I guess this is goodbye

What up all! Stopped in a coffeshop to send an email to my moms and figured I'd say what's up. So far so good. Enjoying the solitude of the mountains. Eating good and living better. Hope you all are well!

Hey Neo! Great to hear that you're doing well and enjoying the trip. Lovely of you to think of us ! Looks beautiful! Get home safely so you can tell us all about it! :)
Enjoy your travels. I must say I'm really amazed the Great Firewall doesn't block us.

I'm kinda bummed about that. What do we have to do to get banned?

Hope to hear more from you soon - but maybe a new thread title - like "hello from the land w/o weed". Are you gonna try n score? I saw this episode of "Locked Up Abroad" once...
I'm kinda bummed about that. What do we have to do to get banned?

Hope to hear more from you soon - but maybe a new thread title - like "hello from the land w/o weed". Are you gonna try n score? I saw this episode of "Locked Up Abroad" once...

Does Chinese weed give one Caucasian eyes?
Synopsis of Locked Up Abroad episode: son goes to meet absentee dad in India - last met him when he was five years old. Father talks son into train trip through China with Japan as destination. Just before leaving, father mentions large amount of hash he is bringing with to sell in Japan. Son goes along with it - split load evenly between their packs. Father gets bored by long train ride and smokes a hash cigarette in train hallway - draws attention of train officials. Train makes unscheduled stop to hand over both to authorities.

Father and son interrogated (they find half the hash), father falls back on prearranged plan to take full blame - son too. After 36 hours, Chinese authorities accept Father's story and release son. Upon release, they hand him his backpack - still full of hash! Son continues on to Japan, sells hash, pays for Dad's release.

Brass balls and heads full of piecrete.
I'm kinda bummed about that. What do we have to do to get banned?

Hope to hear more from you soon - but maybe a new thread title - like "hello from the land w/o weed". Are you gonna try n score? I saw this episode of "Locked Up Abroad" once...

Yeah and in no time we'll be betting on who is getting neo's kidneys!
Dear Wise Chinese Overlords. I am sorry I taunted you about not blocking Rollitup. Now you have taken away our ability to like each other's posts, rendering us helpless and supine. If you give them back to us, you may keep our friend Neosapian. Additionally, we will resist running dog revisionists and always remember the "Three Represents". Perhaps I can sweeten the deal by offering up some of Rollitup's troll talent to be used at your direction in the "human flesh search engine". I am very sorry and in awe of your power.
Dear Wise Chinese Overlords. I am sorry I taunted you about not blocking Rollitup. Now you have taken away our ability to like each other's posts, rendering us helpless and supine. If you give them back to us, you may keep our friend Neosapian. Additionally, we will resist running dog revisionists and always remember the "Three Represents". Perhaps I can sweeten the deal by offering up some of Rollitup's troll talent to be used at your direction in the "human flesh search engine". I am very sorry and in awe of your power.

We have much more to offer. Spaghetti. Gunpowder. A really cool swimming pool game for differently-sighted children.
What's the weather like there?

The weather is unusually awesome. It's been in the 60's since we landed and supposed to hit 70 over the weekend. Yesterday was the first it's rained and did so very lightly. Global warming is awesome.

Today is actually Chinese New Years Eve and is a pretty big deal. Everyone stays at home and eats dinner with their family and sets off fireworks all day. And not like pussy American fireworks, I'm talking Chinese-style-we-invented-fireworks-look-at-this-mortar-small-bomb-fucking-fireworks. They're setting off car alarms and shit lol. Lots and lots of awesome food tonight. I'm pretty fucking excited to eat dinner actually lol.

Tomorrow we'll walk around the city and look at all the New Years decorations. And have everyone stare at me. It's pretty much the 2nd time they've seen a white guy. The first time being me, 2 years ago lol. The day after tomorrow we'll go to the countryside and pay our respects at their ancestors graves. Out here they bury their ancestors on the sides of mountains. My wife's parents divorced and as such are buried on different mountains. Both are quite a hike. Should get some good pictures.

On another note, Facebook is blocked here and as such this is really the first time I've conversed with anyone other than my wife in quite awhile as I don't speak Chinese. So thanks for listening! Hope you all are well.

Shot of the city
