I hate it when

You know what you can do, just start masturbating towards the figure and say in a creepy voice "All for you...ooh yeah..". No monster or ghost wants to deal with that shit.
Kinda sounds like 'Old Hag Syndrome' to me.. especially if you feel like you're being pinned down by a weight and can't seem to move whenever you see this shadowy figure.
I've been nursing something inhabiting the uneasy borderlands between a cold and a flu. "Dang nab varses" as the neighbors say. I blame the experience of magnificent, pampered solitude that is commercial air travel today. cn

Avian flu? har har... (sorry)
Damn straight!! I know who's supposed to be at my house and when.. If that's not warning enough expect a beretta in your face.
I always have my wife check under the bed and in the closet, I also use a night light.
You'll problly grow out of it.
cannabineer I've had it for 2 weeks, I think it's from all the pollen this year.
So I woke up again last night and this time the figure wasn't in the corner. I didn't dare to look anywhere else in fear that it would be right next to my face or something.

I take melatonin before I go to sleep. 25mg a night. Could that cause it?
it problay sleep paralysis it use to happen to me when i took Vicodin for my back but since i started smoke weed like an hour before bed it hasn't happened
I always go to bed blazed. Tonight, I'm doing something I promised myself I'd never do. Im using pills for recreational use. The dose I will take I know it wont kill me because I've taken it many times before, but the previous times I've taken it I had a tolerance so nothing happened. I wonder if ill see Ruth tonight (she told me that was her name)
I always have my wife check under the bed and in the closet, I also use a night light.
You'll problly grow out of it.
cannabineer I've had it for 2 weeks, I think it's from all the pollen this year.

It's hotter'n a teenager's night thoughts in the 'Stan, which means a blessedly early end to my spring allergy spike. I am allergic to (get. this.) grasses. But no; this is a "varse". Benadryl doesn't faze it. cn
Im allergic to many types of grass too. And the oak trees in my front yard. It's my excuse to stay inside all day haha.

You might want to try a prescription antihistamine. They may be more effective than benadryl or other over the counter antihistamines
Back when I was still keeping track of things, "prescription antihistamine" had almost become an obsolete thing. Are there such these days? The non-drowsies, like Allegra or Claritin, didn't do diddly poop for me. The prescriptions that I had and liked ... involved steroids. cn
As far as im aware there are. Look up periactin. It is used to alleviate headaches and it is an antihistamine. Side effects include gaining on average a pound a day though.

There are other prescription antihistamines out there. A bit of googling should bring up something. Write a list and talk to your doc about it. Hope your allergies clear up soon!
I hate it when I am pushed to legally make people address me by my title such as bitchy airhosts on budget airlines, the tax man, rude waiters, the police, ticket inspectors, the doctor (when she decides to stand on her dignity - I stand on mine too and she don't like it). customs at airports.

I also hate people, especially girls who want nothing to do with me because of the way I dress somtimes or can't be bothered to comb my hair (I don't make the point of looking like a ragamuffin, it's just that I left the gucci in Paris and they wouldn't let me bring the outrageous shampoo in hand luggage ahh fuck it ok ok maybe i do make the point of looking like a ragamuffin :) sometimes which is a bit cuntish/unfair). I'm given a lift home and I can physically see them blush. Then there's the ones who do a bit of nonchalant acting ie : i don't care, and have to make a point of hovering around to stick their performance in my face that they really don't care. "oh cool, Sarah doesn't care" I hate those people too.

I hate it when George Zimmerman talks in that cute Tiger Woods way

"well gee your honour I'm actually a really good citizen can you not tell"

hate his face too ...
I hated it when Joan and I both made it to the green in 1. one of us got a hole in one, both using the exact same make of ball (please don't try to be clever - same number too, had to play over a rock). we decided that she got the hole in one - fab.
I hate it when the next man gets all jealous because his girl insists on looking at me. Instead of getting all boosted I wish they would just ask and I would tell them "look I think your girlfriend is a fat tramp - don't worry"