I just saved a mans life 15 minutes ago

So what exactly did you do just give him a kiss and tell him it would be alright ..........sorry but you walked into that one don't take it personal ....if what you said happened really happend then you did a good deed just stopping and helping in anyway .......let's just hope he wasn't falling over from some crazy virus that's super contagious and you locked lips with him

read back a few posts,rescue breathing isn't taught anymore or recommended because it wastes time,so no we didn't "lock lips"

apparently according to the " experts " I wasted my time & accomplished exactly shit,my 2 hour course once a year couldn't possible of lead to anything helpful,how could I ever thought otherwise
that wld be keen if bandit and buck could huff in out in politics. hope im not the next casualty for sayin such.

I tried 2 leave the beef In politics like a big boy & found it isn't possible,I can handle him ( and his followers)easily there but I don't want to fuk you guys joint up with nomsense so I'm off 2 politiics,it's been real guys

enema bandit out