I just got ripped off. They're gone. Increase your security!!


Hi everyone. I'm new here. I joined on Monday and had planned to get some advice as to harvest time etc., HOWEVER, Monday night some asshole (s) decided they would help themselves to my baby's and they cut them at the dirt. Didn't leave as much as a bud. I have been in mourning but I gotta get past this now. Maybe my misfortune will help someone else that's become complacent in their security.

Here's my before and after pics.
Dumb question at this point, can anything be salvaged from the stems/roots they left??

Thanks for any info.



Well-Known Member
no you probably cant grow another plant off the root system if it has no leafs on it. and theres nothing to get high off of

i think all you can do is ask around and hunt the plat thief down. chances are you know the person who stole them


It has a few tiny little leaves. I need to just dump them and save the soil. I get sick everytime I look out there. As far as it being someone I know...that's the scariest part of all.
Thanks for the info....


Active Member
Man sorry to hear that, have a friend who had all his grow taken, he was building a collective and growing out of his home, he has a video surveillance system and a room mate, who ever they are, they jumped the fence on a friday in the day! toke a few plants, Hay his plants were just about ready to!! then they came back on Saturday sometime in the day? got a few more.

THEN they came back on that Monday and toke the rest!!! but hay!! they did leave him one plant wasn't that nice of them.

No!! better you do your grow inside from now on friend! they know where to go now, your outdoor grow will never be safe, your yard is no longer a secure place for plant growing.

If you do continue, grow indoors make the grow room a vault, planel the windows from the inside and put up a security door on the entrance (only one way in), keep the rest of your house devoid of any marjiuana signs. DON"T TELL call it very personal or what ever you want! just don't tell ANY ONE, even freinds can sideways on you bud, discovering a grow brings out the worst in most people no mater who they are?

Good Luck


hmmm... i would make a list of everyone you told, and see if there eyes are red


Active Member
It was probably someone that knew more than just that you had them, think of anyone you might5 of told you were about to harvest. The problem with even telling one person is they tell two.


Active Member
Man do you have that right or what? (An illegal activity) LOL, this is all I'm tring say Thank You nailed it bud..

Since when do you trust anyone on a subject like this, trust your self and no one else.


Active Member
I did have a thought to take little tinny bells hook them to the all buds on the branches, that way when or if someone ripes them they'll draw some attention, that would be funny. Ha Ha just a dumb thought.


Active Member
I had one of my old friends from a while back call me and ask how to take care of a plant that he had stolen from his cousin! Fucked up.

Sorry to hear about your plants. Get an electric fence for your next op.