I just voted

You know damn well you arent going to vote with your lazy ass, let alone actually looking up info about judges lmao.
filled out my ballot, signed it and sealed it. Will deliver it in person on Election Day

100% Democrats, even down to dog catcher

I even went through all 15 judges to see who they were appointed by. Any judge appointed by a republican got the ax
Im too busy to vote. Maybe I'll get to it later.
Lizzie Borden(the OP) thinks guns are too violent, but has no qualms with chopping you to bits with an axe. I personally think getting shot would be a much less painful death.
The OP needs someone to love him. Clearly deranged and in need of help.
I mean, why couldn't you actually research all people on the ballot and pick based on their personal stances on issues you care about. Riding a political line is like self endorsed brainwashing smh.