I guess we in for the same BS as 2008


Well-Known Member
Can we give the race shit a rest? it gets old and in the end its all of us vs them.
It's a part of the left smear campaign. The Republicans are the rich racists. If you vote for them and you are black, you are voting against yourself. If you vote for them and you are poor or middle class, you are voting against yourself. You must be blinded by the right wing Koch brother hate machine......


Well-Known Member
i've been trying to get an answer on this one, perhaps you can help me. all the other candidates have campaigns courting women and latinos, i.e. "latinos for romney" and "women for santorum", yet you made no mention of sexism or bigotry. why is it that obama is racist for courting african americans, but all the other candidates are not sexist or bigoted for courting other voters like women and latinos? thanks in advance!
You weren't asking me, but I think courting groups by race or gender IS bigoted, for any canidate. But he is correct that there would be an uproar if a candidate hosted a "whites for (insert white candidate name here)".


Active Member
The rabbit hole goes much much deeper my friend.

I'd say that it's more than a bit obvious that I'm quite well aware of that fact , you however seem to be unaware of the basic fact that Paul is just another resident of the Burrow In D.C............yup just another inhabitant of Mordor On The Potomac searching for The One Ring.


Well-Known Member
It's a part of the left smear campaign. The Republicans are the rich racists. If you vote for them and you are black, you are voting against yourself. If you vote for them and you are poor or middle class, you are voting against yourself. You must be blinded by the right wing Koch brother hate machine......
Why would you vote for Romney ???


Well-Known Member
giving every state a balance of power is being fair..If i had 20 kids in a class and also had 63 cookies but gave each child a equal amount of cookies (3) would you not call that being fair ??? now are you about to mince words for the sake of conversation..
Apparently you don't understand how the electoral college works. The States don't get equal amounts of "cookies". Go look it up. We'll still be here when you get back.


Well-Known Member
Apparently you don't understand how the electoral college works. The States don't get equal amounts of "cookies". Go look it up. We'll still be here when you get back.
I think you missed my point on giving balance is a way of being fair, but oh well


Well-Known Member
I think you missed my point on giving balance is a way of being fair, but oh well
I saw your point, it's wrong. Nobody was trying to be fair, they were bargaining for power. Nobody gave "balance", they bartered it. You're applying your modern concepts to things that happened two hundred years before you were born. Events in history must be viewed in the context they were born, not the modern world. What you think is "fair" depends on your viewpoint. If you skew the real world to fit your viewpoint, you lose objectivity. That's the media's job, to skew reality.


Well-Known Member
I saw your point, it's wrong. Nobody was trying to be fair, they were bargaining for power. Nobody gave "balance", they bartered it. You're applying your modern concepts to things that happened two hundred years before you were born. Events in history must be viewed in the context they were born, not the modern world. What you think is "fair" depends on your viewpoint. If you skew the real world to fit your viewpoint, you lose objectivity. That's the media's job, to skew reality.
dude when you barter its always a give and take ...stop mincing words.


Well-Known Member
YUP , not that it will make any difference , but it will express my displeasure , sorta like the following........

I can respect a write-in vote. Just curious as to who you would vote for seeing how no one pleases you


Active Member
Hes one of those people that will write himself in.

And yet another ad hominem shot with ZERO address of the specifics from a Paulista Lemming. But hey it's everyone ho doesn't join the Cult who " has no substance".........

What was that on Paul's economic stance again? Hey hows about his stance on abortion , there's a REAL " liberty oriented" one isn't there?


Well-Known Member
Nice job of deflection followed by a healthy dose of denigration.
My original statement still stands.
"Can you imagine the backlash if for instance ANY white candidate putting up a like website?"
How about you find me a "White guys for Romney" website & we'll go from there?

While we're at it, is it possible to hold a reasonable discourse without the snide derisive snippets ?
Thank you in advance.
well, you got your wish.

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