I guess we in for the same BS as 2008


Well-Known Member
Then maybe you should change YOUR titles to " On Uncle Ronnies Nuts".............oh and by the way , O'Bummer *IS* a racist f***. Just like Ron Paul is...

As I stated in another thread , *I* am originally from Victoria Texas , the 14th Congressional District of Texas , and sure the bastard got re-elected but the FACT remains that you can walk down the street in Galveston or Victoria and ask folks if they voted for PaulaClownitics , you won't find any , not that will admit it.

He's yet another career politico pulling the wool over folks eyes inthe pursuit of further and more extensive political power.
I like all of these generalized and retarded conclusions. I'm glad you managed to accuse all of the politicians as being racist with nothing to back up your claims in all of the threads. Quit spamming nonsense.


New Member
"I understand people who disagree with President Obama for his politics, but why do some have to still use racist "bullshit" to show just how ignorant they are. "

Pretty much stopped reading right there, your intro to the thread killed it.


Well-Known Member
I like how i can randomly stumble upon you libs posting on here and its race this, race that. Jesus christ you people are racist.


Active Member
I like all of these generalized and retarded conclusions. I'm glad you managed to accuse all of the politicians as being racist with nothing to back up your claims in all of the threads. Quit spamming nonsense.

You first clown. I'll refute anything I damned well please from some Paulista Lemming such as yourself. Do something about it if ya think ya can.

And apparently you're too bloody brain dead to read for any degree of context or with any degree of applied cognitive process , don't believe I said ALL did I clown?

But I damned sure DID say these words and will again ***RON PAUL IS A RACIST AND POTENTIAL FASCIST***..........

How do ya like them apples boy? Got any sort of clue as to where Victoria is? The 14th Congressional District of Texas? Yeah uh uhuh I don't " know anything" about your racist wannabe Dictator............naahhhh.

And I notice that like the vast majority of Paulista Lemmings you lack any direct address of the specifics. Hey want to talk about *earmarks* and Paul? Want to go right there? Hows about his connections to the John Birch Society? Perhaps his connections with the Dominionist/Xtian Reconstructionist Movement?

Care to discuss any of those? I can brings names and *real* info to the table , can you bring ANYTHING beside bullshit hyperbole ,attempted sensationalism , obfuscation of the past and the issues ....and a lotta strident ad hominem?

YOur boy is just another D.C. Whore spreading his legs for anyone who will help keep him inside the Beltway.

Now order me to " shut up" again. Go ahead.


Well-Known Member
You first clown. I'll refute anything I damned well please from some Paulista Lemming such as yourself. Do something about it if ya think ya can.

And apparently you're too bloody brain dead to read for any degree of context or with any degree of applied cognitive process , don't believe I said ALL did I clown?

But I damned sure DID say these words and will again ***RON PAUL IS A RACIST AND POTENTIAL FASCIST***..........

How do ya like them apples boy? Got any sort of clue as to where Victoria is? The 14th Congressional District of Texas? Yeah uh uhuh I don't " know anything" about your racist wannabe Dictator............naahhhh.

And I notice that like the vast majority of Paulista Lemmings you lack any direct address of the specifics. Hey want to talk about *earmarks* and Paul? Want to go right there? Hows about his connections to the John Birch Society? Perhaps his connections with the Dominionist/Xtian Reconstructionist Movement?

Care to discuss any of those? I can brings names and *real* info to the table , can you bring ANYTHING beside bullshit hyperbole ,attempted sensationalism , obfuscation of the past and the issues ....and a lotta strident ad hominem?

YOur boy is just another D.C. Whore spreading his legs for anyone who will help keep him inside the Beltway.

Now order me to " shut up" again. Go ahead.
That's quite the troll, now on to more sensible things. Like PIE!!



Well-Known Member
"I understand people who disagree with President Obama for his politics, but why do some have to still use racist "bullshit" to show just how ignorant they are. "

Pretty much stopped reading right there, your intro to the thread killed it.
We understand that in order for you to finish reading most things the words "Ron Paul" or "turtles" have to be included. Allow me to help...Ron Paul fucks turtles while screaming "states rights".


Active Member
We understand that in order for you to finish reading most things the words "Ron Paul" or "turtles" have to be included. Allow me to help...Ron Paul fucks turtles while screaming "states rights".

**not to Self**....put down coffee cup prior to reading any LondonFog post about Ron Paul..

I think I broke a rib laughing at the mental image created by the above.


Well-Known Member
I understand people who disagree with President Obama for his politics, but why do some have to still use racist "bullshit" to show just how ignorant they are.

Exclusive: Paula Smith of Hinesville, Georgia has a company called Stickatude.com. And they’re selling their own version of an anti-Obama bumper sticker that reads “Don’t Re-Nig 2012.” Ms. Smith told me in a telephone conversation on Saturday afternoon that the bumper sticker has been in their inventory since June 2010, but just in the last few days it’s started selling. The price is $3. Ms. Smith insisted that the bumper sticker is not racist. I asked her about the “N” word, for which “nig” is the shortened version. “According to the dictionary [the N word] does not mean black. It means a low down, lazy, sorry, low down person. That’s what the N word means.”

taken from http://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerfriedman/2012/03/17/exclusive-seller-of-controversial-anti-obama-sticker-says-its-not-racist/
wtf is this the word nigger comes from negro meaning blacc what kind of dumb doodl bitch is this????.


Well-Known Member
"I understand people who disagree with President Obama for his politics, but why do some have to still use racist "bullshit" to show just how ignorant they are. "

Pretty much stopped reading right there, your intro to the thread killed it.

I bet he thought it was going to be some righty jumble because of the title.


Well-Known Member
wtf is this the word nigger comes from negro meaning blacc what kind of dumb doodl bitch is this????.
This broad knew what she was doing, but like most idiots like herself she trying to play it off ... She says “According to the dictionary [the N word] does not mean black. It means a low down, lazy, sorry, low down person. That’s what the N word means.”... You can call Obama a lot of things, but lazy and low down would not be one.


Well-Known Member
This broad knew what she was doing, but like most idiots like herself she trying to play it off ... She says “According to the dictionary [the N word] does not mean black. It means a low down, lazy, sorry, low down person. That’s what the N word means.”... You can call Obama a lot of things, but lazy and low down would not be one.
right the man looks to have aged 10 years in less than 4. smh I just don't see how every one thinks that electing a right wing president will help. When Clinton left office we were in good standing economically then the decider got us in about 8 trillion ( I think.) dollars worth of debt.


Active Member
right the man looks to have aged 10 years in less than 4. smh I just don't see how every one thinks that electing a right wing president will help. When Clinton left office we were in good standing economically then the decider got us in about 8 trillion ( I think.) dollars worth of debt.

Yeah well we can get into Clinton and what got THAT clown into the Oval Office , you are correct that a righwing president isn't going to help.

In point of basic fact *NONE* of the available candidates is going to " helP' and that includes O'Bummer , the product of the only political machine in the country to rival the ones in NYC and the Big Easy for corruption.............Chicago.

O'Bummer has been Bush 3 , Bushleague left the safe open when he left and O'Bummer is looting what's left , the rest of the freaking Jackals are just sniffing around for their turn.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well we can get into Clinton and what got THAT clown into the Oval Office , you are correct that a righwing president isn't going to help.

In point of basic fact *NONE* of the available candidates is going to " helP' and that includes O'Bummer , the product of the only political machine in the country to rival the ones in NYC and the Big Easy for corruption.............Chicago.

O'Bummer has been Bush 3 , Bushleague left the safe open when he left and O'Bummer is looting what's left , the rest of the freaking Jackals are just sniffing around for their turn.
I'm I to assume that you will not be voting ???


Well-Known Member
Yeah well we can get into Clinton and what got THAT clown into the Oval Office , you are correct that a righwing president isn't going to help.

In point of basic fact *NONE* of the available candidates is going to " helP' and that includes O'Bummer , the product of the only political machine in the country to rival the ones in NYC and the Big Easy for corruption.............Chicago.

O'Bummer has been Bush 3 , Bushleague left the safe open when he left and O'Bummer is looting what's left , the rest of the freaking Jackals are just sniffing around for their turn.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well we can get into Clinton and what got THAT clown into the Oval Office , you are correct that a righwing president isn't going to help.

In point of basic fact *NONE* of the available candidates is going to " helP' and that includes O'Bummer , the product of the only political machine in the country to rival the ones in NYC and the Big Easy for corruption.............Chicago.

O'Bummer has been Bush 3 , Bushleague left the safe open when he left and O'Bummer is looting what's left , the rest of the freaking Jackals are just sniffing around for their turn.
The rabbit hole goes much much deeper my friend.


Well-Known Member
Probably for the same reasons why General Colin Powell was thrown under the bus by his boss, President George W. Bush. After General Powell (by this time, Bush's Secretary Of State) was made to stand before the United Nations and tell a bunch of lies and half truths about fictitious yellow cake uranium, WMD's and lies about Iraq, a country we pushed out of Kuwait it about thirty six hours or so, bombed into submission, had surrounded, had air superiority over, and for all intents and purposes, we owned for the better part of a decade somehow being a "haven" for terrorists. So when General Powell, after being stabbed in the back by the President decided to support Obama imbiciles like Rush Limbaugh who see any and all things through race colored glasses said, and I paraphrase "Colin Powell endorsed Obama because he is black" Rush convienently, as per usual leaves out the part (the truth) that led to Powell leaving the Bush cabinet, and endorsing a democrat. Revisionist History? Mission Accomplished! (save for the wmds, yellow cake uranium, iraq's welcoming us and democracy at gun point with open arms, terrorists, insurgents, ieds, still occupying Iraq, and low cost oil)
I will point out that Obama didn't run against Bush, he ran against McCain. Just sayin'.