I just bought my first bike and its a harley!

And you ride a ?
This was my first in 1967

Got this one new in 1988
It's OK I suppose, but this right here... this is a man's bike. Had to get rid of her due to panties being thrown at me at high speeds. Could hardly keep the ladies off me... 1986 Yamaha virago 750. Incase you are wondering it does come standard with a pussy magnet unlike your Harley.please try not to drool.
no but seriously, nice bike :bigjoint:enjoy her.
It's OK I suppose, but this right here... this is a man's bike. Had to get rid of her due to panties being thrown at me at high speeds. Could hardly keep the ladies off me... 1986 Yamaha virago 750. Incase you are wondering it does come standard with a pussy magnet unlike your Harley.please try not to drool.
no but seriously, nice bike :bigjoint:enjoy her.
Had one of those! Dam good bikes.
I'm nervous lol.. I've never been on a motorcycle before. But I have ridden a125 cc dirt bike a few times about 15 years ago, so it's going to be exciting. I saw it on Craig's list close to where my mom lives in Texas. So her and my bro went to look at it, my brother gave it a test ride, said it seemed to be in perfect condition. He's a diesel mechanic so I hope he knows what he's talking about. Paid 2400, my dad should be bringing it out here this weekend. It's a 1994 Harley 883 hugger/sportster. I think I got a good deal. My dad and bro are saying I won't really know until about after a month of riding, they said if something is wrong that's about when it would show. So I have my fingers crossed. Anyway I guess I just wanted to show it off a bit lol... And to say I hope I don't kill myself!!!!
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you have the best motor harley ever made. evo's are bulletproof.

the motor is worth more than what you paid for the bike. you did good
I'm nervous lol.. I've never been on a motorcycle before. But I have ridden a125 cc dirt bike a few times about 15 years ago, so it's going to be exciting. I saw it on Craig's list close to where my mom lives in Texas. So her and my bro went to look at it, my brother gave it a test ride, said it seemed to be in perfect condition. He's a diesel mechanic so I hope he knows what he's talking about. Paid 2400, my dad should be bringing it out here this weekend. It's a 1994 Harley 883 hugger/sportster. I think I got a good deal. My dad and bro are saying I won't really know until about after a month of riding, they said if something is wrong that's about when it would show. So I have my fingers crossed. Anyway I guess I just wanted to show it off a bit lol... And to say I hope I don't kill myself!!!!]

Come on over

Enjoy the show
Nice girls bike ............
I had a feeling somewhere down the line someone would eventually say that. Didn't think it would be so soon lol. It's all good tho.
Yea well, it's nice but you may want to put training wheels on it at first and make it a trike. If you feel shaky still, wear two helmets.
I thought u were joking about the training wheels but I eventually googled it and I'll be damned i didn't know those existed! The bike should be arriving tomorrow night. I'll just play it day by day I guess. I hope I don't have to use training wheels, I'll feel like a moron haha. But that's better than crashing...
yes its an ok/good deal...got some chrome extras. Id pitch the sissy bar on the back tho. how many miles does she have on it?
I think she has right under 10k miles.
MY WORD you have good taste! Now learn our nomenclature
this is hello!
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Thank you sir!!! Lmao I can't wait to get out and waive at everyone!!
Nice, looks like a custom tank, bars, and forward controls were added. I had a 2000 sportster S years ago. It was a fun bike around town, but I was also doing a 60 mile commute, each way, all highway, that got old fast.

I did the same as you, I never rode, rode some friends dirtbikes a few times as a kid. I turned 21 and bought a rigid framed, bored, stroked hi compression shovelhead, kick start only 4speed, about a 10" over springer front end, custom built out of 1930something chevy wishbones by the original builder. I miss that bike, she was a bitch, didn't like to start, wouldn't idle, smelled like raw fuel, always had shit falling off, but when she fired off and I got into 2nd gear....it was as all worth it....:fire:

Dude your pretty spot on! I think the only thing u didn't mention is it has a new seat as well, I think lol.
Yea I'll be commuting daily into town but it's only 20 miles one way but that shit adds up pretty quick. Sometimes I go into town more than once a day, so I'm hoping this will all work out good.
Nice bike and decent price providing its sound. I'm sure you'll love her as you never forget "your first." I learned how to ride on those old 125s and 250s back in the day. My first real bike was a 85 FXR I bought in 93 and I still have it to this day. I've ridden a few 883s and they all seem a bit top heavy to me. My FXR handles amazing but for long trips I have a streetglide.
The problem with the 883s is, if you're a serious rider (NOT a fair weather rider) you'll out grow it quickly. And I wouldn't chop it unless you plan on owning it forever. Keep it as close to stock as possible. Any seasoned old school riders will tell ya...ya never ever get back what ya put in.
My only advice...learn how to wrench.

I've put a lot of miles on this ole girl.

edited to remove my pic. cant leave identifying info up for too long. My grows are compliant and legal but old (safety) habits die hard
Hi thanks I'm already in love with her and it's still not even here yet lol. I find myself looking at the pictures every so often.
Right now it feels like the perfect bike for me. Back in the day I use to really like how crotch rockets looked, but was always afraid to get one cause I use to be the type that would probably be doing wheelies and what not and probably get myself killed. I feel a lot less wild now and feel like I should be ok as long as some dip shit doesn't take me out. But I'm 6'2" 165 lbs, and I'm hoping this bike size will fit me well. I kinda wanted something not too small, but not too big either. My mom and bro have big cruiser bikes which I think are cool but just not me. But idk what the hell I'm talking about I guess I'll know once I start riding lol..
Good for you! Now the important part......Learn how to ride. I mean REALLY learn how to ride. DO not even think about taking a passenger anytime soon. Riding a bike is the best feeling in the world(okay maybe tied for best), but it comes with knowledge that everyone one else on the road is trying to kill you.
Been riding all my life and taught classes for a couple of years. Lost a lot of brothers and sisters. Most were stupid accidents and could have been prevented. Had several myself that were VERY avoidable.
You have to get to the point where avoidance and braking are instinct, not a reaction. Really spend time just out riding by yourself on different types of road and different weather.
Riding is one of the only things that keeps me from.............. well let's just say it's best for everyone around me that I ride.
Enjoy the wind in your hair and the sound of the engine.
BTW, learn how to wrench if you're keeping the Harley. I have become quite good on working on mine. Otherwise, don't get too caught up in the Harley hype. Two wheels is the important thing.
I appreciate that a lot. I definitely plan on taking my time and really learning like u said. Things are finally starting to go good for me, I would hate to go out and do something stupid like getting myself killed lol..I'm not even thinking about passangers. That's definitely out of the question. I don't need a tub of lard throwing me off and getting us both killed Lmao... Oh and tools are kinda like Greek to me. But I've also never had a reason for interest. I've been watching tune up vids the pas couple days and feel pretty confident about giving an oil change and change out spark plugs. I'm also planning on kinda turning my garage into my little motorcycle work shop. I'm hoping this will turn out to be a new passion and hopefully can be mechanically inclined.
I'd also add to this very good advice...take a riders course even if you "think" you know how to ride. I've had my bike license since I was 19 (many moons ago) and when I first started riding there weren't a lot of chics riding. I decided to take a course at 34. What prompted me was the number of MVA I'd responded to as a medic...pealing people off telephone polls etc.. It was a really short basic 3 day course but I soon learned I had developed a LOT of bad habits over the yrs that I needed to break. It was worth the 200 bucks.
And yeah, don't get too caught up in the hype. Its not what it was 20-30yrs ago and old timers can smell a rub a mile away. Nowadays its watered down with every tool with a credit card. Take your time and stay safe.
Oh ya once I feel comfortable enough to ride in town I plan on taking the riding test for sure. I'm definitely trying to do all this the right way.
I'm gonna look like such a noob out there. My dad's trying to get me to get those panty hoe sleaves with tattoos Lmao. I might just do it. I already have a beard to match lol...
nice ride.....watch out for the doo rag festivals......always a hoot
I will be looking forward to that. Any chance I get to cover up my bald head
It's OK I suppose, but this right here... this is a man's bike. Had to get rid of her due to panties being thrown at me at high speeds. Could hardly keep the ladies off me... 1986 Yamaha virago 750. Incase you are wondering it does come standard with a pussy magnet unlike your Harley.please try not to drool.
no but seriously, nice bike :bigjoint:enjoy her.
Wtf half the reason I bought it was cause I thought all Harleys come stock with such magnets.. I just got out of a 12 year realationship and haven't had sex in over two years...Wtf!!!
Edit: misspelled head
you have the best motor harley ever made. evo's are bulletproof.

the motor is worth more than what you paid for the bike. you did good
that's fucking awesome to hear! I hope your right! I'm thinking/hoping, just by my dad driving it out here will raise the value. I live close to Albuquerque nm, and there doesn't seem to be much to choose from out here. All the cheapest Harleys that aren't even running out here on Craig's list don't even go for under 3k. And I think I've seen a couple like mine but in worste condition going for about 4k out here. So yeah I don't know shit about it, but im hopeing/thinking I got a good deal.
i recommend you take a motor bike training course, no kidding.

ive only owned one harley, a kick start xlch. the bike leaked oil, shook and rattled but she rolled.

i ran off the road while driving my goldwing in the early 90's never sat on another motor bike since.

good luck, stay safe and slow down
Well today hasn't been so good. I wake up to my dad trying to get the bike outta the truck by himself. By the time I got outside he had the rear wheel towards the bottom of the ramp, and the front wheel was hung up or something, and he kept jerking it back trying to get it from being stuck, all off the sudden the ramp falls to the ground, along with the bike and my dad, wobbly and almost fell over( we saved that for me), it looked horrible, I'm half awake and a bit cranky, but dare not say too much cause it doesn't take much to set him off, and I'm grateful he drove it all the way out here.
So anyway, I don't think he realizes how much of a begginer I am. I specifically told him I know I'm going to be most nervous about first gear, after that everything should be good.
So the rode in front of my house has an extremely steep dip and hill that leads to a dead end with a big circle to turn around. The other way is somewhat flat and straight. So he tells me to go up the very steep hill and to stay in first. So that was my dam game plan for my first attempt. So I get on, slowly take off, everything is going good, I'm coming up on the steep hill, the bike starts slowing down really quick, it all happened so quickly, I think I was trying to give it more gas, and the motor sou ded like it was about to die, so then I tried to apply the front brake and just stop, I think I was at an angle, and it was so steep, so I make it to a complete stop and immediately the bike starts slowly leaning towards the left because of the inclined, and I'm trying to keep it up as much as I can, and it slowly falls over, almost as if I gently laid it down.
So now im thinking, Wtf is going on, this totally sucks. My dad comes pulling up in his truck laughing, says multiple times where is his camera he wants to take a picture.. he rides it back home, basically laughing at me for about an hour, and saying shit like i need to get rid of it, its a piece of shit, I don't belong on a bike, blah blah blah. I feel like I wanna get up and start whooping his ass..
So then next thing I know, my dad and lil bro just up and decided they're going to the casino. So I say Wtf I don't wanna end it on that note, I wanna give it another go and go the other dam way. So I did , got up to about 40-45 in 3rd gear. All went smooth when I was going straight, but then here come s a turn and I dam near go off the rode...lol. so I need Alot of practice in turning. so I was able to make it about a mile to the end of the rode, did a uturn which was kinda tricky, and made it back home ok..I say fuck today. Its been a bad day.
Ive been riding since i was around 4 years old (im mid 40s). I sold M/cycles for 10 years as a job thus have ridden nearly every make and model of bike. Im an A grade track rider. Please listen to what i say

Do a riding course. Dont argue..book it in before you get on your bike again. You will learn to push your bike correctly (yes there is a right and wrong way, esp going backwards). You will learn to pick your bike up correctly when its on the ground. You will learn to "look ahead" whilst riding, counter steering, correct braking techniques for the situation etc etc etc.

Book it in. It may save your's or somebody else's life in weeks/ years to come.
I cannot stress this enough. You need to take a course before you get on that bike again. Park it and book the course before you wreck your bike or kill yourself. Why not see if you can find a little 250 beater to practice on rather than a 500+ lb motorcycle? That way you can at least get the basics down. Don't give up. Baby steps my friend....baby steps.