I just bought my first bike and its a harley!

It's weird, after I rode it that first day, I feel like I got it out of my system. I mean, I'm still anxious to get out there, but I'm not obsessing over it.
And yes , after that short first ride, I know I definitely need to take course. It's a scary feeling when your about to ride off the rode... I was trying to turn the dam wheel and it just wasn't working. I kept going straight while the road was slightly curving left . I was able to slow down and turn just barely enough to stay on the rode, had I gone over one more foot I'd of been in a ditch.
I know I'll learn a lot in the course, I just feel like once I can get use to leaning then I should be a lot better off.
I kinda wish I had like a crossover type bike now since alI I really have experience in is a dirt bike. But I guess hopefully with enough practice I'll get the hang of it.
I'll keep y'all updated and if I suddenly stop replying, it's because I either crashed and died, or have been murdered by a local group/gang of babies.
She leaks a lot of gas and my garage wreaks of gas. I can even smell it in my growroom. Maybe I need to switch over to all diesel strains?
She leaks a lot of gas and my garage wreaks of gas. I can even smell it in my growroom. Maybe I need to switch over to all diesel strains?
She shouldn't be leaking any gas at all. Turn the fuel tap off if it still leaks its probably a stuck jet or float in the bowl.