I hate this bitch


Well-Known Member
Did you read the link you posted??

From the article...

"In an analysis released today, the Tax Foundation, an independent tax policy research organization, found that Sanders’ plan would lead to 10.56% lower after-tax income for all taxpayers..."

"The typical American family of four covered by an employer-sponsored health care plan paid $24,671 last year on health care costs alone, according to the non-partisan Milliman Medical Index."

“The typical family of four making $50,000 a year would pay less than $46 a month under Bernie’s plan for three months of paid family and medical leave and universal health care”

So, a family with a gross household income of $100,000 per year would pay $10-$12k more a year in taxes, but would save $24k a year in healthcare costs..... for a net savings of $12,0000 per year. Yeah, that sounds terrible!

More from your link...

"In addition to the health care premium and payroll tax, Sanders also proposes a raft of other income-based tax hikes that he says will pay for other programs, such as expanding Social Security and providing paid family leave: a 0.4% payroll tax, a shift to tax capital gains and dividends as ordinary income, an elimination of the existing Social Security payroll tax exemption for earnings above $250,000, etc. The list goes on—and it starts to add up."

I have no problem with that. Capital gains SHOULD be treated as ordinary income! How is it fair that a wealthy executive takes the bulk of his compensation as stock, paying an effective tax rate of 17% on his millions of annual income, and the average blue collar worker is paying nearly double that tax rate on his $50k-$60k a year income??? Do you support that? I sure as fuck don't.

Beyond all of that, are you in favor of corporate America calling the shots in DC? Paying off these politicians so that they get favors returned in the form of pork? Hillary is bought and paid for. She is more of the same. Just look at the list of corporate interests that have donated obscene amounts of money to her campaign.

I see no discernible difference between her, and the clowns that are running on the Republican side. More bullshit. No thanks.
I read the article. I even understand the article . I'm wondering is it that you have nothing because you are poor or you didn't understand the article. Lets go to the very last part of the article which is a correction that was made two days later.

The original version of this story misstated the effect a Tax Foundation analysis said Bernie Sanders’ tax plan would have on Americans’ incomes. The analysis said after-tax incomes would fall by 12.84% or more on average.

Now that is stating that on the average AFTER TAX INCOME WOULD BE 12.84% LESS. Which mean I would bring home 12.84% less due to taxes of Bernies plans. SO lets do the math

If a couple was bringing home 250,000 after taxes before, they would now have to give up 32,100 more of there money now due to new taxes. 250,000 * 12.84% = 32,100.
Now why do I have to give up 32,100 more of my hard earned money to taxes ? Me and the wife worked and sacrificed to achieve things in life. We did not sit on our asses, not plan , partying, and doing nothing. We went to school,. made sacrifices, worked long hours, and put in the work to get where we are. Now we are just to give up 32,100 more a year because others were too lazy to make something of their life ? WHY ?
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Well-Known Member
I read the article. I even understand the article . I'm wondering is it that you have nothing because you are poor or you didn't understand the article. Lets go to the very last part of the article which is a correction that was made two days later.

The original version of this story misstated the effect a Tax Foundation analysis said Bernie Sanders’ tax plan would have on Americans’ incomes. The analysis said after-tax incomes would fall by 12.84% or more on average.

Now that is stating that on the average AFTER TAX INCOME WOULD BE 12.84% LESS. Which mean I would bring home 12.84% less due to taxes of Bernies plans. SO lets do the math

If a couple was bringing home 250,000 after taxes before, they would now have to give up 32,100 more of there money now due to new taxes. 250,000 * 12.84% = 32,100.
Now why do I have to give up 32,100 more of my hard earned money to taxes ? Me and the wife worked and sacrificed to achieve things in life. We did not sit on our asses, not plan , partying, and doing nothing. We went to school,. made sacrifices, worked long hours, and put in the work to get where we are. Now we are just to give up 32,100 more a year because others were too lazy to make something of their life ? WHY ?
You sound like a selfish fucking republican.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
You sound like a selfish fucking republican.
Republicans are selfish? Is they why we give more to charities than Democrats, cause we're selfish?

You're nuts, brainwashed, whatever.....

When it comes to giving to charity, Republicans in the United States on the whole are more generous than just about any other people on the planet.

Republican states are more generous than Democratic states by a wide margin. In GOP states like Utah and Mississippi, families donate more than seven percent of their income to charity. In liberal New England states like Massachusetts, the number is less than half that.

The same holds for the nation’s 50 biggest metropolitan areas. The Chronicle found that residents of Salt Lake City, Memphis, and Birmingham, Ala., typically give at least 7 percent of their discretionary income to charity, while those in Boston and Providence average less than 3 percent.


And of course the left wing controlled mass media did not nor will they ever give him credit for his generousity.
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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Take Romney for instance. Unlike the Clintons who have a VERY questionable "charity" or foundation and take from rogue leaders, Romney has donated millions THAT HE EARNED HIMSELF to charity groups and his church.

As a Mormon, Romney is expected pay a tithe, or 10% of his annual income, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In just the past two years, Romney has given the church $1.525 million and $2.6 million, respectively, according to his tax returns. Romney has also publicly stated on multiple occasions that the entirety of his inheritance from his father, who died in 1995, was donated to the BYU Marriott School of Management’s Institute of Public Management, which now bears his father George W. Romney’s name.

Romney and his wife Ann also maintain a separate charitable foundation, established in 1999, the same year that Romney left Bain Capital to serve as CEO of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics Organizing Committee. The couple has contributed approximately$13.6 million, including an initial gift of more than $3.6 million, to their Tyler Charitable Foundation, based in Boston, MA, over the past 13 years.



Well-Known Member
I have registered as a republican, but chances are I give way more than you. How did you prepare yourself for life after the age 22 ? Wait...how old are you ?
I made more money by the age of 30 than you'll make in your lifetime. I'm doing just fine. Me being unselfish has no bearing on my finances.

The biggest problem in this country is the corporate takeover of Washington. If I have to give up a little income for the greater good then I'm fine with that. I grew up in Canada. I know socialism works. It's not the boogeyman that you've been brainwashed to believe.


Well-Known Member
Republicans are selfish? Is they why we give more to charities than Democrats, cause we're selfish?

You're nuts, brainwashed, whatever.....

When it comes to giving to charity, Republicans in the United States on the whole are more generous than just about any other people on the planet.

Republican states are more generous than Democratic states by a wide margin. In GOP states like Utah and Mississippi, families donate more than seven percent of their income to charity. In liberal New England states like Massachusetts, the number is less than half that.

The same holds for the nation’s 50 biggest metropolitan areas. The Chronicle found that residents of Salt Lake City, Memphis, and Birmingham, Ala., typically give at least 7 percent of their discretionary income to charity, while those in Boston and Providence average less than 3 percent.


And of course the left wing controlled mass media did not nor will they ever give him credit for his generousity.
Republicans give to their church. And take the tax exemption.
Romney is REQUIRED as are all Mormons to give at least 10%. And the Mormon church actually keeps accounts and will kick you out if you dont.
That's not charity