the same thing. Sorry for your trouble but stupid people shouldn't be growing anyway.
Are they going to listen though......they are bastards, If they want in they will get in. If your growing personal they shouldnt even be near your door, if your commercial you need to be under the radar and keep your mouth shut. Loose lips sink ships. Po Po are stupid. Your either snitched or dumb luck on their behalf.......police call it intelligence.....I call it "rat bastards"


Well-Known Member
They never brought the dog in. The cup was sitting on the stove(had been for weeks) in plain sight. Maybe he just looked over it or left it on purpose. Who knows. They left/missed a bunch of random stuff.Least I still have SOME of my equip. Not that I have a single complete lighting system. Got a HPS and MH bulbs and sockets/cords for big cfls.

I"m not a religious person either, but I'll take all the prayers and good thoughts I can get.
maybe they left some shit so the next time if they come with a warrant theres still grow equipment there, maybe you should go buy some tomato plants to throw them off if you do get raided again, i personally would think that was hysterical, cops rushing in to find nothing but tomato plants.


Well-Known Member
they COULDNT bring the k9 in ...they were treading on thin water and they knew it ...subverting the law and all, they do it cautiously
probably why the jail was "full". maybe this is another flaw with the arrest too, do they absolutely need a warrant to have a k9 unit?


Well-Known Member
Got that phone call today. :-/

Good news is that I've got my people thats going to get me out on property bond :-D


Well-Known Member
Calling me stupid? lol. Whatever man. You don't know me, you weren't here.

Live and learn

You sound smart enough to know better.......... I didn't need to be there to know you don't let cops into the house without a warrant. I'm guessing they felt they could NOT have persuaded a judge to issue one or they would have had it and entered legally. Now you have to worry about trumped up charges and the forfeiture of your house, among other things. I bet the 1st thing out of your lawyers mouth will be: You should never have let them in without a warrant. I apologize for calling u stupid........ maybe it should have been more like naive and clueless.