I killed a rat today.

Yea you probably got em. They are solitary creatures. If you see one, then that's probably the only one, so don't worry about it.

On an unrelated note every time I see the title to this thread I think of the song "I just had sex" by lonely island.

I killed a raaaaaat and it felt so good!

I feel terrible. I woke up in the middle of the night acouple days ago and heard something scurrying in the wall. So I bought a glue trap and when I checked it this morning there was a rat stuck in it. I didn't really know what to do with it. I was afraid I'd get the bubonic plague or something. The only thing I could think to do was grab my crutch and beat him to death with the shoulder end. But here's the fucked up part...He had made it back to his point of entrance but couldn't fit through the hole cuz the trap was so big, so when I beat him I'm freaking out thinking his family was on the other side of the hole and just had to stand there and watch as I beat their patriarch to death. I don't know I feel shitty, what was I to do? I think if I some how corralled him without getting bitten and set him free, that he would just come back or another would take its place. Atleast thats what I reasoned myself with after the murder. I'm so high.
fucking hilarious
You done the right thing imo, consideration for vermin is a fucking annoying trend in the UK from animal rights cunts.
I like nature as much as anyone, I've rescued bat's, ducks, swans, foxes and deer to name a few, I spent two hours one day getting frogs toads and great crested newts from drain some fuck head had put a large gauge mesh over.

That said If there's a fox at your hen house you shoot it, if there's a rat you trap and kill you can't become emotionally involved.

Idk about the USA but in the UK these days it's like you should feel bad about its almost trendy, your somehow not normal if killing game or vermin doesn't bother you, fuck that I make no apologies for being top of the food chain.
Fuckin eh man, so this one time

I was at buddy's house and he lived in a weird community way out in the desert, so we was drinking tequila started sparring in his house (I was fresh out the Marines and he was fresh out the Navy) we fucked a bunch of shit up broke doors and furniture. And then he was just like hold on and he opened a drawer and it was full of morter firecrackers. And so buddy was all like you want to light these and I was like uhhh ya. So we go out back and start lighting those fuckers off. I happen to glance at his grill and see a shadow duck it's head back inside of it. I said buddy there is a fucking creature in your grill. He said mother fucker! and goes inside, comes back out with two shotguns and throws me one so we start blasting. Next day we come out to investigate and find remnants of a muskrat nest but no rat. So we tried guys we tried.
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Fuckin eh man, so this one time

I was at buddy's house and he lived in a weird community way out in the desert, so we was drinking tequila started sparring in his house (I was fresh out the Marines and he was fresh out the Navy) we fucked a bunch of shit up broke doors and furniture. And then he was just like hold on and he opened a drawer and it was full of morter firecrackers. And so buddy was all like you want to light these and I was like uhhh ya. So we go out back and start lighting those fuckers off. I happen to glance at his grill and see a shadow duck it's head back inside of it. I said buddy there is a fucking creature in your grill. He said mother fucker! and goes inside, comes back out with two shotguns and throws me one so we blasting. Next day we come out to investigate and find remnants of a muskrat nest but no rat. So we tried guys we tried.
We were at a BBQ drinkin a lot of beer all afternoon and the host fires up the BBQ. All of a sudden a flaming rat bails out of the Q and runs into the fireplace cleanout. I had visions of it setting the house on fire so we were trying to find it. No luck.