I just saved a mans life 15 minutes ago

CPR CCR word games,an old man u don't use the same force as a young man,you use the force you'd use on a child,and nobody but a valid medical worker is supposed to compress the chest with the same vigor as a medical worker,I used the method my companys medical program taught us using dummy's so for the second time no,I didn't break his sternum

so now u say " then my efforts did nothing to help the old man"

anything else I can help u with,any other fault u can find ?

Any attempt to help someone is who is not breathing and has no pulse. Is helpful.
sternum breaking
This is to be expected during CPR, and you should carry on regardless. It is a sign that you are performing good, strong compressions. Oftentimes the cracking sound you will hear is just the cartilage of the ribs and sternum breaking, and not the bones themselves.
Depth of compression for an INFANT is at least one third the depth of the chest, about 1 1/2 inches (4 cm)
• Depth of compression for a CHILD is at least one third the depth of the chest, about 2 inches (5 cm)
• Depth of compression for an ADULT is at least 2 inches (
@Illinois Enema Bandit ....what is with your name you picked for Riu ......is there like a weird butthole backstory with you or were you just attempting to be amusing ......the reason I ask is I couldn't help but notice you were saying you like to act like an adult and be treated like one or something along those lines ...but it's hard to take anybody serious with a name like yours .....do you like enemas
image.jpg Good job doing your part for your fellow man op .

This is what I carry in the pocket door of my truck.
A pocket mask
Window punch
Mag light

And the first car class I took, the pre-Cordial thump was still being used.
I retired before the hands only Cpr came along. I understand the logic behind it. Have no clue what ccr is thou, I will just stick to what I know
View attachment 3772643 Good job doing your part for your fellow man op .

This is what I carry in the pocket door of my truck.
A pocket mask
Window punch
Mag light

And the first car class I took, the pre-Cordial thump was still being used.
I retired before the hands only Cpr came along. I understand the logic behind it. Have no clue what ccr is thou, I will just stick to what I know

I c dat revolver sticking up

I always have a 5 cell Mag in the car and bag in trunk w/ first aid stuff. but I probably wouldn't stop and do what OP did. Applause for that. :clap:
My last interaction with a cop wasn't all that bad. It was the fat bitch on my cousins car that was the problem. My dumb ass cousin @Lamborghini leg lock went to get more beer for us. He was drunk af and bumped into this lady's uhaul trailer. Like and idiot he tried to roll out like nothing happened so she figured the best thing to do was jump on his hood and call the cops. I paid her $50 or something like that and she got off and leftView attachment 3772302
That's one hell of a camel toe she's rockin.

As soon as she left I fired up the smoker so the cops would smell bbq instead of weed. When the cop got there he thought we were the ones that called and told me if she comes back to call them again lol I just said ok.

Whatever happened to getting someone's license and insurance info.
To bad your cousin was drunk I would have loved to see her big ass dumped on the parking lot pavement from a fast reverse......FUPA or not !
This is why Friends don't let friends drive drunk.
Hey Gary, was it worth the $50.00 ?
Whatever happened to getting someone's license and insurance info.
To bad your cousin was drunk I would have loved to see her big ass dumped on the parking lot pavement from a fast reverse......FUPA or not !
This is why Friends don't let friends drive drunk.
Hey Gary, was it worth the $50.00 ?
Yea he is on probation so a dui would've sent him to jail for a while and i didn't want that drama in front of my house
@Illinois Enema Bandit ....what is with your name you picked for Riu ......is there like a weird butthole backstory with you or were you just attempting to be amusing ......the reason I ask is I couldn't help but notice you were saying you like to act like an adult and be treated like one or something along those lines ...but it's hard to take anybody serious with a name like yours .....do you like enemas

OK so indica couch lock is serious :lol:

its a " hippy " thing left over from the 70's,most who were adults in the 1970's know the iconic name,you can google it if u want 2 know,or you can groove on this iconic song from the era & burn one,as for its meaning it could be an attempt to turn kids on to the greatest composer of the 20th century,or just humor,either way a small matterbongsmilie

OK so indica couch lock is serious :lol:

its a " hippy " thing left over from the 70's,most who were adults in the 1970's know the iconic name,you can google it if u want 2 know,or you can groove on this iconic song from the era & burn one,as for its meaning it could be an attempt to turn kids on to the greatest composer of the 20th century,or just humor,either way a small matterbongsmilie

K even after hearing that I'm not upset I didn't know about that song whatsoever ......and once again don't be to suprised when people don't take you serious ....with a device made to slide into a rectum clearly in your name
I'm not here to argue anymore, but I'm man enough to admit I'm wrong. First off sorry @sunni for getting this thread so far off track. Wasn't my intention at all. I misunderstood what @UncleBuck was trying to say and I'm sorry for that unclebuck. I don't know you anymore than anyone on this site knows me. I still don't appreciate being insulted multiple times over a misunderstanding, but thats ok. I coulda thought and said things different the same way everyone else could have. This probably means nothing to alot of people but it does to me. Like I said before ill admit when I'm wrong and I'm trying to now. Take it for what you will.