I haven't smoked in 20 years


Well-Known Member
I remember being so stoned that I forgot how to understand / speak English for 30 minutes (and that is the only language that I know).
Where I lived back then, we used to call the weed that caused those effects "Acid" ;)

Your questions really boil down to the strain (amongst other things). Myself, I don't barely smoke anymore. I like my sativa-dominant edibles, and periodically I'll hit my girl's vape. Much more subtle of a ride.



My first time in over 10 years was a few months ago. Friend of the wife's gave me a joint. Broke it open to find what looked like average mid grade weed. Took ONE bong hit... I was ripped for hours and loved it. Take it easy and enjoy!


Active Member
I smoked in the 70's...weed was full of seed but still got you high... gotta slo remember, back then a OZ cost between $25-40 bucks, a dime bag was $10 and you could roll about 16 J's from it, a nickel, 6-7 ...basically you could smoke more/cheaply also

but now? I'm thinking todays shit might be more potent....


Active Member
You're killing me down help. Stop. The first stuff I smoked after not smoking for 20 years was Humbolt Honey and I kind of lost track of time and space. Have no idea what I said; lets just say I was "in the moment." But really I was lost. There are different highs and I think it has to do with ingesting too much or too little. THC is some strong shit. Back in the 80's you bought from some other guy. Today, you buy your own seeds, dirt, nutes, tent, lights, and grow it in your own condo. You have more control. Breaking Bad man.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha, this is a great thread! i remember being 14 and buying four finger bags of mexican weed for 15 bucks! i think pot in general is way better now, a couple of good bong hits instead of and hour of bong hits, but once in a while in the old days we would get some panama red or alcapulco gold that would make us hallucinate. i quit smoking for about 10 years and when i started again i realized how much i missed it!

banks dank

Active Member
ha ha ha, this is a great thread! i remember being 14 and buying four finger bags of mexican weed for 15 bucks! i think pot in general is way better now, a couple of good bong hits instead of and hour of bong hits, but once in a while in the old days we would get some panama red or alcapulco gold that would make us hallucinate. i quit smoking for about 10 years and when i started again i realized how much i missed it!
Shit man i live in New mexico and 4 fingers or a half o is still 15 bucks...


Well-Known Member
This is a great thread. While you're not going to die from smoking.. If you try smoking too much of good to great weed right away you will end up not feeling well for about 30-60 mins

Tell you what..weed back in the 80's was probably way better then what you will get now....everyone is looking for a new "call your own strain" and most are Hybrids made from the originals you used to smoke.....hard to say ...depend on where you get them from...but back in my 80's no weed is better these days than then. Just young kids doing what we used to do for ages....now they just made it more complicated to grow and turned out with shittier weed. False information on growing tips..etc.....times have changed, weed has gone to shit, prices go up, and kids think they know it all...funny!
This is one of the stupidest comments I have ever seen.


Active Member
This is a great thread. While you're not going to die from smoking.. If you try smoking too much of good to great weed right away you will end up not feeling well for about 30-60 mins

This is one of the stupidest comments I have ever seen.
I totally agree. The stuff out there today is much stronger, I have smoked since the early 80's. it's not even close really.


I know this thread is old, but i must correct you. Herb back in the 80's was actually on average no where close to the potency it is today. New methods and techniques of marijuana horticulture has completely changed and advanced since those times. My folks, and my elders always tell me how much better and more potent it is today than it used to be.

Tell you what..weed back in the 80's was probably way better then what you will get now....everyone is looking for a new "call your own strain" and most are Hybrids made from the originals you used to smoke.....hard to say ...depend on where you get them from...but back in my 80's no weed is better these days than then. Just young kids doing what we used to do for ages....now they just made it more complicated to grow and turned out with shittier weed. False information on growing tips..etc.....times have changed, weed has gone to shit, prices go up, and kids think they know it all...funny!


Well-Known Member
Thai sticks, especially the chocolate thai we used to have in the late 80's that is now an extinct strain, was probably the only strain back then that can even mess with anything around today. Not to say strains in the 80's were not potent, just that todays strains and hybrids are much, much stronger, any one who thinks otherwise is just stating their opinion, but science shows these new cannabis strains are much more potent, just like breeding for the biggest and strongest dog, bear, chicken whatever, it was done with cannabis.... Now Inbreeding is a total different concept and i suggest you read the definition.

Yes mid grades will have you soaring the first time because its been 20 years since you toked up. but when you start to get some real strong strains that were developed post say '93 on and crossed with chemdawg, to get the sour diesel strains and all those strains came out...then the White widow, the jack herer emerged in other parts... yeah they will put some of the highest stoners back in their chair. The kush's are packing a stronger punch and the density of the nugs today are superior to the 80's no matter what imo.

If the herb hasn't gotten stronger than 30 years ago, we'd have a problem...todays cross breeds, hybrids and genetics that are available vary in quality greatly as any product, but for the most part a decent grower will get much better bud than 30 years ago on a cloudy day...

my penny



Well-Known Member
The average potency of all marijuana in the US, according to the UMPMC's Dec. 2008 – Mar. 2009 quarterly report, was 8.52% (5.62% domestic and 9.57% nondomestic).The highest tested sample had 22.04% THC (domestic) and 27.30% THC (nondomestic). The highest tested sample ever tested between 1975 and 2009 had 33.12% THC (domestic) and 37.20% THC (nondomestic).For comparison, the national average of marijuana's THC content in 1978 was 1.37%, in 1988 it was 3.59%, in 1998 4.43%, and in 2008 8.49%.Although average potencies have increased, the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported in the June 4, 2002 Washington Post article "The Real Dope: Tried the 'Today's Pot Is Stronger' Claim With Your Kids? Your Cover Is Blown" that "joint sizes have dropped over the years from half a gram to about a quarter of a gram." In addition, pipes, water pipes, and vaporizers typically require less marijuana per use than joints and these items have become increasingly popular over the last 30 years. Some medical marijuana advocates contend that more potent marijuana means less marijuana is needed to achieve the desired medical benefit.


Well-Known Member
For comparison, the national average of marijuana's THC content in 1978 was 1.37%, in 1988 it was 3.59%, in 1998 4.43%, and in 2008 8.49%


Well-Known Member
Not saying that in the 80's the 20 percent wasn't around... in america it really just wasn't attainable, or known about, mexican schwag controlled the game. but in the origin countries of these strains they were always potent...just not available to the average american like 2010's

But the seized herb and statistics of what they take away, shows an increase because the demand is higher now that everybody knows name brands as OG Kush, Grand Daddy Purp, or what any rapper says...


Well-Known Member
I know this thread is old, but i must correct you. Herb back in the 80's was actually on average no where close to the potency it is today. New methods and techniques of marijuana horticulture has completely changed and advanced since those times. My folks, and my elders always tell me how much better and more potent it is today than it used to be.
Ok understand everything you have to say at a on average swag level but old strains like Blueberry, Mint Leaf, Maui Wowie, Accupoco Gold (Spelling?), Panama Red and Old School Skunk give today's ccompetition a run for their money and could be just a potent if not more with today's methods. It would be ignorant to say that there was never bud they smoked that was not better then your sacks... This was supposed to be informative for the OP as in how high he might get. So OP think back to when you first smoked some real good weed like the best sack you've had and multiply it by 2-3 to be safe.


Active Member
Mostly used to smoke the soap bar hash in early nineties. im too young to have been smoking bud in the 80s. weed in the uk was a hit and miss affair mostly crap hash very rarely yod get your hands on something better. The quality of weed here has definatly improved although i havnt bought from anyone in a VERY long time.

Id say if yore getting back into it not to do edibles. I just find it difficult to control and easy to overdo it. I think as previously mentioned few puffs then wait ten mins. nothing worse than feeling edgy/ para.

as a comparison it would be interesting to see whats happened to CBD ratios.

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Joe..gonna call bullshit on that! maybe it is an environmental change ...but weed back then was WAY better!..and wait 20% THC?..WTF?
I somehow really have trouble seeing it from your point of view, back in the 80's not many people would be growing indoors with hydro, it would be mostly outdoor, not saying that outdoor is bad, im just saying now a days where anyone can read up on it/ advanced techniques, how to optimise your grow, not to mention advances in growing technology, the median quality of cannabis has risen, not fallen. Pretty sure i read an article a while back confirming this too.
My 2c's bongsmilie