I killed a rat today.

"You don't murder animals. You kill them." - Lee Marvin in the Big Red One.

Fucking hate rats anyways the bastards. I remember when I was 8 or so I lived in the basement of my house, for some reason the windows were lower than ground level so they had these metal barrier things around the outside. Muskrat found his way in there in the middle of the night and couldn't get out, so it beat itself to death against the window over the next few hours in a bad attempt to escape. Of course due to the blinds and my own terror preventing me from raising them I did not realize this at the time, I had the idea it was some ax murderer or some shit, didn't sleep that night. The next day seeing the guts against the window and that fuckers lifeless body with its slimy fucking tail traumatized me even more. Had a few muskrat nightmares after that experience.
Any human who thinks it's okay to just kill whatever because we're in some way inconvenienced is part of what's going wrong with this world. And stay the FUCK away from my pet rat, ALL of you.
Any human who thinks it's okay to just kill whatever because we're in some way inconvenienced is part of what's going wrong with this world. And stay the FUCK away from my pet rat, ALL of you.

Pet rats are "different category". I would not want to share my living space with a wild rat. Rabies is a real threat, and I consider it an inconvenience worthy of direct measures. Two animals enter ... only one leaves. cn
Any human who thinks it's okay to just kill whatever because we're in some way inconvenienced is part of what's going wrong with this world. And stay the FUCK away from my pet rat, ALL of you.

I wouldn't kill your pet rat, thats fucked up. But alas now I have to run 50' of cable through walls and shit again, so I'm sticking to the he had it coming card.
well its probably a good thing that its dead but it does really suck the way you had to do it. I mean he probably suffered a horrible painful death. I dont think anyone animal or not wants to die that way.
so its bitter sweet. hopefully there arent more in your walls or youre going to have a blood bath on your hands
Any human who thinks it's okay to just kill whatever because we're in some way inconvenienced is part of what's going wrong with this world. And stay the FUCK away from my pet rat, ALL of you.

thank God Im not the only one here that doesnt think of rats as nasty pests.
I feel terrible. I woke up in the middle of the night acouple days ago and heard something scurrying in the wall. So I bought a glue trap and when I checked it this morning there was a rat stuck in it. I didn't really know what to do with it. I was afraid I'd get the bubonic plague or something. The only thing I could think to do was grab my crutch and beat him to death with the shoulder end. But here's the fucked up part...He had made it back to his point of entrance but couldn't fit through the hole cuz the trap was so big, so when I beat him I'm freaking out thinking his family was on the other side of the hole and just had to stand there and watch as I beat their patriarch to death. I don't know I feel shitty, what was I to do? I think if I some how corralled him without getting bitten and set him free, that he would just come back or another would take its place. Atleast thats what I reasoned myself with after the murder. I'm so high.

It's a good thing to feel sad about it, it wasn't a good situation but next time you'll know to take a more humane approach, don't listen to the idiots egging on the torture and murder of non-human animals... they're shallow minds don't comprehend what it means to actually be a human and recognize the importance of life shared with all things on this planet.

LMAO My how mankind has fallen.

Indeed, people like the OP are so rare these days... humans with compassion for the other animals on this planet, no matter their size or seemingly meaningless existence... fact is all of our lives are of equal value.

Now if only everyone would share that same compassion.
I was afraid I'd get the bubonic plague or something.

The only thing I could think to do was grab my crutch

other side of the hole and just had to stand there and watch as I beat their patriarch to death.

Atleast thats what I reasoned myself with after the murder. I'm so high.

These statements make the story :) You sir made my day! lmao...
I feel terrible. I woke up in the middle of the night acouple days ago and heard something scurrying in the wall. So I bought a glue trap and when I checked it this morning there was a rat stuck in it. I didn't really know what to do with it. I was afraid I'd get the bubonic plague or something. The only thing I could think to do was grab my crutch and beat him to death with the shoulder end. But here's the fucked up part...He had made it back to his point of entrance but couldn't fit through the hole cuz the trap was so big, so when I beat him I'm freaking out thinking his family was on the other side of the hole and just had to stand there and watch as I beat their patriarch to death. I don't know I feel shitty, what was I to do? I think if I some how corralled him without getting bitten and set him free, that he would just come back or another would take its place. Atleast thats what I reasoned myself with after the murder. I'm so high.

One time, we a house in Texas, and they destroyed a "prairie" type field to build the neighborhood. So mice would come in all the time, since we had destroyed their homes, to build ours...

My mom would put glue traps in the garage, and mice would get caught.

Whenever she saw that one was caught,
she would put it in a ziplock bag.
Get BIG rubber mallet...
Then she would turn the ziplock bag upside down, so the glue, and the mouse were facing the floor.
Then she would smash it and throw it away...