"I know you don't smoke weed..."


Well-Known Member
"...but I'ma get you high today.

Because it's Friday.

And you don't got shit to do."

Oh, it's tuesday. haha. :bigjoint:

Stoner movie time.
Dazed and Confused for ten win.

Just hit this scene, love it:<br>[video=youtube;e0dG3VCP5j0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0dG3VCP5j0[/video]
I named one of my dogs Maryjane...funny part is try saying Maryjane without singing it like the song......I CAN'T DO IT
I watched Friday the day before yesterday :3

Watch Anuvahood... It's basically Friday, but more of a parody and set in the UK.
Thanks Kuroi I will check it out!

Got it comin' down the pipe... even the cover art makes me think I'll like this movie.
I got mind control over Deebo. He be like "shut the fuck up." I be quiet. But when he leave I be talking again.
I grab a dog, I choke him, and I kick the shit out of him. All day long got my foot up a dog's ass. Just bang, bang, bang -- up his ass. That's my pleasure.
Last one, I promise....gotta love Friday!

Everytime I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen...in the god damn refrigerator. Eatin up all the food. All the chitlins...all the pig's feet...all the collard greens...all the hog maws. I wanna eat them chitlins...I like pigs feet....