I haven't smoked in 20 years

banks dank

Active Member
When you say cannabis was better back in the seventies thats insinuating
That our genetics has become worse in thirty years. All the breeders
Would be quite insulted to hear this kind of ignorance and
MIsinformation from someone in the mmj community.
so the original question, how schwacked will you get smoking now, pretty schwacked .
you will never find smoke as good as you remember my friend, and I will tell you why. THe same reason I will never again catch the 20 lb walleye I remember catching when I was young, The same reason getting drunk isn't as much fun as I remember "back in the day" , the same reason why the best BJ I ever got was 20 yrs ago, because good memories tend to get better with time... age, tolerance, these have more to do with getting ripped than 2+ percent of thc in a plant.

long story short you are not as naïve and innocent as you were back then and life and lessons will now prevent you from getting to that "Tower of Babble" spot you recall. is the weed better now compared to then - mine sure the hell is, but do I get as ripped now with premium as I used to when I was 20 with schwag I would find in the ditch, hell no but that is physiology in me, not the plant. so yes you will get ripped but no you likely wont get the giggles nor will you forget your mother tongue :-) hope it helps


Active Member
I can remember smoking some hash in Barcelona in the 70's. That's all I remember except lots of bright lights. That is all I remember. I'm still alive.


Well-Known Member
I have been smoking for +25 years, mostly hash, on a bong

Back in the late 80ish and early 90ish both the hash and the pot we could get was mid grade compared to what you can get to day, at some point in the middle of the 90ish we began to get stronger hash and skunk, remember first time I smoked skunk, my first thought was "hey this get me just as stoned as hash" as the pot we used to smoke at best got you a bit high

Did even take me some time to get used to the "new" more stronger hash, did continue to buy the "mid grade" stuff for quite a wile as I thought the "super" hash was too strong, my fault was that I still used a gram for two smokes in my bong mix, when I found out I only needed 1/2 a gram for two smokes I enjoyed the strong hash and been ever since

Back in the early 90ish I had a few outdoor grows with a friend of mine, normal local Pot seed`s, grew some nice +500 gram X-mass tree`s :D (Sativa`s)
but I don't believe the THC contense was much higher then a few % we made oil on most of it and got freaking high

At the same point as the stronger hash and skunk arrived (mid 90ish) we also got new better genetic inform of new strain/seed`s from all over the world, actually got a 5 pac of Hawaiian skunk Femi seed`s I tried to grow in my window shelf with little success as we back then did`t have the internet and all the knowledge's, did`t have a clue on what kind of light it really needed, all I ever read on the topic was the "Hamp growers hand book" and that was more about outdoor growing

Now, a few years back I got feed up of buying Hash from a market that more or less had been taking over by hard criminals and what follows of buying from a market like that, expensive smoke and the risk of getting busted and supporting hard criminals, so I began to grow my own (thanks God for the internet) and I don't even miss the strong Hash, as the strains of too day`s skunk are lightyears away from the pot we grew back in the 90ish and with the knowledge's on the internet (mostly RIU ;)) its easy to grow/keep yourself with good smoke


Well-Known Member
Lol! What a funny debate & gotta say there's quite alot of ill-informed opinions coming from 1 or 2 so-called seasoned smokers!

Firstly, even a little research into history of weed shows it has blatently got stronger since it was first commercialised, and a wider range of stronger strains are available nowadays too. Certainly back in the 70's & 80's there would've been top-quality landrace strains but any smoker would've needed to have good connections or outright luck to regularly hit these - like someone said, cheap mexican, etc probably prevailed - an average sample of random weed bought on the street in the 80's would probably look shit compared to same sample done nowadays. And if u could timewarp some hardcore skunk seeds back to the 60's, they'd bite ur fucking arm off for it! U'd be a millionaire in a week! lol!

And secondly, with genetics, ur totally starting from the wrong point when u compare cross-breeding plants to people inbreeding - they're two very separate parts of the same overall genetic machine. Plus the scales on which the breeding of plants & humans would be performed are totally uncomparable.


Well-Known Member
I can remember smoking some hash in Barcelona in the 70's. That's all I remember except lots of bright lights. That is all I remember. I'm still alive.



Well-Known Member
I found this in a google search. I haven't smoked in 27 years. I'm smoking tomorrow night or Friday (2 nights). Waiting on my buddy to hook me up.

My concern is how blasted I'll get the first time. But I'll be home and have the house to myself. My buddy says this bud is "really good" but i saw it last week when he was smoking and it's only Mids really. So, I think I'll be ok. I'm using a glass pipe, medium.

Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I found this in a google search. I haven't smoked in 27 years. I'm smoking tomorrow night or Friday (2 nights). Waiting on my buddy to hook me up.

My concern is how blasted I'll get the first time. But I'll be home and have the house to myself. My buddy says this bud is "really good" but i saw it last week when he was smoking and it's only Mids really. So, I think I'll be ok. I'm using a glass pipe, medium.

Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks
Yeah. Get fancier friends.


Active Member
Im in the same boat...My job wont allow me to either... :/ I just grow for fun!! and save it for when I can again. Totally jealous! Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
OMG, smoked last night. Awesome. Better stuff than I thought. Very wonderful experience. Got pretty wasted pretty quickly. Not complaining, it was fun.