I hate it when

Use silver shot. cn

Welcome back... again. I was starting to wonder if an Eskimo made you into a bear skin rug.

I've been nursing something inhabiting the uneasy borderlands between a cold and a flu. "Dang nab varses" as the neighbors say. I blame the experience of magnificent, pampered solitude that is commercial air travel today. cn
Its just a dark figure. And like, every time I wake up in the middle of the night its always there. And I can't help it cause I can't wake up with my eyes closed. Keeping the lights on doesn't help either

My mate reports similar things, its being stuck in between a dream and a waking state. He also gets sleep paralysis. Its a strange thing, but he has learnt to enjoy it. Certain drugs make it worse, specially stuff like Amphetamines, and deffinately Mephedrone.

But its not necessarily a bad thing. Salvador Dali used to sleep on a chair with a metal spoon in his hand, and a metal pan by his legs. Soon as he nodded off he dropped the spoon and woke up. He did this to capture all the surreal dream state images.

I would overcome your fears of what you see, this will give you more control over it. Fear is a loop of thought, trapped in that box all you will see is the corners of the box :)

I have never once seen anything weird when I woke up. Its like *ping* the world appears and I`m there. Back into reality. Never ever got caught even slightly in between. My dreams are a whole other story though, I just come out and enter the same dreams over and over again. Almost flashbacks from dreams. Weird how people differ :D
I hate it when I wake up in the middle of the night and there's somebody standing in the corner of my room staring at me. It always creeps me out

Are you talking about shadow people?
Its not nice when you wake up and see someone staring at you. Fortunately its always been my partner and not some random stranger. Still its kind of a wtf moment, even if they do say they just like to watch you sleep.
I hate it when giraffes lie about why they have long necks. They claim it's so they can reach the leaves at the top of trees... but we all know it's just because they enjoy wearing turtlenecks. You're not fooling anyone, giraffes.
So I woke up again last night and this time the figure wasn't in the corner. I didn't dare to look anywhere else in fear that it would be right next to my face or something.

I take melatonin before I go to sleep. 25mg a night. Could that cause it?
Could be the melatonin, do you toke before bed? Sometimes I wake up seeing some freaky things if I go to bed stoned and am drifting in and out of dreams.
But then, when you have stanky old wizard eyes like me, sometimes you see things that are real and other times it's like crazy, crazy, crazy, in your face all the time.
I hate dreaming that I'm dreaming, then wake up but i'm dreaming I'm awake, but I'm still asleep, then waking up and reaalising the money from the bank job in the first dream isn't stashed under the bed and realising that the blonde in the second dream was really my hand