Ursus marijanus
I like a woman who knows how to communicate "wanna get hammered?" cn
I've been nursing something inhabiting the uneasy borderlands between a cold and a flu. "Dang nab varses" as the neighbors say. I blame the experience of magnificent, pampered solitude that is commercial air travel today. cn
it problay sleep paralysis it use to happen to me when i took Vicodin for my back but since i started smoke weed like an hour before bed it hasn't happenedSo I woke up again last night and this time the figure wasn't in the corner. I didn't dare to look anywhere else in fear that it would be right next to my face or something.
I take melatonin before I go to sleep. 25mg a night. Could that cause it?
Avian flu? har har... (sorry)
Damn straight!! I know who's supposed to be at my house and when.. If that's not warning enough expect a beretta in your face.
I always have my wife check under the bed and in the closet, I also use a night light.
You'll problly grow out of it.
cannabineer I've had it for 2 weeks, I think it's from all the pollen this year.