I have a shrooms/acid question

shrooms are real fun. acid i would stay away from. not natural

Good point. Acid is measured in micrograms and the guys putting it on the tabs aren't exactly scientists. All it takes is for them to get too much on a tab, pill etc. and you'll be in for exactly what happened to me. It's a risk. I have to admit, when I was young no one could have told me not to do it either, I wouldn't have listened. I'm here to tell you now that acid is not a risk worth taking. But, like I would have done in those days, very few, if anyone, will listen.
Well its like this for me i love'm both god damnit it just matters what your in the mood for seeing strange objects like aliens anal probing gary coleman or seeing wierd colors lol pick what your in the mood for and go ahead....:)
Taking acid for hallucinations is taking it for the wrong reason. Maybe even shrooms, but not as much because shrooms aren't as heavy(depending on your dose).
Personally shrooms make me see alot more then acid, acid is just colors, patterns, and in depth thoughts about my life and my friends. Buts just personal experience, EVERYBODY differs.

On the dot. Shrooms and acid do the exact same things to me. On shrooms I get "out of this world" visions where I see shit that aint there. But on acid I just see aztec vision patterns and feel the world is perfectly in order while I'm perfectly out of order with it. I just think way to much on acid. Though it was a very religious experience (I definitely say it changed my life).

The only complaint I have about acid/shrooms is finding people to do them with. Because what happens to you isn't happening to them probably...so when you try to explain something you just sound insane. So I try to find people on my level (not trying to sound pretentious but people with simliar likes/dislikes). Unlike weed where the high is....high and everyone can enjoy that on the same level.
the difference for me is on lsd its usaly longer ,adn way way more colorful, but on shrooms after i puke a little i feel so much better and then the fun comes along. heavy im falling in the ground goodness...

i like them both, to me the lsd is more of a party substance to watch tv and listen to music or dance to, shrooms is something you take to sit back and relax and let the trip happen.
it grows wild under pine trees
its red with white dots ,sort of like mario mushroom
* Amanita Muscaria : Bouncing Bear Botanicals: Salvia divinorum, Kratom, San Pedro Cactus and More.
and like i said its like no ther mushroom trip im sure ull enjoy it

lol do not listen to this guy... aminitas are the most deadly mushroom on the planet... muscaria is very closly related to the fly argaric, whis is responsible for 90% of mushroom related deaths... nuf said, i ate them like 4-5 times... almost killed my freind, shut down his respritory system... and besides unless you can get them fresh and prepare them right, all that will happen is slightly blurred vision...


any way... psilosyb mushies are wonderfull... and so is acid... if i were you... I would get both, save one for next time and eat one now... but if your really in a financial bind and the guy who has both is going to sell out quick... get the acid, cause you never know when it's going to be around again... the mushroom you can grow yourself if you put some effort into it... lol but you can't make your own acid unless you happen to have a lab in your basement.

and btw... i saw some people saying that acid is mostly a body trip... that is complete bullshit... it is actually the opposite... acid is more mind/visual mushrooms are alot of body, but also visual.

and don't listen to that old fogie about staying away from acid... age don't mean shit, only experiance... so he had abad trip...woopty friggin do, we all been there, it'll happen, but if expanding your mind outweighs the risk to you then go for it, i would... feed your head.

so have fun and explore your world threw new eyes... and remember...everything in moderation, you can always take more but you cant make it stop when you take to much.

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Shrooms are amazing man they are always fun. Just blend it in to these:

(lemonade kind, they are like a dollar at any walmart)

the vitamin C in the Lemonade helps your brain fire evenly, so you basically will always trip good.

on shrooms, music and looking at shit is fun xD
people need to realize everybodys body is different and everyone experiences different things. I've ate shrooms and the garage i was in turned into black box with pink out lines for the corners and it was like moving through out space like a roller coaster. i was totally unable to respond at ths point in time words came out scrabbled and out of order then somebody turn off the music (pink floyd) and everything stopped for 2 or 3 seconds then it hit me again i was tripping really hard thats the gods honest truth. I ate a 8th of shrooms plus one other cap my friend didn't want. Personally shrooms make me see alot more then acid, acid is just colors, patterns, and in depth thoughts about my life and my friends. Buts just personal experience, EVERYBODY differs.

Indeed, everybody differs, and I can't comment on your own subjective experience. Though I do have to mention that "Go Ask Alice" was a deliberate and (for some time) cleverly concealed forgery by a drug prohibitionist.

lol do not listen to this guy... aminitas are the most deadly mushroom on the planet... muscaria is very closly related to the fly argaric, whis is responsible for 90% of mushroom related deaths... nuf said, i ate them like 4-5 times... almost killed my freind, shut down his respritory system... and besides unless you can get them fresh and prepare them right, all that will happen is slightly blurred vision...


Cult, you're totally right there. I was duped and ate some amanita muscaria caps that were a bit too old. Blurred vision and some enhancement of colour, but nothing more beyond placebo.

Though I do want to say that Fly Agaric and Amanita Muscaria are one and the same. I think your were thinking of Amanita Pantherina, which has similar effects, but is much more toxic. All amanitas are toxic to some extent, though. Listen to my friend Cult... unless you pick them wild, and know what you're doing, it's probably best to avoid the lot of them.

Do shrooms show up in a drug test???? or is it true that their ''all natural'' and will not show up? plz help me i need to know now because i do alot of shrooms lol and i just found out i got a drug test coming up.....plzzz fucking help me...:O
Do shrooms show up in a drug test???? or is it true that their ''all natural'' and will not show up? plz help me i need to know now because i do alot of shrooms lol and i just found out i got a drug test coming up.....plzzz fucking help me...:O

Um, yes, and it's tested for in the standard drug battery. But it's out of your system in about 3-4 days usually, if I remember correctly.

EDIT: If you do a lot of shrooms on a regular basis, it could potentially be in your system for over a week.

shrooms was sweet...the oncoming body high is tight but when you reach the peak level lol its tottally cool :D!
well actually, shrooms are not tested for in the standard 5 panel or even the more extencive 10 panel tests, but it is possible to test for them...but no one will test you for them. the reason being that mushrooms, even though common among the small culture we are all a part of, are very uncommon in the grand drug scene. if your on probation or are being tested for a job they will not be testing for mushroms.
i would start out with shrooms first thats what i did. i couldn't get my hand on acid but i found a good hook to get liquid acid. acid is more of an upper and personally i love it. i think shrooms are more of a body high. when you take like 6 hits of really good acid for the first 3 or 4 hours it is more body based it feels like your body is vibrating from the skin. but after being high for so long you just become adjusted to being that high and you can just enjoy.