Well-Known Member
Even that is not sufficiently accurate. I have met people that you would consider the elite, and for the most part they are not as popularly imaged, especially by the elite in the Democrat Party that paint them that way to fool the sheeple, err pardon me, people into believing their rhetoric about actually being for the little guy instead of lining their own pocket.He said the elite.
America is good, don't get me wrong, not many countries enjoy the things we take for granted. We could be a lot better, we are a nation of swindlers, liars, cheats, torturers and financial warmongers when it comes to the "Elite" among us.
The business leaders, entrepreneurs, doctors and even lawyers that I have met are not that bad. On the other hand, it is clear from the imbecility of the laws that they attempt to pass that the Democrats are speaking to the mirror when they accuse the elite of being corrupt. They should know, because they are.