I HATE Heat...

I am deeply disappointed by the abject stupidity displayed in this thread.

I hope it's just the weed inducing you folks to deny the physics.

Do you clowns think the Earth is the center of the universe, too?
its all about what you're use to. i can sit outside in southern louisiana where its hot as fuck with suuuuper high humidity for a long ass time an not have an issue cause i grew up in it. now you put me in anythin below 65 an i need long sleeves an a hoodie. as someone said advantage to heat=bitches walkin round half naked all the time an all yall see up north is north face bubble jackets. SOUTH WINS.
its all about what you're use to. i can sit outside in southern louisiana where its hot as fuck with suuuuper high humidity for a long ass time an not have an issue cause i grew up in it. now you put me in anythin below 65 an i need long sleeves an a hoodie. as someone said advantage to heat=bitches walkin round half naked all the time an all yall see up north is north face bubble jackets. SOUTH WINS.
Haha, I'll take the northern winters (and girls in their bubble jackets) over the heat and humidity of the south any day.
Do you FEEL that heat makes you uncomfortable in certain situations?

Or do you you UNDERSTAND that heat is the basis of life itself?

And cold is the absence of energy?

Heat is life. Cold is death.

Do you understand?
Do you FEEL that heat makes you uncomfortable in certain situations?

Or do you you UNDERSTAND that heat is the basis of life itself?

And cold is the absence of energy?

Heat is life. Cold is death.

Do you understand?

They both can kill if you live in it wrong.

Norwegians live longer and the coldest town on Earth, people are built short and stocky and can go skinny dipping with no problem, immune systems rock.

Also, their is this guy on a TV series call Supernatural Humans I think it's called, was a Discovery program. Anyway, the dude can run miles in freezing cold snow for miles and hours and not feel a thing, think I went off topic a little bit lol.

The point is, you can very well possibly live in both without a problem or die in both when you don't know what you're doing or how to live, again, immune systems for the cold, common sense for heat.